3.✔ One Piece: Portgas D. Ace~A Banquet! Pt. 1

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This is for my Cousin, who asked for it.

It was a normal day for Sakura, with her falling asleep...again. Which isn't unusual, except this time is was at a more dangerous spot than usual. Most of the time she would wake up on a Navy Warship, it wasn't hard. She had a problem,

Sakura's back had hurt when she woke up, since she had ended up falling asleep on the yard of a marine ship. She fought against every one of them, and won. What else would you expect from a pirate with a 352,000,000 berry bounty? She didn't have to use her Devil Fruit Powers either, just her weapon.

She tossed them overboard if they didn't jump, and took the ship. She was on it up until she ran into some pirate ships, she ditched with her Devil Fruit Powers-not really wanting to deal with them. She flew, she grew tired from flying away and ended up softly-landing/falling onto a ship's mass. Nobody noticed her, which was a surprise. Who wouldn't notice a girl falling onto their ship?

~Sakura's POV~

I woke up to some banging noises, I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was seeing clearly. The Red Hair Pirate's flag was waving in the wind right next to the ship I was on. 'Huh...I guess it is...who's the lucky pirate group to be up against these guys? I looked to the pirate flag of the ship was on and I deadpanned, I caught myself before I fell off. Did I really fall asleep on Whitebeard's ship?!!-Geez...why do I fall asleep in dangerous spots? And weird places at that too.

I moved so I was able to look down and watch below.Whitebeard and Shanks were fighting, their crews were cheering for them. I turned my attention to the figure who jumped up onto the Moby Dick...Huh, I never thought I would see him again. Especially here of all places. It was Portgas D. Ace, aka. Fire First Ace, even when he went to stand next to Marco, Shanks and Whitebeard never stopped fighting each other...I wonder what they're fighting about.

"They were fighting about you," Marco turned to look at Ace

"For how long?" Ace asked

"Um...5-10 minutes now" Lucky Roo took a bite of a piece of meat

"Oh Wow, I slept through their fighting. Who knew, I woke up just like...a minute ago" I said, not bothering to mutter or keep quiet.

The two Captains had stopped their fighting and all attention was on me, they looked surprised-not Ace, he had an amused look on his face which turned into a smirk. I stood up, and dusted off the imaginary dust, I flipped off the mast and did a couple flips in the air before landing crouched on the deck. I used a tad bit of my Devil Fruit power just to make sure I wouldn't break a bone.

I stood back up, crossing my arms right under my chest as I pushed it up slightly. Gaining everyone's attention. Ace grinned at me, I glared at him. He better not...but knowing him, he probably will.

"She's not your type guys" said Ace

Everyone looked to him, some were annoyed, and others were curious to how he would know.

"And how do you know what my type is Ace?" asked Jozu

"Because she's got you beat," said Ace

When they turned to look at me, I wasn't there. I was back up on the mass, crouched. Ace pointed up at me, I smirked and gave them a wave. I had most of their jewels and weapons.

"Awe~ Ace, why'd you have to ruin it?" I pouted

"What!?!?!" everyone shouted

"Give them back" both Shanks & Whitebeard glared at me,

They had their hands on their weapons, I debated on doing it or not in my head...I wouldn't be able to out fly their attacks combined. I sighed, and dropped it all onto the deck. I looked up at Benn from the corner of my eye, he had a gun pointed to my head. I huffed and pulled out a gun, I tossed it down.

He put his gun away, I got up and got back down-this time landing in front of Ace, I moved so I was between him and Marco. I sighed and leaned against Ace,

"You owe me things Ace. Anyways, shouldn't girls be fighting over-" I started

I ended up falling asleep, he was nice a comphy. I jumped up, when I got too hot.

"you. So, how you gonna pay me?" I finished

"But-You just..." both crews sweatdropped

"Banquet?" Ace asked

"Okay, deal" I said

756 Words,

"If you forget your fear you become reckless."

                                                                                                              - Soul Evans

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