Loving Being Different (Vampire Diaries)

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*So, I know I already have a vampire diaries story, but I wanna make another, I hope you like it.!!)

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I wasn't surprised when I heard the first distant cracks of thunder. My day had been horrid, so why wouldn't mother nature find another way to make it worse. I was about a mile from home when I felt the first drops of rain. I had just moved to Mystic falls from texas, where I lived with my aunt. I chose to live with her at a young age, but after mom and dad died, I had to move back to Mystic falls with my brother Jeremy, and my twin sister Elena. I was a bit upset, but not much. I never really knew mom and dad that well, I moved to Texas when I was 5. My parents thought it would be better for me, the stubborn sister. Elena got the sweet genes. We weren't very  identical, she had darker eyes than I did. My hair was was naturally curly/wavy, while hers was straight. Other than that, we were twins. I got all my stuff unpacked early this morning, and traveled into town to find a job, with no luck of course. On my way home, my car ran out of gas, leaving me to walk 3 miles home, in the rain. I quickened my pace as the rain got heavier. I reached a stop sign, that meant I was only a mile away. That's when I heard it, someone was following me. I had hightened senses, I wasn't all human. I was part shapeshifter, giving me a few tricks like speed, strength, and hightened senses. I stopped near the sign, and slowly turned towards the forest, where my follower was hiding. "Who's the-" I didn't get my sentence out all the way when I was shoved against the sign and pinned, by something that was to fast to see, until he was inches from my face. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

I was not going to stay home while Stefan had Elena over. The thought of the two of them sickened me, he was always so different around her, so happy. She always smiled, I shivered at the thought of them together. The rain got worse, but it didn't bother me. I was used to the cold, damp weather that accompanied Mystic Falls in the winter. I rolled my eyes as the thought of Stefan and Elena cuddling to keep warm entered my mind, and that's when I heard it. A human. I turned my attention to the road beside the patch of forest I was in. The human was walking, alone-Typical absent minded human. I smiled, I could play with this one. I began to follow the human, slowing down when they did and keeping a close eye on them. They reached a stop sign, and..well,stopped. 'Ironic' I thought. I froze, they noticed me. I listened for the signal, the usual "Who's there?" Sentence. Humans were so ignorant, if they just stayed quiet they might make it. I didn't waste any time, I pushed forward, pinning her against the sign. She closed her eyes and let out a small yelp. I stared at her, as she slowly peeked out at me. She lifted her head, and began to struggle against me. I looked at her, confused. She was struggling..against me? "Who are you?" I asked. "I could ask you the same." she said, glaring at me. "I'm the one asking the questions." I said, pushing her harder into the sign. 

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"Who are you?" I sent them a sharp glare, how dare they. They rudely push me into a sign and ask me who I am. "I could ask you the same." I said. "I'm the one asking the quesitons."

"And I'm the one answering them, so if you want an actual answer, I'd stop interrogating me." I said. He looked me up and down before loosening his grip a bit. "Who are you?" He asked again. "Loralie Gilbert." I said blankly. "Gilbert?..as in..Gilbert, Gilbert?" He asked. "That's what I said.." I replied awkwardly. His expression changed back to annoyed. "You don't happen to be related to Elena Gilbert, do you?" I debated on not answering him, but seeing as how I was being pinned, I had no choice. "Yes, she's my twin sister."

Damon's P.O.V.-

 "And I'm the one answering them, so if you want an actual answer, I'd stop interrogating me." I looked her over for any sign of fear, but she wasn't scared. At all.I loosened my grip and repeated my question. "Loralie Gilbert." 

. "Gilbert?..as in..Gilbert, Gilbert?"

"That's what I said.." I looked at her in annoyance. "You don't happen to be related to Elena Gilbert, do you?" She hesitated but answered me. "yes, she's my twin sister." 


"Yes,.." She replied. I never knew Elena had a twin, they didn't look much alike, but they both had the stubborn Gilbert charm. There was no denying they were atleast related. 

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"Twin!?" He asked. "Yes,.." I replied awkwardly. "Look, I don't know if you do, but I have a life to live and people to see, So I'm gonna have to say, good, bye." I spaced out the last few words, between breaths as I pushed against him. He was strong, but so was I. I managed to slide him back a few inches and slip out of his grip. He looked at me weirdly before taking a few steps back. "What are you?" He asked. "What are you?" I mimicked. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

"Look, I don't know if you do, but I have a life to live and people to see, So I'm gonna have to say, good, bye." She pushed against me, and surprisingly managed to slide me back a few inches and get out of my grasp. I took a few shocked steps back, now I knew two things. She was way to strong and to fast to be human. "What are you?"

"What are you?" She mimicked. I glared at her, but she simply walked by me. "Goodbye." She said blankly. I turned to watch her go, but of course not without a quick glance at her backside. Living or dead, I was a guy, and we had wants. I sighed and smiled before turning and walking away, before a sharp pain spread across my head as a small object hit it. I twirled around in time to see a small rock bounce to a stop. I looked up at see her eyeing me. "Don't stare at my ass." She warned, though it sounded a bit like a complaint, before turning and walking out of my line of sight.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"Goodbye" I said coldly, but I felt his stare, and I heard the sigh of approval he made as he stared at my backside. I reached down and grabbed the nearest rock, sadly it was small but it would have to do. I turned and chunked it, and with my luck, I managed to hit him in the back of the head. He turned quickly and eyed me. "Don't stare at my ass." I warned before turning and leaving. I wanted to put as much distance between me and him as I could.

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