Chapter 31; Pour Me A Cup.

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Damon's P.O.V.-

That was it. I ripped it off, and watched as the breath just slipped out of her. No pain. No scream. Just sleep.

It's impossible to describe the feeling, having to rip the life away from the girl you're in love with. Not the girl you love, or the girl you like, the girl you are utterly in love with, because everything about her, confused you, and you found her a constant challenge. Knowing how much pain she's in, and having to force yourself to end it for her.

At first, I was in doubt. I thought there had to be a way to fix it, but after it set in, that's when the real pain begun for me.

I ripped the necklace away, and ended the past year of my life. Now she laid infront of me, still, her eyes closed. Slipping my jacket off, I wrapped it around her. She was still in wolf form, and would stay like that, now I suppose.

Lifting her up, I avoided looking at her. I couldn't leave her there though, she meant everything to me. And I couldn't just let that go unknown. I left the shack, quietly, without a word and made my way through the thick trees and to the only place I knew she found a masterpiece in this town. 

The river's calm water made a soft sound that lulled her to sleep usually. I laid her at the base of the dogwood tree she sat at. The same one I found her at after she escaped Klaus just a few weeks before. I wrapped the jacket snuggly around her and rubbed my hand down her head one more time, before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her head, for the last time. 

As I walked home, I thought about it all. What do I tell Stefan? Hell, what do I tell Elena, Jeremy, Caroline, Bonnie, I mean, the whole town loved her. She was a well known girl, that no one hated. As I walked up to my house, I walked into the familiar hallway and made my way down into the living room. 

I paused and looked up from the ground to see Stefan sitting on the couch. He was eyeing my bourbon, but quickly looked at me with an apologetic smile as I eyed him. "You're back." He said standing up. instantly I was at the bourbon. Grabbing a cup, I filled it to the brim and threw it up to my lips, gulping the cup down.

"You okay?" He asked. I turned and eyed him, "You usually don't fill the cup all the way." He said narrowing his eyes. "She's gone." I said looking down at my cup.

"Who?" He asked. "Who's gone, Damon?" He urged on as I kept quiet. I stayed silent, trying to stay calm as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. 

"Damon, tell me who's gone" He said in an impatient voice. I turned quickly, and instantly, I had him pinned against the wall. My cup dropped to the ground, sending a sharp cracking sound through the house as it shattered, spilling glass shards and bourbon onto the floor. 

I tightened my grip on his throat, and narrowed my eyes. "Loralie! She's gone!" I yelled. I eyed my brother as he stayed completely still, he eyed me, with the same look Loralie gave me that day I revealed my secret. I slowly took a step back and let my hand fall limp to my side. "The only person who ever showed me true kindness in this world, when I was at my worst, is gone." I said staring at the wall beside Stefan.

Stefan's P.O.V.-

I watched as he stared at the wall beside me. His eyes wide with thought.  "The only person who ever showed me true kindness in this world, when I was at my worst, is gone." He said, as his eyes grew glossy with tears. "What happened to her?" I asked taking a step away from the wall.

"Klaus and his hybrids, they attacked her..she defended me, and she died for it." He said staring at the wall, showing no emotions as he let a tear slip down his cheek. "No, that's not possible she can't be.." I said eyeing him. 

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