Chapter 17; Showers, Sex, and Fat Guys.

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

I breathed in deeply, entering the boarding house. "Finally.. " I said with a smile. " Damon walked past me, carring my bags upstairs. "You can thank me later." He said heading upstairs. "Didn't plan on it." I mumbled eyeing the bottle of bourbon he left on the table before we left. 

I slowly slunked over to the bottle and poured myself a glass before setting it back down. "Stealing from me again?" 

"Fuck!" I dropped the glass and it shattered around my feet, luckily missing me completely. I closed my eyes and sighed, before turning to face him. "Stop scaring me like that!" I whispered harshly. He held his hands up in surrender. "Where's Stefan?" I asked.

"He went straight to Elena's, said something, blah blah, missing her, blah blah, then I started fantasizing about you in a shower, so I drifted off." He said. I shook my head at him, "You're unbelievable." I said walking around him, and towards the stairs. "You're just going to leave the mess here?" He yelled up the stairs at me. "You made me do it, you clean it." I yelled back down. 

I ignored the small growling sound I heard him send up at me, before slipping into my room and getting undressed. I needed a shower, I took one yesterday, but I loved hot showers. Is that weird? I mean, I like getting in one, just to sit there and think..which to other people it looks like I'm staring at the walls of the shower, but I'm not. I swear.

I Froze, he was in front of me quickly, eyeing me with a dangerous grin. He stepped towards be, causing me to back up into the living room. He continued towards me, till we were in the middle of the living room. "Can I help you?" I asked, annoyed. I really wanted a shower..

He reached down, placing his hand on my shoulder and slowly leaning in, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. He slowly used his hand to slide my shirt down my shoulder, exposing it.  He leaned down and kissed my shoulder, then my neck, before whispering in my ear. "Let's go get that shower.." 

He came back up to my lips, kissing me again, soft at first, then it grew hungrier. As the kisses got deeper it got harder to resist. He pulled my body closer placing his hands around my waist, getting rid of any space between us. Suddenly, I was up against the wall, and he was nipping at my neck hungrily, I pushed him away. He stumbled backwards slightly, and I was inches from him in seconds.

I grabbed his shirt and began trying to unbotton it. He reached in and began hungrily kissing me again. I hate buttons, the damn things wouldn't come undone! In frustration, I growled and pulled away from him before just ripping the shirt in half and letting it slid off of him and onto the floor, sending buttons flying in every direction. 

He laughed in amusement at my urgency, "Slow down," He purred raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "I'll give you a night you'll never forget."

The next thing I knew, I was in the shower, and He had me pushed against the shower wall, pulling my leg up and pulling me closer. Instantly I began kissing his neck, he threw his head back, giving me full access. I kissed down to his collar bone, before going back up and nipping his neck. "Bite.." He mumbled..or moaned..or whatever.

I didn't have to be told twice, instantly my fangs slid out and my eyes grew crimson. His own teeth slid out and he closed his eyes. I sank them into his skin easily, and His own teeth slid out and he closed his eyes.I let the sweet yet metallic liquid fill my mouth. It tasted different than human blood, which was easy to swallow and much like food, his was sweet and...very good. 

When I pulled away, He began kissing my neck, and I let my head fall to the side and he gentley slid his fangs into my neck, barely making a hole, before letting a bit of blood drip out into his mouth. He pulled away, looked down, observing my bloody fangs, before pulling me back into a kiss, and that was it. I couldn't wait anymore and..well you can just imagine the rest. Only me and him should know what happened in that shower after that, I mean, you wouldn't go around telling people your detailed sex life..or would you?

When I woke up, it was around 3 in the afternoon, and I was in his bedroom. So, there you go. That adds on to the details, how'd I get from the shower to his room? It's a secret. So, I'm not saying..shh.

I had on a pair of my sophie shorts and a tank top, along with the necessary under garments. He had on his sweat pants and..of course no shirt. I rolled over to face him, he was already facing me, but asleep. I looked at his neck, the wounds already gone. It was still hard to believe that just a few hours ago, I was innocent, a virgin, And now I had lost it. I'm not sure if you're aware, but Elena was the sex fanatic one. I was still a virgin..was, since I had been incapable of holding a long relationship since..oh I don't know,..I started dating? I sighed and rolled over, and sat up to get out of bed.

Damon's P.O.V.-

I don't think so.

I reached up quickly, grabbing her arm and pulling her back, causing her to fall back onto my chest. I smiled down at her, "Where are you going?" I asked with a smirk. "Well, I was going to go..well, I'm not really sure." She replied. I smiled at her confusion. "I guess I'm just going to go get some fresh air." She said. "Out on the porch of course." She added, sensing my worry. I nodded and released her arm. She sat up and made her way out of the bedroom. I watched her until she was out of my sight, 

Damn she was beautiful.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I slid out of the front door and off of the porch. It was sunny, but chilly. I walked around on the cold ground, and towards the forest, where I could think better. It was beautiful during the day, the sun glittered off of the leaves and the birds flew from tree-to-tree. I sighed and smiled, "Wow.." I mumbled. 

"Beautiful, isn't it." I turned quickly, "Who are you?" I asked eyeing the man, He was about 6'1, with dark brown hair and grey eyes. He was fat..well, chubby, not fat exactly. He wasn't attractive at all, so I made no plan of talking to the stalker. "The names Luke, I'm just here to get what's rightfully Klaus's." My eyes widened, I smelt it. 

Hybrid. I took a step back, but he quickly grabbed me, turning me and placing a hand over my mouth. "He doesn't need you dead, dear so don't worry." I let a small scream slide out, but it was muffled by fatty's hand. I didn't need to scream appareantally, I heard his voice quickly. 

"Loralie! No!"

Damon's P.O.V.-

"Loralie! No!" I yelled from the porch. I've seen this man before, Luke. He was one of Klaus's Hybrids. He turned and looked at me, exposing Loralie. He had his hand around her mouth, and her eyes showed pure fear. He smiled at me and before I could even blink, he twisted his hand, snapping her neck. She fell to the ground cold as he released her. 

She wasn't dead, but it sure as hell was enough to piss me off. I was next to his within seconds, and grabbed his head, twisting it and snapping it, but instead of just snapping his neck, I twisted and turned the thing, until I felt it come loose. I tossed it from the body, and watched as his fat carcass fell to the ground. 

"Loralie?" I asked, kneeling down and scooping her up. She didn't answer.

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