Chapter 13; Stupid Salvatores.

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

"Call Elena." Damon said, sitting me down on the couch swiftly, and turning towards Stefan, who urgently pulled his phone out. "Check the windows, make sure he's gone." Stefan said before putting the phone to his ear. Damon was quickly by the window, peeking out from behind the curtain. "Guys.." I said, "Did she answer?" Damon asked over me. "No." Stefan said sliding his phone back in his pocket.

"This is not good, first we have a new born with cravings for human blood, but now we also have a murderous original on our backs, woopty-freakin'-do." Damon hissed walking back towards Stefan. "Hey, Guys.." I said, "We could always bring her to Tyler, he's working against Klaus." Stefan offered. "Screw Tyler, we need to leave town." Damon said. "Guys!" I yelled, and they both instantly went quiet and looked over at me.

"How about I handle myself?.." I said with a shrug. Damon laughed once, "Maybe you don't understand what's going on here, but we have a damn original after us, not that he liked us before, but now he is looking to get you." He sounded out the last word as though I was a young kid being yelled at. "We should bring her somewhere safe, out of town." Damon said turning towards Stefan. "Where?" Stefan asked. "She'd be safe at our old vacation house in Lake City." Damon said quickly with a smirk. 

I stood up quickly, "Both you of just shut up!" I yelled. They both looked at me with narrowed, curious eyes. "I understand you're trying to help me, but I deserve to put my input in too, It is about moving me somewhere safe, after all." Damon rolled his eyes, "Listen Kid,.."

Kid!? Did he honestly just call me kid? Hell No.

I widened my eyes, "Honestly? I'm not a child Damon! I can take care of myself!" I yelled. Stefan widened his eyes but stayed quiet. Damon was inches from my face in seconds, but I didn't move, I simply narrowed my eyes. "Listen, kid." He hissed. "It's not only your ass that's on the line, ours is too. So shut up, and let us try to figure out a damn plan." 

I raised an eyebrow, And laughed once before looking towards the ground and biting my tongue. I looked back up at him, and said a much nicer version of what I was thinking. "So this is all about saving your asses? Oh god forbid if you get a scratch on that slick leather jacket of yours, or even worse, your hair gets messed up."

Damon narrowed his eyes, obviously getting pissed with every word I said. "That's not what I said." He said coldly. "Oh, It wasn't? Well, it sure as hell is what I heard. You two can figure out what to do to save yourselves, or better yet, how about I leave so you two wont be in danger anymore? I'm not a damn kid, Damon. I can take care of myself, so just let me figure out my own situation." I said stepping closer to his face, before turning and walking down the hall.

Damon's P.O.V.-

She actually stood up to me, even taking a step closer to my face, her eyes glowing slightly. It took a lot of my strength to not kill her, no one had ever actually talked to me like that and gotten away with it without a broken bone, but it wasn't just my mind that stopped me, I couldn't hurt her. Even if I wanted to.

She walked away from me, oh how I hated it when they did that. I let my head fall and I sighed before looking back up at her. "Loralie wait, please." I said taking a step towards her. She turned quickly and looked at me, "Leave me alone Damon, This conversation is over, this fight is over, and we're over." With that, she turned and left me standing in the living room, with Stefan.

I let my hand fall limp to my side and I turned to face him. "I have a feeling there are things you two haven't exactly told me.." He said crossing his arms. "Spill it," He said. It only took about 10 minutes to tell the whole story, and afterwards he just nodded. "That's pathertic Damon." He said looking up at me.

"I thought I told you to leave her be, what is it, you couldn't get Elena, so you go for the next Gilbert in line? What you just did, proves you don't deserve her." My jaw locked up and I stared at him, trying my best to stay calm, but it was so damn hard not to imagine myself ripping him apart. "Screw you and Elena." I spat finally. " Loralie wasn't a back up from Elena,.." I said, unsure of the words. He could see it, the doubts I had in my eyes. Was she just a fall back? I didn't think she was...well,...I don't know.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I wasn't completely upset over me and Damon's Breakup,..after all I was the one that did it. I was actually more numb than upset, it hadn't actually set in by the time I went to bed. The next morning I had a rude awakening. I got dressed and just got done brushing my hair when Damon walked in. Well, more of shoved his way in, he kicked the locked door open and threw a large suitcase on my bed. I just stared at him as the threw my dresser open and emptied the clothes into the suitcase before emptying my closet the same way. 

I just stayed quiet and raised an eyebrow, not to happy, I was going to have to put all those back in. "Go downstairs, and get in the car, we're going to Lake City." He hissed, not looking at me, as he zipped the suitcase up. "Uhmm.." I mumbled. "No. We're Not." I said motioning to me and him, "Maybe you and Stefan are, I'm going to Elena's. But it was nice of you to pack my suitcase for me." I said sarcasitcally before turning back towards the mirror. He turned and stared at me, staying dead silent. I looked back at him, "What?"

Stefan's P.O.V.-

I waited outside by the car, as Damon went upstairs to get Loralie. I wasn't sure if that was the best Idea, and my fears were confirmed when Damon came walking back out of the house, with the suitcase in one hand, and the other holding Loralie's feet down. She was thrown over his shoulder, and propping herself up on his back with her elbows so she could see where he was taking her.

"Put me down, Damon!" She yelled, wiggling. He tossed the suit case in the trunk and made his way around to the door of the car. "Be gentle." I warned him as he opened the door and leaned down, dropping Loralie into the car. He quickly shut the door before she could run back out, and got into the passenger side.

I got into the drivers side and started the car up. "What the hell is wrong with you two!?" She asked, out of breath from the struggle I assume. "We are taking you to Lake City, we need to get you out of town." I said driving out onto the highway. She sat back in her seat and sighed, crossing her arms and looking out of the window. "Stupid Salvatores." I heard her mumbled.

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