Chapter 20; Who's That!?

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Damon's P.O.V.-

Great, I woke up again, and was alone in the bed. Was this a habit for her? I got up and made my way downstairs. "Have you seen Loralie?" I asked passing Stefan. "I saw her sneak out of the door earlier." He replied sipping his coffee. I glared at him, but quickly made my way out of the door.

"Loralie?" I called out, following her soft footsteps into the forest. Where the hell was this kid going? Finally, the foot prints disappeared. "What the hell.." I mumbled.  Suddenly, I stumbled back as a brown blur passed me knocking me out of the way. It took off in the other direction and after I steadied myself, I growled. "Hell no." I took off after it, It ran ahead of me a few yards, but I stayed a good distance the whole time. 

Finally, I skidded to a stop, I was in a clearing, a waterfall flowed off of a large hill of rocks into the small valley I stood in below, creating a large pond, the only difference, was the water was clear, giving me access to see the bottom. No fish...Why was I thinking of that?

I looked up and listened, where did it go? 

"Damon.." I heard her voice, Loralie's. "Loralie, what the hell were you doing running around in your wolf form like that!?" I hissed, quiet annoyed. I spotted her as she walked out from behind the hill of rocks, in her human form, and completely naked. She smiled at hme, a sassy, daring smirk. I raised my eyebrows and looked her over,

"I was just going for a run.." She said innocently. Suddenly, she was inches from me, and she slowly reached up, sliding my jacket off of my shoulders, I let it fal to the forest floor, and instantly went forward, grabbing her and pulling her closer, before kissing her.

"What the hell!?" I pulled away and looked up to the edge of the forest, it was Loralie..wait..two of them!? I quickly looked at the one in my hands, and her face was different, she was a black-haired, green-eyed, girl, maybe 19?

She smirked at me, and I instantly backed away, "Who the hell are you!?" I hissed.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"I'm Loralie." The girl said with a smirk, "Idiots. That witch sure does know how to work magic." She said smilling at me. 

"I asked a question.." I said through clenched teeth. "Loralie.." Damon whispered. I shot my eyes over to him and he insantly shut his mouth, and stared at me. "The names Lauren, nice to meet you." She said with a winke at Damon. "The pleasure's all yours." He said with a smirk.

Must I say, Your boyfriend," She licked her lips, "He tastes amazing, and is quite the kisser." She said eyeing him.

"I woudn't say that If I were you.. "he said. "Why not? Because she's a little shape shifter?" She asked. "And a vampire.." He smirked. "What?" She asked, her eyes widening, but it was to late, my eyes were glowing and I shot forward, instantly my clothes shredded into pieces as I changed forms, taking the girl down with me. I pinned her instantly, my weight holding her down.

"Get off of me!" She hissed, baring her fangs. I growled, baring my teeth and moving in closer, I raised my head and brought it back down on her's heavily, knocking her out. She fell quiet, and I took a step back off of her. I turned to look at Damon, he looked at me one time, before looking down and avoiding my gaze. I loked at him, before letting my ears fall. I walked around him, and made my way home.

Damon's P.O.V.-

By the time I got home, Stefan was gone, probably at Elena's and she was sitting on the couch. "Loralie." I said walking into the living room. "Don't." She said. I sighed and took another step into the living room. She stood up slowly and avoided my gaze, "Lori, you can't blame me for this, she was in your body." She turned and looked at me. 

"That is not the problem, Damon." She said eyeing me. "Than what is it!?" I asked. "You really don't know? Half way into you two's makeout session, I showed up and she looked at me, and changed into her real form, she changed and you didn't notice, you didn't stop. Not to mention when she was in my form, she wasn't wearing this." She grabbed the blue necklace around her neck and held it up for me.  "You didn't even notice, you were to focused on naked body..then her's." 

I looked down, "How do you think that makes me feel? I honestly now think you only want me for that. Because it wasn't a bit suspicious that I was running around in the open in my wolf form without anyone when I was naked."  She said motioning with her hands. 

She walked around me, leaving me standing alone in the living room. Stefan got home right after she left, and he didn't look to happy either. "What's wrong with your day, brother?" I asked pouring him a glass of my bourbon. He sat down heavily on the couch, and hesitantly answered. "Elena..she..ended us. She's been cheating on me, with some boy that moved to the school." I raised an eyebrow, "She said she lost her feelings for a me a long time ago, and that...It wasn't fair to me." He added. I Handed him the glass and sighed, "Well, maybe we should more careful with who we open our heart up to." I said.

"What?" He asked eyeing me. "Like..Karoline." I saved myself quickly, He nodded and slowly sipped the bourbon. "I'll be right back," I said disappearing upstairs.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

He knocked at my door, and I automatically knew it was him. The sun was beginning to fall, what a great time for a relationship fight. Fuck me.

"It's open.." I called out. He walked in slowly, and paused by my bed. "Are you okay?" He aksed. I stood up from the window and looked at him. "No." I replied. 

He looked down, "I never wanted you for just that." He said. "Well, that's how it feels.." I replied in a whisper. "Well,..what do you want to do about it?" He asked raising his head and sliding his hands in his pockets. I honestly had no clue what I wanted to do, it was all so confusing..

" would be best if we just..took a break." I said slowly. He stared at me, "Just to see if things are better if we aren't together.." I added.

He stayed quiet but nodded, He turned and without another word left the room.

This really sucks. Majorly.

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