Chapter 15;The mouse.

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Damon's P.O.V.-

The rest of the day, neither of them talked to me. So, I made my day good by finishing off my last bottle of bourbon, that I brought. The next day, Stefan managed to make small conversation, which I was completely sarcastic in response to, But I wasn't surprised when she avoided me and Stefan all day. And the Next Day. And the Next. And of course..the next. It was New Years Eve that I finally saw her. I sat on the couch, and spotted her as she snuck down the stairs and towards the kitchen. 

How she managed to make it around the house without letting me see her, I wasn't sure but I wasn't going to let her escape now. "Ahh, the mouse finally crawls out of it's hole." I said standing up from the couch. She froze and slowly turned. "And the Dick decides to talk to the mouse, why?" She responded with a sarcastic smile. I nodded, "I deserved that." I said. 

"So, what can I help you with?" She asked. "You've been avoiding me, for the past week. Why?" I asked. "Are you interrogating me,..again?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I smirked, "Yeah, and I suggest you answer me."

She rolled her eyes, "It's because of what I said isn't it.." I asked. "At first." She responded, quicker than I expected. "Then, I realized I was stuck here, on my birthday."


I forgot about it being her birthday the day after Christmas. I looked down, "Well, you And Elena are 19? You two are old.." 

"You suck at apologies." She said with a blank expression. I rolled my eyes, "I don't apologize. It's not something I do regularly." I smirked. "Well, I'm hungry so." She turned to walk away, "Wait." I said closing my eyes, I hated doing this. "How about..I make it up to you." I said. She raised an eyebrow, "How?" She asked. "Tonight, it's new years eve. And I'm out of Bourbon, so I'm heading over to the college a few miles down the road, and I'm going to sneak into a college party.." I looked her over, "Do you want to come?"

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I didn't know if I wanted to, being surrounded by drunks and a dick Vampire? It didn't sound fun. "Sure." Wait,..did I really just say that? That did not come out like it was supposed to. 

He nodded, "Meet me outside around 8. It's a theme one..Horror. I'm gonna just wear a suit,...and be, Jack the Ripper like I did before..with.." He looked up at me but didn't finish his sentence. "Just wear something that makes you look..dead-ish." I nodded and turned, leaving the hallway and entering the kitchen. I walked right through the kitchen and back to the stairs, before heading towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and started getting ready. I stared at the clock, it was already 8? Time passes quickly I guess. I headed downstairs, and out of the door. 

I made my way towards the car, and he looked me over. I wore a short dress, one that you would wear for a night in Vegas, and I had my hair curled. I got Stefan to help put fake blood around my neck so It looked like I was dead. He wore a suit and had fake blood on his hands, well I hope it was fake. "Perfect." He mumbled as I walked up. "You look dead." He smiled. I just eyed him.

It didn't take long to get there, and we fit in well. So it wasn't hard to sneak in. I was already aware of his dance-compel- then drink trick. So I did it a few times before I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was him. "Wanna dance?" He asked. I eyed him, "Sure.." I said slowly. It started out innocent,...but stupid kind of buzzed from all the wine, me let it grow into something more. We were dirty dancing, and for some reason, I didn't want it to stop.

And it didn't, until the clock struck twelve and it began to ring out. People began to cheer, and I snapped out of it. I stopped and quickly looked him over. I couldn't believe it, could I just hate him without making it difficult. I looked over at the clock before walking around him and out of the party. 

He drove me home immediately, and I didn't waste any time taking a shower and getting into something comfortable. I snuck down into the living room, he wasn't there. I quietly made my way to a bottle of the bourbon he bought on the way home, and poured myself a cup. I turned to walk back upstairs, but I quicly yelped in surprise. He was inches away from me. I tightened my grip on the cup, to keep from dropping it. He looked me over, he was cleaned up, but still wearing the tuxedo. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

"That's My bourbon." I said blankly. She was stealing my bourbon. I should kill her here and now. "oops, this isn't water.." She said eyeing the cup. I gave her a 'really?' look before rolling my eyes. She smiled and walked around me. "Why did you leave the party early?" I asked turning to see her stop and look at me. "I uhm.." 

"You what?" I urged on, pouring my own glass of bourbon. "I got tired." She said. 'Nice save." I responded. She sighed and set her glass down on the table before crossing her arms. "Truth?" She asked. I stayed quiet, "Because I got mad. I can't hate you without you making it difficult! I want to be able to hate you, and not talk to you, without you making an effort to make me be friends with you." 

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"What? I can't try to make friends?" He asked innocently. "You know it's not that!" I protested. "You can't just let me hate you, you can't just let me be one of your many enemies." 

"So, what." He said through clenched teeth. Obviously, getting angry. "So,..why can't you just let me hate you!?" I asked. "Because!" He yelled. "I have a forever, Loralie. You do too, we're vampires, we are ageless. Meaning our emotions, are forever." His tone began to soften. "And..I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever." I looked at him, trying my best to keep my emotions hidden. 

"You don't mind other people hating you.." I mumbled. "You're not other people, if you were, I would have killed you by now." I looked up at him again, with a disappointed look. He just ruined the moment.  I stayed quiet, "Do you ever miss.." 

"Miss what? Being human?" He asked. "No, smartass." I responded, before softening my voice. "" 

He looked at me, with a blank expression. He slowly turned and set his glass down, and instantly was inches from me. He looked my face over, for any signs of emotions. "Do you?" He whispered. I looked down slowly, and stared at his feet. I felt him slide his finger under my chin, lifting my gaze up to his. He looked down at my lips, and slowly leaned in, stopping only enough to graze our lips together. He looked up at my eyes again, before leaning in. And for the first time in forever, we kissed,

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