Chapter 11; What I Saw Tonight..

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

"This, is for me?" I asked eyeing the box Stefan had just given me. He nodded. We just got home and he gave me my dress for the party, though it was in a box which didn't comfort me much. I sighed "This can't make me look any worse, I mean I'm dead." I mumled and slowly opened it before letting my mouth drop open. It was a dark blue dress with thin black glitter lines that surrounded the edges and made tiny swirling designs on the skirt. "How'd you get great taste?" I asked eyeing it. He smiled and watched me as I took it out of the box and laid it over my bed.

"I won't be at the party tonight.." He said, grabbing my attention.

I stared at him, "But you're the only reason I'm going, you are forcing me to!" I protested. "I know, but Elena texted me and said that everyone should be home.."

"But Damon's missing.." I finished for him with a nod of understanding. "Do what you have to do." I smiled.

He nodded and was gone.

It took me a few hours to get ready, and soon I was on my way to the party. I loved the dress, it was tight around the top and sleevless, but it went loose around the waist. My hair was french braided from my hair line atop my forehead to the back where it swirled into a bun. By the time I got there it had already started.

Elena's P.O.V.-

I spotted her quickly, "Hey Loralie." I said walking towards her. "You look great." I said. She smiled, "So do you." She said. "Where are Damon and Stefan?" She asked. "Not coming, Damon's missing..soo." I nodded, before eyeing a boy that was standing by the bridge, staring at Loralie. "Looks like you've got an admirer." I Winked. She smiled, "" She said with a nervous smile. "Oh come on!" I said. "Are you scared?" I dared her. She narrowed her eyes, "As if." She mumbled before heading towards the bridge.

Damon's P.O.V.-

No way in hell I was going home just yet, I sat at the bar alone. I wasn't drunk, but that was my goal. "Poor me another..uhm,..Andy." I said sliding him the glass. "My name's Bobby." He said. "Either the glass gets filled with bourbon or blood, your choice." I said coldly. He glared at me, but filled the cup up and slid it back to me.

I had always been a drinker, but most blamed me for drinking to get rid of my problems. Not only was that not true, but it was impossible. You can't drink your problems away, even if you are drunk, they will always be in the back of your mind, knocking around, waiting for you to sober up, so they can rule your thoughts again. I didn't even drink for fun either, I drank because it was the only thing that seemed to make everything easier to take in. Me being a vampire, those things used to be horror movies for me when I was a kid, now they were reality, my family.

This was the first time since Katherine, that drinking was hard to do. It didn't help me at all, everything seemed to get worse with each sip.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"Hey." He said with a soft smile. "Hey" I replied. "I didn't know you'd be here." I said slowly. "Yeah, it's almost Christmas soo." He took a step towards me as the music grew softer and held a hand out to me.

Which I generously reached out and high fived. He eyed me and took another step towards me. "Let's not play dumb.." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. He wrapped his other hand around my waist, and I instinctively placed my hand on his shoulder. He began to move around to the music, swaying me. I smiled softly, and blushed,..just a little.

Damon's P.O.V.-

I may have been buzzed, but there was no way in hell I was missing a party. I straightened my tuxedo and made my way towards the crowd. Loralie was supposed to be here, where was she?

That's when I heard it, her laughter. I looked around for her, and I wished I never went to that party. She was on the bridge with him, dancing. She was smiling in a way I'd never seen her smile before. He dipped her and she laughed, he twirled her, and she smiled. I wanted nothing more than to just go over there and rip his head off, but I couldn't do that infront of her, hell, I couldn't do it to her period. He's what made her happy, and That's all I wanted I guess. For her to be happy, even if I didn't do it.

I turned and left the party the same way I came, Silently.

It was around 1 when I got home, Stefan sat on the couch waiting. "Are you drunk?" He asked. "No, of course not." I said raising the bottle of bourbon to my lips. "I'm just substituting happiness with alcohol." I smirked. "Have you been at the bar all day?" He asked with a frown. "You should be careful," I said. "You'll get worry lines with all that frowning."

I smiled and placed my bottle on the table. "You've been getting drunk so much lately, why?" He asked. "Because Stefan," I hissed, instantly inches from him. "Believe it or not, I can't seem to grasp the thing you people call 'happiness'. Every time I get it in my sights, I lose it. You wouldn't understand Little brother, You got your girl. So, let me do what I have to, to be happy." I turned and was instantly gone. Not out of the house, just up the stairs.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I heard him as he listened outside my door, "I'm awake come in." He instantly opened the door and took a few steps in. It was Damon. I sat on my window sill, staring out at the darkness. "What can I do for you?" I asked turning to look at him. "You're drunk.." I said blankly. "Again."

"Yeah..I am." He said coldly. "What do you want?" I asked, standing up. "I can't have what I want..I just..wanted to know,..are we friends?"

I eyed him, "Yeah..of course." I said. "Good.." With that, he turned and headed to the door. "No, no more. I'm not lieing to myself anymore Loralie." He turned to look at me. I stared at him as though he was crazy. "What?" I asked.

"All I want is to be noticed by you. I want you to actually recognize me.." I stared at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I want you to give it a chance, just to see how it would work out." I finally caught on, I am kind of slow.  

"I really hope he isn't your boyfriend.." He broke my chain of thought. I looked at him curiously. "I was there tonight, I saw you two dancing, I hope he's just some dumb guy you just met, but right now I wish I was him. I stood there watching you two dance, and I wished I didn't see you two together. If only you knew how I felt when I saw you tonight, I couldn't stop shaking. I wanted to rip his stupid teenage dream boy head off." He hissed, doing that weird eye thing where they got wide and his eyebrows went up his forehead.

I think I'll give that a name. I'm going to call it the sarcastic stare. I smiled to myself, proud of the name. "Why are you smiling?" He asked, I quickly looked up at him. "Sorry,.." I said quickly. "I just want a chance, I mean, let's just give it a try. You and Me, just to see if it works." He said taking a step towards me.

I looked up at him as though I was being scolded. "Please.." He added.

"Damon...I.." I didn't know what to say, I looked up at his cold, blue stare, And for the first time I saw it. Sorrow, regret, want, need. I felt terrible,..I didn't know what to do.

He took a step towards me and gently grabbed my chin, and instead of kissing me, leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. He took a step back, and looked me up and down.

*Sorry for the horrible ending! I just want to leave you guys wanting more! Will Damon leave, never to return to Loralie? Will She realize she has feelings for him? Does Damon even really mean anything he's saying? Let's find out in the next chapter!:D..when i upload it..of course.*

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