Chapter 28;I messed up your life.

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

He laid with me that night, holding me from behind. I fell asleep easier than I have in a while. I woke up to an empty bed though, and with a sigh, I stood up, and pulled my hair back into a bun. Bruce laid at the foot of my bed, he eyed me before hopping off onto the floor and wagging his tail.

I was a bit afraid lastnight, he didn't kiss me. Not Once, and I didn't understand why, until he told me how much he missed just talking to me. Whether I liked it or not, I meant a lot to Damon.

I made my way downstairs, trying not to trip as Bruce wound through my legs. He hopped off of the stairs and jogged into the living room. I turned and made my way into the kitchen, where Damon was sitting at the table, scrolling through his phone. 

"Where's Stefan?" I asked, disappointed. He always poured my coffee. "Went to go see Elena." He said blankly. "Oh fun." I said with a sigh, turning to see Bruce walk into the kitchen and eyeing the coffee on the counter. "Why dont you take him on a walk." Damon said slipping his phone in his pocket. I eyed him, he was acting weird. "Uhm,.." He looked up at me, and I shook my head at him, before turning and walking up the stairs back to my room.

Damon's P.O.V.-

I watched her walk away, obviously annoyed with my tone. I sighed and rolled my eyes, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. 

Why did you leave?

I sent the text, and no, I wasn't being lazy. I was being preservative. Saving my energy for more important things. 

I waited for a bit, with no reply. I stood up with a sigh and walked around the panting dog that laid on the floor and headed upstairs. I didn't knock, and simply opened her door. She was staring out her window, how romantic.

"Watching the clouds?" I asked walking over to her. "Thinking." She replied softly. I stopped a few feet behind her. I hated that word. Thinking.

"About?" I asked. "Stuff."

I sighed, "That narrows it down." I mumbled, eyeing her. "I told you everything last night, Damon. I told you my secret, how I felt. And now you're acting like..this." She motioned to me with her hands.

"You never even told me how you felt, i Told you because I felt like you deserved to know." She said turning to look at me.   She sighed, "It's pretty obvious how I feel." I replied. She raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, all the sarcasm, drinking, and pissy-ness really makes it clear." She said crossing her arms. 

"You looks so cute when you're being sarcastic." I said with a smirk. "Stop changing the subject." She warned. "Stop being sarcastic and I will." 

"No you wont." She replied narrowing her eyes. "You're smart, you know that?" I replied , "That night, the first night I ever told you that I cared about you, you were so innocent, so young, Loralie." I said eyeing her. Her blue gaze flickered up to my eyes. "Then, I came into the picture, and I did what I always do. I screwed it up, your life was normal before I came into it. I took away your life, education, your chance to live. I just, don't want to do it anymore." I said.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I narrowed my eyes, "What are you saying, Damon?" I asked. "I don't think you falling for me, is the best thing." He said in a whisper. I let my mouth drop open a bit, and my expression changed to 'hurt'. "You..I...what?" I studdered. "You think you messed my life up? No, Damon. Before I met you, I was nobody, I was just a stubborn sarcastic, brat, that was bitter to everyone. Now, I'm more me than I ever have been. Yeah, It was hard at first, but I'm a vampire, that's who I am, I'm me, Damon, you make me me. Now, I'm happier than I ever have been." He stared at me, shaking his head softly. "Loralie, Because of me, you're cursed, and have almost died several times." 

"I've been in situations where I almost died, before I met you. I don't give up Damon," He just eyed me.

I walked over to him after he stayed silent, we were only inches apart. "Fine. Go ahead, and end us, Damon. But, look me in the eyes and tell me first, that you really want to, "

"Of course I don't want to, Loralie." He said closing his eyes and getting annoyed. "I just, can't do this to you, I can't be selfish, and hurt you, just to make me happy." 

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me, that you don't feel anything towards me, that it doesn't hurt when I'm gone, and that you don't worry when I'm hurt, because that's exactly how I feel towards you." I said eyeing him.

He stared down at me, "You really don't give up without a fight, do you?" He whispered. I looked down at my feet, maybe he was right, this wasn't right. I felt him slip his finger under my chin, and raise my head to look at him. 

"I can't say that, because I do Worry, and It doesn hurt. I do have feelings for you." He said staring at my blue eyes. "I'm in love with you, Loralie." He said. "You really annoy me." He said eyeing me, then turning his gaze down to my lips. Slowly, he leaned in, and for the first time in weeks, we kissed. 

 That night, we all went out to the grill to eat. Me, Jeremy, Elena, Stefan, Damon, Matt, Bonnie, and Caroline. We sat at a large table, and we all just..talked. After Jeremy got done telling one of his lame jokes, we all laughed at him, not with him, and I smiled looking around. This is where I belong, this was it. 

I had to die to realize it, but this is where I belong. Mystic Falls, is my home. I smiled and laughed once more, before feeling an arm slip around my waist under the table. I looked beside me at Damon. He eyed me, "Why are you smiling like that?" He asked in a whisper. "Because.." I mumbled. "I'm happy, for the first time, in a long time, I'm happy." I said with a soft smile, he smiled gently, before turning and throwing a sarcatsic comment at Stefan. 

I laughed once more, but my smile faded quickly as I looked across the grill. They sat in a booth, it was the tall man from Klaus's house, and the blonde who Damon had been talking to while we broke up, about getting the cure. They stared at the table, at me. I didn't know how i didn't see it at first, I knew he was a hybrid, but..

she was one too.

They eyed me for a moment, before standing and walking out of the grill. I looked down at my lap, 


This is NOT the end of the book. I thought I might say that, Just updating.! Btw; if you have any suggestions, message me.(: Hope you enjoy! Oh, and keep an eye out for any copiers or stealers please. I keep hearing about some people stealing from other people's stories! If you see it, report it please! Thank you lovelies, XOXO -Abby

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