Chapter 7;Tell me, And I'll leave.

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Damon's P.O.V.-

I slowly walked into the house, my house. Or atleast it was my house, until some teenage brat took it over. Why was I thinking of her, wrong time Damon, wrong time.

Of course, I was drunk. Why wouldn't I be, I had nothing better to do, and right now, I could use a bit of warm happiness in a cup. I made my way past the living room, with the bottle of bourbon in hand.Stefan must have already been asleep, because the whole house was dark. I walked up the stairs and towards my bedroom. I slowed to a stop though, beside her room. A smirk growing on my face, "Stupid girl." I mumbled. Slowly turning and leaning against her door.

"This," I said, motioning to everything. "Is all your fault.." I mumbled, raising the bottle to my lips, wrong move. The door slowly leaned open, I guess the girl forgot how to properly close a door, because My drunk ass instantly fell backwards into the room. I landed on my back, and had to stay still, gaining my breath back. Though I never did understand why vampires needed to breathe, weren't we supposed to be dead?

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I stayed quiet, and eyed my hands in the darkness. They looked the same, which I didn't understand. Wasn't I dead? My skin color should've changed a little atleast. I sighed and placed my hands back down beside me, and pulled my knees up to my chest. 

" all your fault."

I looked up at my door, Someone was outside of it. I narrowed my eyes, and was about to ask who was there, when my door slowly creaked open, and the culprit fell backwards into the room. I yelped in surprise and pulled my knees closer to me. It was quite a dramatic fall, they landed on their back and moaned for a few seconds before rolling onto their hands and pushing themselves off of the floor and to a standing position. 

He stood there, eyeing the spilled bottle of bourbon on the floor. He frowned and sighed, before turning his attention to me. 


We both stayed quiet, staring at each other. "What the hell are you doing awake?" He asked, obviously annoyed with the fact his drink had been spilt. "What the hell are you doing outside of my room?" I mimicked. He smirked slightly, "Oh, I was just enjoying the ups of my life. You know, since it's so perfect." 

"You're drunk.." I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "Okay,.." I mumbled to myself, re-positioning myself to a more comfortable position, Before eyeing him. He looked pretty bad, his eyes were dark and his smirk didn't even seem to hold as much sarcasm as it usually did. He stayed still, staring at me. "Bad day?" I asked.

"Bad day..?" He laughed once. "Try, bad century." He widened his eyes and did that eyebrow thing. He instantly took my question as an invitation and come over to sit at the bottom of my bed and place his face in his hands with a sigh. 

"Why has this...century, been so bad?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest. 

He looked up at me, and let his hand drop limp against his legs. "For starters, I spilt all my bourbon.." He said eyeing the spilt drink. I heard him sigh, and he looked down. "And I found out the witch..I gave you up for, has been dead all along. So, You know.." He looked up at me and shrugged sadly. "Katherine's a lost cause." I nodded slowly, showing him I was listening. "Then, to make it even worse, were right about her, Katherine." I raised an eyebrow, I mentally high fived myself. I got Damon Salvatore to admit I was right. Ha.

"She doesn't care..she didn't..ever." He ran his fingers through his thick black hair that fell loosely across his forehead. "And to top it all off.." He looked over at me. "I think I lost one of the people I care about the most, of my best friends.."He quickly looked down. "Well,.." I started, but I honestly didn't know what to say. I resorted to the only thing I had left, "Come on, Stefan doesn't hate you that much." He looked up at me, obviously annoyed with my joke. I looked away and sat up straighter. "It's hard for her to forgive you..when you gave her life up,..just to get some witch, that was dead." I said, talking in third person. He looked up at me, with a confused look. He raised an eyebrow finally catching on, and looked down. "I just wish she knew, I would do anything to take back what I did..but I can't. I can't take it back, and I know I ruined her life, but..I want her back in my life, I want her friendship back."

"Are..are you crying?" I asked curiously. "What?" He asked looking up at me. "No, I don't cry. I haven't cryed in over 100 years. I don't plan on starting now." I sighed in disappointment, he wasn't crying. His eyes looked dry. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

"Are..are you crying?"  I looked up at her. "What?, No, I don't cry. I haven't cryed in over 100 years. I don't plan on starting now." I shook my head, wishing my bourbon was still here. "I'll have you know, I have a reputation to uphold," I said with a smirk. "Oh yeah? And what reputation would that be?" She asked. "The bad brother." I replied, with a smirk. I felt a pressure on my back and immediately looked back. Her hand was on my back. I felt it, her touch only made my guilt worse. I wasn't sure why, and I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I needed her back, In my life. "It'll all be okay,.." I eyed her. "It may get worse first..but it will always be okay in the end." She was pretty smart for a kid, well..a teenager. With attitude problems. Slowly I sat up straighter, "Lori,.." I said, "I think I might.."

"Might what?" She asked eyeing me. "I think a part of me is in love with you." I said, and my gaze flickered down to her lips. They looked, so soft, so..lonely. I looked back up at her eyes, before gazing back down at them.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

He was staring at my lips, "Uhm..Damon what do yo-"

"Shh.." He shushed me. His blue gaze locked with mine, "Just..don't move." He said, and slowly slipped one of his fingers under my chin. His eyes pleaded with me to just stay still, so I did.Lifting my head, he leaned in. I didn't move, and for the first time, Damon Salvatore kissed me.

It was a soft kiss, and he pulled away slowly after about 5 seconds. He looked up at my eyes, before slowly looking down at my lips, and leaning in again. "Wait, Damon." I said, putting my hands out to push him away. He let his hand fall from my chin limply. "We can't, can't. There's so many things wrong with this.." I said. 

He nodded, "Fine, look me in the eyes, and tell me you don't feel the same. Tell me you don't feel anything towards me, and I'll leave you alone." 

I stared into his blue eyes, of course I felt something towards him. But almost every girl did, this was Damon Salvatore. He wasn't one to admit he loved a girl, let alone was in love with one. I stayed quiet, I couldn't answer him. He was in love with me, but I wasn't exactly sure, I was in Love with him. His expression changed from certainty, to disappointed, and sad. He nodded and looked down, before leaning away from me and standing up. "Fine.." He said. 

He made it to the door, and had one hand on it  about to close it behind him. "Goodnight, Lori" And with that, he left me alone in the darkness of my room. Once again.

 Damon's P.O.V.-

The morning came slowly for me, I wanted to get packed, and leave this stupid town. It would only be about a month, but it would do me some good. I finished packing and met Stefan downstairs where he stood frowning at me, obviously still upset with me, but honestly I didn't care. The only thing he would gain from it would be another worry line across his constantly frowning face. We walked out into the yard, where Bonnie, Elena, and Jeremy were waiting. A large van sat in the driveway, already filled with luggage. I tossed my back at Jeremy, who instantly tossed it into the back and closed it. "So, are we all ready for a vacation?" I asked with a smirk. "Goodbye, I want you to be careful, okay?" I turned to look behind me, where Elena was busy hugging..her. 

Jeremy waved goodbye to Loralie, and Stefan went to stand beside her. "Come on, say goodbye to the kid and let's get the hell out of here." I hissed. Elena shot a glare at me, as Everyone got in the van, and I walked around to the passenger side. I looked over my shoulder to see her, she was looking down, but instantly she looked up at me. I looked down quickly and got into the van.

"You ready?" Jeremy asked, in the drivers seat. "Let's get the hell out of here." I groaned. As we drove away, I didn't look back.

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