Chapter 25;The Truth.

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Stefan's P.O.V.-

"I don't know, that's why I called you...yeah, well it's 2 in the morning, Elena." I said nervously, pacing in my living room. I quickly rubbed my face with a sigh, 

"Stefan, we have to find her..but yelling wont help." Elena responded. "I know," I said slowly, she was right. Loralie might have been missing, but It wasn't Elena's fault. "So, what do we do then, Elena? Just act like nothing's wrong?" I asked, "No,..Stefan. We need to go back to the party, and look for anything, signs of where she went."

"You think she just wandered off?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. "Of course Not Stefan, All i'm saying is we need to find her." She said, obviously annoyed with my fear. "Fine.." I said calmly. "Call me tomorrow, I'll meet you at Tyler's house." She said. I sighed, "Goodnight, Elena."

I hung up the phone and sighed, the fire did little to warm my cold body, as I worried. Where was she? She never left without telling someone, especially me. Me, Damon, Elena, Jeremy, and even Bonnie stayed late after the party looking for her, but there was no sign of her even being there, other than me and Damon driving her there.

The front door flung open and in walked Damon. "Any news?" He asked stopping at the edge of the living room. "No." I said quickly, "What about you?"

"Nothing." He said eyeing the fire. "Where could the little twerp have gone?" He mumbled. The sound of high heels hitting the wooden floor caught our attention and we turned our gazes to the front door. She stood in her blue dress and high heels with her blue rose pin still in her hair. She eyed us both, her eyes glossy with tears, before turning and jogging up the stairs.

Damon turned his attention to me, and I nodded. "Loralie, Loralie!" He said, and turned before he hopped up the stairs after her quickly. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

The little brat wanted to piss me off, as soon as I reached her bedroom door, she slammed it shut. I backed away a step, avoiding a collision with the wooden weapon, before rolling my eyes and grabbing the door knob, and violently opening the door. "Loralie.." I said eyeing her. She had a suitcase on her bed, it was thrown open as she folded and placed clothes into it from her dresser.

"Loralie." I said walking up behind her. She turned to grab more clothes, but stopped inches from my chest, "Don't," She said holding her fingers up as a warning, "Just..don't touch me." She said walking around me for more clothes. 

"Loralie." I said a bit louder as she gave up the folding and just tossed the clothes in. I walked up beside her at the bed, and began taking the clothes out of the suitcase as she placed them in there. "I have to go, I can't." She mumbled. "Loralie, Loralie stop!" I yelled grabbing her wrists, and turning her to face me.

"Good, now as long as we are done throwing a tantrum, let's talk about what your issue is." I said eyeing her. She bit her lip and looked away from me, before laughing once. "Like you don't know." She said looking up at me, Oh god. What the hell did I do.

Ignoring all the past bad deeds now filling my mind, I replied, "No. I don't. Care to fill me in on your little secret?" She eyed me, "This whole,..thing. Our situatin, my situation. Klaus wants me, he can have me. Everything would be so much easier, I mean...he is my maker." She said. I sighed," There's no way in hell I'm letting you go to Klaus." I said. "And he has yet to lie to me, he told me the truth about all of you." She replied, pulling her wrists free. "The truth?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and taking a step towards her.

"Yes. The truth, Damon. I wouldn't expect you to know the meaning of that word." She hissed. "I do nothing but bring all of you down." She said. I rolled my eyes, "Don't pity yourself, Loralie. We wouldn't put up with you if we didn't want to." I said shaking my head. "That's not what I meant, Elena and Jeremy, they both cant enjoy life because they are busy worrying about me. A 19 year old who can't even handle herself. Stefan can't have a normal relationship, he's to busy babysitting me. Then, there's Bonnie, Who spends her time looking for ways to help me." She shook her head and bit her lip.

"Then, there's you.." She said, her eyes getting glossy and her voice growing shakey. "You promised Damon.." She said in a whisper. My eyes widened slightly, as I stared into her's. "And you just need to stop.." She said. I narrowed my eyes, "What?" I asked.

"You're in love with a girl,.." She said slowly, "Who doesn't even know what dress to wear to a party, let alone what she wants in life when it comes to..this." She said staring at my chest. 

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"You're in love with a girl,..Who doesn't even know what dress to wear to a party, let alone what she wants in life when it comes to..this." I said staring at his chest. He shook his head slightly, "Loralie,.." He said. When I didn't look at him he tried again, slipping a finger under my chin to look at him. "Lori," I stared at his blue gaze, he searched for any hope of stopping me, and when none was found, he let my chin fall.

"Fine, I'm not in love with you, I don't love you, Loralie. Is that what you want, will you stay now?" He asked harshly, though a sliver of sadness and pleading slipped out. I looked at him, before leaning down and zipping my bag shut.

"Goodbye, Damon." I said, before throwing the back over my shoulder, and walking out of the room.

As I walked out of the front door, Stefan jogged after me, "Loralie!" He yelled, until he reached the edge of the porch. He stopped. I felt him watch me until I disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

Damon's P.O.V.-

"Where is she going?" Stefan asked me, walking back inside and closing the door. I stepped off of the last step on the stair case heavily, "To Klaus." I replied blankly. "Repeat, please?" He said in disbelief. "The kid's gone, Stefan." I said walking into the living room. "She emptied her room, and left." I said, picking up a glass and filling it with bourbon. I gulped the entire cup down, before turning to look at Stefan.

"Why would she do that?" He asked. "She thinks she ruined our lives, by coming here." I said. "She said, you can't keep a relationship, Elena and Jeremy can't enjoy life, Bonnie is always busy, and it's all her fault." I said filling the cup back up. He raised an eyebrow, "And she failed to say anything about you?" He asked frowning. 

I stared at the wall and nodded, before looking over at him. I looked down quickly, but glanced back up at him, before walking out of the living room, around him, and out of the door. He looked down, and stayed silent. I leaned against the edge of the porch and looked out into the darkness, sipping my bourbon.

Loralie's P.O.V.-

"It's for the best, Love." Klaus said, placing a hand on my shoulder, as he watched Damon walk onto the porch from the darkness of the shadows. He held my bag for me, "Then why do I feel so wrong.." I mumbled, staring at the ground. "Welcome to the past 900 years of my life." He said, turning and walking into the darkness. I turned to look at Damon again, before turning and following after Klaus, and disappearing.

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