Chapter 6; Vacation Time.

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

I sat at the kitchen table, as Stefan poured himself a cup of coffee. I sipped at my own fresh cup before sighing and setting it down. "So, what are the plans for today?" I asked, slowly turning my gaze to a spot on the kitchen floor where sun seeped in through the window and spread out over a corner in the room. "Well, Elena, Jeremy, and Bonnie are all coming over. They want to see you." 

Bonnie, Thank goodness. Jeremy was my favorite sibling, and I loved Elena, but I didn't exactly click with her, though she thought we did. I was actually closer to Bonnie than I was to Elena. "Great, how are they holding up..?" I asked nervously, turning my attention back to Stefan as he sat beside me at the table. "Well, Jeremy's doing fine, Elena's holding up, and Bonnie is curious to see what your real personality is, seeing as how vampirism only brings out your true attitude." I sighed, Damon's real personality sucked. Wait, why was I thinking of that? Why was I thinking of him? This was not the time Loralie, so shut that out of your mind. 

"Loralie!?" I looked up quickly from my cup of coffee. "Yes?" I asked. "You were mumbling to yourself,..and you wouldn't answer me." He said sitting back in his chair. "Oh, sorry. What did you ask me?" I asked, sitting up straighter. "I asked how you were holding up." 

"Oh.." I said looking away, thinking. How was I holding up?

"I've been better.." I said looking back up at him. He smiled and laughed quietly. I felt the edge of my lips tug up in a smile, but it faded quickly as I turned my attention back to the sun-lit corner. "Will I burn if I touch sunlight?" I asked. He looked over at the corner with me. "Yes, so until we get you a sunlight ring, I suggest you don't go near sunlight." I looked over at him and nodded. I made a mental note to avoid all sunlight, I hated getting a sunburn, so I would definitely hate being burnt to a crisp. 

Bonnie's P.O.V.-

Me, Elena, and Jeremy all arrived at the Boarding house around 2. I was excited, I missed Loralie. Not to mention, I was afraid for her, no telling how she was holding up. Stefan finally answered the door after 3 knocks. We all walked inside and into the living room. I spotted her first, she sat on the couch, her eyes locked on a sunlit spot on the carpet. "Loralie.." I said, and her gaze instantly flickered to me. I watched as she slowly smiled and stood up. I made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away and letting Elena hug her. I smiled at the face she made trying to get Elena's Hair out of her face. "I'm fine." She said pulling away from Elena and wrapping her arms around Jeremy. "You rip anyones head off yet?" Jeremy asked, I Smiled and looked over at Stefan, who frowned at Jeremy's question. I let a small laugh slip out. "Hey, why don't you go upstairs and shower up," I said. She nodded to me, she was a smart girl and she knew the right time to object to something and when not to. Right now was not a good time. She ran upstairs leaving me, jeremy, elena, and stefan downstairs. "Hello." We all turned our gaze to the hallway. Damon stepped into view and smiled. 

"Good, we need to talk." I said sitting at the couch. Jeremy sat beside me with Elena on the other side, Stefan and Damon took the chairs on the other side of the room. "So, I think I finally got a solution to our problem. " I said with a smile. "You found it?" Stefan asked, sitting up straighter. "I think so," I replied. "Found what?" Damon asked, looking at me curiously. I eyed him with a smile. 

"A cure." I replied. He raised an eyebrow and laughed once. "Yeah, right." He sat back in his seat. "Well, thanks to your stupidity, once I heard about why she was changed, I remembered something. I took out an old book my grandmother gave me and found a chapter on famous witches, and the witch you were looking for," I said eyeing Damon, "is actually the witch, that supposedly came up with the cure. Though, before anyone could get their hands on it, they buried it in her tomb."

"Her tomb?" Damon asked sitting up. "Yes,.."  I replied eyeing him with hatred. "The witch you gave Loralie up for, was dead." I snapped. He instantly fell back in his chair and sighed. "So, where's her tomb?" Stefan asked breaking the silence. "Well, that's the thing, It's in a town about 5 hours away from here. That's all I know, but I do have someone who can help us. A great great grandson of the witch, he goes by the name of Luke. He lives in the town. He should know where the tomb is." I smiled. Stefan smiled back, "Great. When can we leave?" Elena asked. "Wait, wait wait!" Damon said sitting up. "We all know me and Stefan are going, but other than Bonnie there's no reason any of you should go." 

Damon's P.O.V.-

"We are doing this for my twin. I'm going." Elena hissed. "I'm going because she's my sister." Jeremy said.I let my eyebrows fall, there was no use in arguing with them, it would only cause me to get annoyed and angry. "I'm going." We all turned out attention to the doorway. Now people were beginning to copy me. I was the one that popped up randomly in doorways. Loralie leaned against the opening with a serious face, which only made it harder to hold back a laugh. "Ugh, no." I said blankly. She glared at me, "And why not?" She asked. "Because, You're a newborn, therefore, you will have a strong thirst for blood, and I'm not spending the whole trip watching over you." I meant it too. If she wanted to hate me, fine. But that meant I was obligated to hate her too. "I'm 18, I can take care of myself." she hissed. "And you'll be 18 for a long time." I added. She glared at me, "Yea, no thanks to you." I narrowed my eyes at her. "What happened to never talking again?" I asked with a smirk. "Couldn't get me off your mind?"

"Both of you, shut up!" We both turned out gaze to Bonnie who sent us both death glares. "Look, Loralie, it's dangerous, and we don't want you to get hurt,.." Bonnie said, softening her gaze.

Loralie's P.O.V.- 

I sighed, "Yea, You're right." I replied. "And I'll stay behind with you." Stefan said with a smile. I nodded slowly, "So, when do you leave?" I asked. "We'll need atleast a week to arrange vehicles and get packed. We'll be gone for awhile." Bonnie replied. I nodded, "I'll be up in my room, if you need me." I said before turning and leaving.

The next week I spent with Stefan, as he trained me to feed on animals. The blood tasted horrible, but I kept it down. I didn't talk to Damon at all. We avoided each other, and didn't speak the whole weak.Elena and Jeremy visited often, but I still wasn't allowed to go home. So, Elena brought over most of my things, and I settled into the guest room. Bonne, Elena, and Jeremy, all stopped by the last day. They said goodbye and left when it got late. I sat in my room on my bed, and instead of trying to sleep, I just rested my forehead against my head and sat in the darkness of my room.

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