Chapter 8; You're Naked!

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Loralie's P.O.V.-

"I give up." Stefan said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. I sighed and looked down, eyeing the carpet. "It's obvious, you just can't hunt animals!" He groaned, reaching over a picking up a blood bag he picked out earlier off of the living room table. We just got back from the woods, where we had spent all day practicing. I failed at all of it. He tossed me the bag and slumped down in the arm chair. I slowly sat down on the couch and began sipping on the bag. 

"So,.." I began shyly. "Does that mean I get the rest of the" I smiled innocently. He smiled back. "No." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "So, what is it I have to do?"I asked. He slowly smiled to himself. "Seeing as how many people are out to get you, I'm going to teach you to protect yourself." 

"'s 9 at night.." I said slowly. He shook his head, "Starting tomorrow, of course." He stood up and went to go upstairs, but froze. "Do you smell that?" He asked. "Of course, I've been smelling it for the past 5 minutes." I mumbled. "That's convenient. Learn to tell me things, Loralie." He scolded, before making his way to the door. "Stay here." He whispered harshly, and with that he was gone.

I debated on staying there, "As if." I mumbled before leaving the house empty. 

Damon's P.O.V.-

I stared down at my phone, my screen stuck on Stefan's name. I wanted to call him, to find out if drama queen had gotten to him yet, but I couldn't. Everything inside of me told me not to. "You still awake?" I quickly turned my head to look at Jeremy, as he quickly turned his attention back to the rode. I wasn't sure why I let him drive, probably because I didn't want to be seen driving a large, chunky, sad excuse for a van. I quickly shut my phone off and slid it back into my pocket. "No, I'm just sleep texting." I mumbled. "Are the others asleep?" 

Jeremy nodded, "Yeah, they fell asleep awhile ago." I turned around in my seat to look at them all. My eyes locked onto Elena, I knew she was still mad at me. I knew she had chosen Stefan, but I didn't want to lose her completely. I wanted her in my life, as a friend if anything. I turned back around and sighed, "How much longer?" I asked. "Maybe an hour." I nodded and quickly gazed out of the window, avoiding any more conversation with the boy Gilbert.

Stefan's P.O.V.-

I wasn't prepared for what I met out in those woods. I smelt one, and only one. I wasn't ready for the  four that showed up. Hybrids, all in wolf form. It was stupid of me not to remember it was a full moon. And to think, I almost brought Loralie out here to begin training. 

I was backed up against a tree, even if I ran away, they weren't regular wolves, they were just as fast as vampires. I made sure my back was covered, before eyeing all of them. One was a dark grey color with green eyes, the one beside it was black with gold eyes. The other two were both brown with brown eyes. They all made their way towards me, baring their teeth. I resorted to my last idea. 

I bared my fangs, and hissed. It was completely desperate and I knew I looked like a fool, but it worked. They backed up slowly, but soon stopped and began approaching me again. One bite, and I was gone. Suddenly, A blur of brown filled my line of sight. 

Loralie. It smelled like her, though it looked nothing like her. She was in wolf form. Her fur was a white like pure snow, and her eyes were a blue, and they gave off a glow. She leaped out infront of me, and immediately bared her teeth. She was out numbered, it was never going to work. 

Loralie's P.O.V.-

I bared my teeth and let my growling come out as a low, and deep sound. I stood defensively in front of Stefan. I could feel his stare, and turned my gaze to him. He looked down at me doubtfully, but I wasn't just a werewolf. I was a shapeshifter, and a vampire. And those wolves could sense it. I turned my gaze back to the four wolves. I bared my teeth yet again, and this time, slowly they lowered their heads and began backing away.

They kept growling but finally, the black one, which I assumed was in charge, bared his teeth at us once more, before turning and taking off in the opposite direction, soon followed by the other three. I stood up taller, and watched them until they were no longer in my line of sight. I turned to look at him, "I knew you were able to do it." He smiled down at me, a silent thanks was sent my way, before I rolled my eyes then growled at him a single time, and began making my way back towards the house. He let me in, though I was still in wolf form. 

Changing form meant my clothes had to be removed, and doing so, would cause me to be naked when I changed back. I went into my bedroom, and closed the door. He immediately opened it back up, "Hey, Loralie. I just wanted to say thank y- Oh my god!" He immediately covered his eyes up. I had just changed back, and appareantally he was unaware of the rule of shifting form. I grabbed the nearest blanket and covered myself, blushing. "I'm just gonna go." He said turning and leaving. As soon as he left, I began laughing to myself. I got dressed and made my way back downstairs.

Damon's P.O.V.-

We arrived at our hotel, and everyone got unpacked and settled into their rooms. I was paired with Jeremy, sadly. As soon as they finished unpacking, everyone went to sleep. Instead, I went to my first priority, Bourbon. I filled my cup and sat down in the arm chair across from the beds. I always dreamed about finding the cure, but for some reason, it didn't make me to happy at the moment. I frowned to myself, before shrugging the thought away and taking a large gulp of the alcohol. I sighed as my phone vibrated on the table beside me. I grabbed it quickly and read the text from Stefan.

Full Moon tonight, got jumped by four hybrids outside of the house. Loralie saved me.

I smiled to myself, 

What, Little brother can't handle a few puppies by himself?

I sent the text and smirked to myself, wishing I saw him in person to say it. I quickly looked down at my phone again, and typed what I was really thinking about.

Is she okay?

Yeah, she's fine. Hey, did you know Shape shifters are naked when they change back to human form?

I got the text a few minutes later, and instantly narrowed my eyes. 

How would you know that, Stefan? 

I just heard it, goodnight Damon.

I slid my phone back into my pocket without responding. I shook my head and took a sip of my bourbon. I couldn't believe it, Little Stefan was trying to get me jealous. How'd he even know I would care about that? I growled to myself and placed my empty cup down. I didn't care, she wasn't mine,  and I sure as hell wasn't hers.

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