💛MARY: Karaoke 💛

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"Come on, nerd."

"How am I a nerd?" Y/n scoffed.

"Because, you do your homework in the library like a nerd."

"Hey, at least I do my homework. And besides, I only do my homework early so we have more time to hang out."

Mary blushed and punched y/n in the shoulder. "Ow! What the hell?"

"You made it weird. Now let's go, they're waiting on us."

Every Friday after school Mary and y/n would go with their friends to the karaoke bar down the street. They've never missed a day. Even the people who work there already know when they are going to be here.

"What took you so long?" Itsuki asked, leaning into Kaede.

"The nerd had to use the bathroom."

"It's not my fault the bathrooms there are always full! I just wanted to go before we left is all." Y/n looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

Yumeko just laughed and pat y/n's shoulder. "Don't be embarrassed. Now that we're all here, we can go."

Yumeko walked ahead, with Kaede and Itsuki close behind. Mary and y/n walked behind everyone, laughing at and mocking the couple in front of them.

The group arrived at the place and went to the counter.

"Jabami. I'd like room number two please." Yumeko said politely, placing some money on the counter.

There was the public area, and then some private rooms in the back that could be bought out for small groups of friends like this one. And room number two was the room that they always used.

"I'm sorry ma'am. It's full. You'll have to wait."

Yumeko placed a little bit more money. "I'm sorry, kid. I can't just kick them out. But you could choose a different room."

"Okay, we'll take-"

Mary cut Kaede off.

"No you idiot! You know us. And you know this is the room we always go to. So either you kick them out and let us in or I'll kick them out myself."

The man laughed. "I see we're extra feisty today, huh?"

Mary slammed her hand on the counter and took Yumeko's money back. Then she started going to the back where the rooms are and her friends followed her.

She burst into the room, startling the woman and man who were in there. "All right, pack it up."

"B-but we paid for 40 minutes and it's only been 10." The woman stuttered.

"Well then, thanks for giving us a free thirty minutes. Now move along please."

The older couple were frail, so they didn't put up much of a fight and just left while they still could.

"You're so immature." Kaede sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. Just shut the door and sit down."

Yumeko close the door and everyone sat down, except Mary. "Y/n. Come and sing this song with me."

"Wait. Why don't we gamble for who goes first? I have a song that has been stuck in my head and I'd like to go first." Yumeko suggested.

"Ugh. Can you just let me and y/n go real quick?"

"Nope! Gambling time, Mary!"

Mary groaned as Yumeko pulled out a deck of cards from her bag. That girl is always ready to gamble and will make a gamble of everything. Who has to pay for food, who has to drive, whose house the sleepover is at, even just who gets to order first at a restaurant. She's the definition of a gambling addict.

Kaede, Itsuki, and Y/n were halfway asleep by the time Yumeko finally won, as she kept prolonging the game by adding more rounds and the two kept tying.

She clapped her hands excitedly and stood on the little stage, preparing to sing her song.

It was an Eminem song.

"I didn't think you listened to such music." Kaede said, wiping off his glasses.

"You did all of that just to sing Eminem?" Itsuki yelled.

Yumeko giggled and sat down. "You two can sing now."

Y/n was confused. Mary hadn't said anything about the song they were going to sing.

Once Mary selected it, y/n whispered to her, "I don't know this song."

"That's okay. Just let me sing it to you then."

It was 'Honey' by Kehlani.

"I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet, a little selfish. I like my women like I like my money, green, a little jealous."

Y/n smiled. Mary had a beautiful voice for someone who yells so much.

"Cause I'm a beautiful wreck, a colorful mess, but I'm funny."

Mary is pretty funny sometimes. Y/n even found her teasing amusing.

"Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet, with a stone-cold neck, yeah I'm charming."

For this next part, she looked straight at y/n and smiled.

"All the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you
Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you
Heartache would stay with you
Fly great escapes with you."

Y/n started blushing to the point where her whole face was pink.

"I countdown to the clock, saw you awake
Don't walk away, or would you wait for me?
I go out to the bar, fuck hangin' with the stars
Don't even have a car, but you would wait for me."

"All, all, all, all the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you
Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you
My heartache would stay with you
Escape with you.

"I like my girls just like I like my honey; sweet
A little selfish, huh
I like my women like I like my money; green
A little jealous
Oh, I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny
Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet
With a stone-cold neck, I'm so charming, oh, oh."

Mary motioned for y/n to come up with her. Y/n walked up and wrapped her arms around her blonde best friend.

"Isn't love all we need? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
The Beatles say prophecy is love
Do-do-do do-do
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti, is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Love, do-do-do do-do."

The song ended and Mary put the microphone back.

"You are so cliché." Y/n giggled.

"I know." Mary smiled and pulled Y/n in for a kiss.

"Ugh, here." Kaede groaned, giving Yumeko 1500¥.

[1088 words]
This one was requested by my friend hey girl 😋

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