sorry (again)

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i remember when i first made this i was thinking to myself "i'm gonna be so consistent with updates and i'm gonna do this and do that" and all this other shit that i just didn't do. i got swamped with requests and schoolwork, and even now that summer is here i'm still pretty stressed and busy.

as i said in my last apology, i sort of drifted away from wattpad and moved to tumblr, and if you follow me over there you know i haven't updated over there in a hot second either. i've been feeling pretty unmotivated to finish anything lately.

so to wrap this up i'm just giving another apology to everyone who made a request that i never got around to doing. i sincerely apologize and didn't mean to give anyone false hope. maybe one day i'll find the motivation to continue to update this but i can't make any promises. i won't label it as completed yet though.

and btw i love reading you guys comments even if i'm not active up here all the time, it still makes me smile knowing people enjoy my work, especially since i'm not too happy with much of my old stuff.

hope everyone has an amazing summer!! (or whatever season it is for you)

also thank you so fucking much for 13k reads! i never ever ever thought something i wrote would get that many, but here we are. even though i'm not here all the time, i still love you guys!!

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