💙KIRARI: Train Station 💙

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"I'm leaving."

Everyone gasped.

"What? Why?! Don't you like it here?" Midari spoke up.

"Did we do something wrong?" Sayaka asked.

"Maybe she's trying to get away from you, Midari." Runa laughed.

"Leaving the council? Leaving the school? Leaving the country?!!" Yuriko started panicking.

"Calm down, Yuriko. She's probably only leaving for like a week." Yumemi tried to keep her cool.

Everyone was throwing questions at y/n, while Kirari remained silent.

The entire student council always had a soft spot for y/n. She got along with everyone but was still able to get work done for the school. Not only did those on the council love her, all the students did! She was very sweet and pretty and could cheer anybody up.

And now she was leaving.

The president loved y/n more than everyone else did. She was in love with the girl. And she had been wanting to tell her for the longest time. But she could never find the right moment. She'd either get nervous or get interrupted.

"I'm sorry guys. You know how things were at home. My mom, my sister and I are moving to Hidari Wakibara, where her parents live. I don't know if we'll come back. But I could try to arrange something so I can visit you guys!"

"Hidari Wakibara?! That's like, a million miles away!" Midari yelled.

"Calm down, it's only an hour and a half away." Kaede sighed.

Everyone started speaking again when Kirari abruptly ended the meeting.

Unbeknownst to Kirari, y/n had feelings towards her too. She wanted to tell her, but got anxious every time, thinking that Kirari was way out of her league. It was hard for her to even talk to Kirari sometimes. Not because she was intimidated, but just because she was nervous.

Y/n left the room, defeated. Knowing she would probably never be able to tell Kirari her feelings.

"So...did you tell her?"

Y/n shook her head.

"Really?! You said you would tell her today." Itsuki yelled.

"I know! But she seemed angry. And besides, I don't leave until next week. So I can just tell her tomorrow."

Itsuki slapped her own forehead and closed her locker. "And you're sure you don't want me to tell her myself?"

"Yes I'm sure. That would be very weird. And I know you would find a way to make it mean."

"It's not my fault she kicked me off the student council for no good reason!"

Y/n laughed and the two best friends started walking to class together.

The next day there was a meeting. And when y/n walked in she realized she was early, as it was just her and Kirari.

"Did I get the time wrong?" She chuckled awkwardly.

"No. I had Sayaka tell you to be here early so I could deliver some news."

"Oh, alright. Good news before I go, right?"

"You're off the council."

"What?! I've dedicated a lot to this school and this council and now I'm just being kicked off?"

"Yes. You won't be here after this Friday anyways."

"I know but I still wanted to spend my last few days here with you guys. But I guess I'm not wanted."

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