💜Midari: Broken Hearts Club💜

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Quick, angry glance. A scoff and an eye roll.

That was the extent of your typical interaction with Ikishima. No words, no physical contact. Just a few rude gestures then you went on with your day. If it were up to you, you'd never want to breathe the same air as her again, but unfortunately you went to school together, and she always seemed to be popping up wherever you needed to be.

At first, she tried to talk to you. Tried to explain herself. But there was nothing she could really say. It was over, it was done. And you didn't want anything to do with her.

Sometimes you still stay up at night wondering what things would be like if you had never caught her. Or maybe if she just never did it in the first place. Then you guys might still be happy. You might've still imagined a future with her.

But no. She threw all of that out the window for some bitch whose name you can't even be bothered to remember.

"You need to stop being so angry with her. It's not going to help anybody." Yumeko always loved to put her two cents in. She was just trying to help, but it only upset you further.

You were about to tell her to leave you alone when Mary spoke up, "What you need to do is get over her. There's plenty of girls at this school! And any of them would bend over backwards for you. And you'd make her jealous. Two birds, one stone."

She wiggled her eyebrows as you tried to find some sort of sarcastic comeback, but ultimately drew a blank. "It's a good idea. We could help you find somebody." Yumeko added.

"Fine. If it will get you two off my case."

The rest of your day was spent being hauled around by your two friends as they went and examined every girl they saw, trying to see who would be a good fit for you. Finally, they settled on this delinquent girl, who's known for getting physical when she doesn't get her way. Tanaka Hotaru.

Tanaka looked you up and down and nodded in approval. "Aren't you the girl that got cheated on by-"

"Yes. Can we not talk about that?"

"Okay, my bad. Come on, I've got some money to collect. You can stand there and look pretty, and cheer me on if things get violent, which they most definitely will." Tanaka smiled and pat your head before walking down the hallway, you close behind her. You looked back and saw your friends giving you huge grins and all thumbs up. Hopefully this dumb plan was going to work.


You didn't know how long you were even supposed to be with Tanaka for, but you were enjoying yourself so you didn't complain. She's nice to you, she buys you lunch, and nobody looks at you the wrong way, unless they want their face pummeled into the ground that is.

At this point, you forgot that you were doing this to make Ikishima jealous. You were just having so much fun forgetting about her. But she had never forgotten about you.

No matter what girl she tried to get with, she could never not think about you. She didn't want any of these other girls. She wanted you. Except you were over here smiling and giggling with some delinquent. Ikishima knew there was no way you'd really get with that delinquent, or at least she hoped so. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to win you back! And even though she could've just not fucked up in the first place, she wanted a chance to redeem herself. You wouldn't give her that.

She'd see you in the hallway, ready to flip you off, then she'd look closer and see that you were holding Tanakas hand. This would make her so angry to the point she'd damn near be red with anger, but she wouldn't even be able to say anything as she knew Tanaka wouldn't hesitate to start a fight, even with a student council member.

The worst part about it, was that you wouldn't even glance her way. You'd be lost in whatever Tanaka was saying. Even if she wasn't saying anything, you just couldn't help but stare at her. Ikishima really was a thought of the past.


"Whoa, this is an impressive set up." The girl admired.

Ikishima smiled at the compliment. "Thanks. I had to pretty much beg The President for weeks for this." She responded as she got their game set up. "And thanks for agreeing to this. My girlfriend never wants to gamble with me."

"Of course! Nobody really likes gambling with me either. I'm just glad to have found someone who shares my passion for adrenaline. Actually, russian roulette is my favorite game! I've never been able to play, but I've always dreamed of it."

"It's so fun. And I add a twist where I implement some poker into it. I'll go over the rules fast so we can hurry up and get into it."

As the two played, the game quickly escalated and both girls were very...excited, to say the least.

However, just as Ikishima was on her knees for the other, kissing her thighs and begging to be shot, the door flew open.

"Midari, I've been looking for you for- What the fuck?"

The two quickly turned to the door and went pale, as if they had just seen a ghost. "Y/n, wait! It's not what it looks like, I swear!"

But her words were in vain, as you had left just as quickly as you appeared.


The memory of that day replayed in Ikishimas head as she sat in the lunch room and watched as you and Tanaka laughed and flirted and talked about who knows what. She remembered all the times she had been the one eating lunch with you, how you used to look at her with all the love and light in the world held in your eyes. But now, you were giving someone else that same look.

Things would never be the same between you again,

and she knew she wouldn't be able to take it much longer.

[1043 words] Requested by:


this is one i had in my drafts since like 2021 and am only just now finishing, so if the quality kinda changes like halfway through that's why. also this is a request that i got years ago and never fulfilled, idk if this user is still active but if you are then im so sorry that im only just now getting to this and i hope that i was able to write what you imagined! had to leave yall on a lil cliffhanger cus i was running out of ideas, if yall want a part 2 lmk any ideas you have for it and ill think about making one.

also sorry to add a new character, i didn't want to use one of the other ones and there weren't really many options so i just made my own. also if it's not apparent i am NOT japanese so if the name i chose is incorrect in any way then please lmk so i can change it! (if you are japanese or speak japanese or anything like that)

and if you didn't know, i started college in august 2023 so im still going to be busy from time to time but im going to finally try to update more! i also want to make more one-shot type books for other fandoms so lmk if yall want to see that and any suggestions on what yall would want to see! ive been getting into kpop lately so if yall want me to make a kpop one shot thing then im down for that

anyways, tysm for reading and if you're still here from 2021, then thank you so much for sticking with me! and thank you for 64.8k reads!! i feel like a lil celeb now 🤭

2 years kinda fucking crazy ngl😭, ima try to finish up all the rest of the old requests but feel free to leave new ones on the requests page! okay byeeeeee love yall <3

2 years kinda fucking crazy ngl😭, ima try to finish up all the rest of the old requests but feel free to leave new ones on the requests page! okay byeeeeee love yall <3

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