💜MIDARI: Protective💜

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"Back away from her or I swear I'll pop a cap in your ass."

"Try me."

Midari placed her gun right between his eyes and smiled. "There's 6 slots in the chamber. I put 5 bullets in. Wanna test your luck, bitch boy?"

A crowd of students formed around the two.


"Are you sure? I can show you a good time. Maybe you just need some extra persuasion. Hm?"

"W-what?! Are you crazy?"

"Yes, but that's not the point. That's what you said to y/n, correct? You wouldn't take no for an answer. So neither will I."


Everyone moved, making a path for Kirari. Y/n ran to Kirari, and immediately hugged her. Y/n is Kirari and Ririka's little cousin. And they adore her and would never let anything happen to her.

"What? I was about to blow his brains out!"

Kirari extended her hand, and Midari sighed, handing over the gun. Then Kirari gave it to Sayaka and she put the safety on.

"Everyone, go to class!" Sayaka yelled, shooing everyone away.

"Midari, you were scaring y/n."

"But that guy was just making me so mad! He kept hitting on her and being creepy and- and I just wanted to kill him!" She punched the wall next to her, causing y/n to flinch.

Midari frowned when she realized she was actually upsetting y/n.

"Oh, babe I'm sorry I-"

Kirari slapped her hand when she tried to reach for y/n.

"Come on, y/n. You can sit in the office with me for a bit."

Y/n, avoiding making eye contact with Midari, grabbed Kirari's hand and they walked away. Midari screamed and kicked the wall once they were out of earshot.

Kirari spent the rest of the day making sure her baby cousin was okay. Giving her snacks and making her comfortable on the couch.

"I have a meeting now, but you can stay in here and watch anime, alright?" She sat her laptop down on the coffee table and pat y/n's head before leaving and closing the door.

Y/n smiled and opened it up, pulling up 'The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.' since that is her comfort anime.

Time flew by and the door to the office opened again. Y/n was expecting to be greeted by one of her cousins or by Sayaka, but instead it was Midari.

"Good grief." Y/n muttered.

Midari chuckled awkwardly and shut the door behind her. "Look, babe. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to scare you. I was just scared. I didn't want you to get hurt, that's all. But I know I probably went too far this time."

"You go too far every time. Someone could just breathe in my direction and you'd start trying to shoot them. And one time you did shoot them."

"It was just in the leg! They lived, sadly."

"Just stop, please. I don't want to stress you out every time something goes wrong. And I know you care about me and you want to protect me but sometimes..."

"I'm too overprotective. I get it."

"Yes! Exactly! Thank you, for understanding."

"Oh no, I don't understand. I just am going to respect the fact that you want me to tone it down some."

Y/n giggled and stood up, hugging Midari.

"You know it's because I love you, right?" Midari grinned.

"I know you do, Cyclops."

Midari pulled back from the hug and started squeezing y/n's cheeks.

"Okay, okay! I love you too. Weirdo."

"But I'm your weirdo."

"My weirdo."

Midari smiled and kissed y/n, running her fingers through her hair. Y/n returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around Midari's neck. It was going for turn into a full on make out session. That is, until someone opened the door.

"Y/n- Midari!!" Sayaka yelled.

The two pulled apart and stared with wide eyes. Kirari and Ririka ran in.

"Don't worry guys, it's okay. She apologized." Y/n reassured them.

"Hm. I'd still sleep with my eye open if I were you, Ikishima." Kirari glared at her.

[689 words] Once again, not requested but I wanted to write it. (so leave some requests people)
I don't like this one as much as the other two I wrote since it's shorter and stuff but I still hope you enjoyed it!

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