🧡RUNA: Top Pt.2 🧡

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all characters are 18+
slight nsfw

"So, what's it like?"


Midari slammed the locker, causing y/n to flinch. "Don't play dumb. I know you go down on Runa damn near every night. So tell me what it's like."

"Okay, for one, I don't. And two, even if I did, why would I tell you?"

"Uh, cause I'm her best friend? Duh. I should know."

"You don't act like best friends. You're so mean to her."

"I just tease her. But the whiny cunt can't take a joke."

Y/n was sick of this. She didn't particularly like Midari. The girl is perverted and rude. Sure, she was correct about them having sex a lot, but that's not her business. That's not something you ask people about.

"If she's your best friend, then ask her."

"Fine! I will."

Midari huffed and stomped away. Finally y/n could have some peace.

But that meant that Runa couldn't.

Runa was in the Student Council room, playing on her game console and eating a lollipop. The usual. When Midari burst in, and made her lose the level.

"I got a question for you, munchkin."

"What the fuck is so important that you made me lose?"

"What's it like when y/n pounds you?"

Runa nearly choked.

"What the hell? Why are you even asking me this?"

"Well, I've never done it. And I want to know what it's like! Not that I'm a bottom like you, but I'm curious."

"No, you're weird. And for the hundredth time, I'm not a bottom."

"No need to lie. I won't tell anyone."

"You tell everyone everything. And I'm not lying. Now leave me alone so I can redo this level."

Midari dropped the topic. But she hadn't admitted defeat just yet. She had a plan.

She propped her phone on a shelf, so that it would be facing Runa, but she wouldn't notice it. Then she started recording.

"Thanks anyways. Bye bye!" Midari laughed to herself and left the room.

Searching the halls, Midari walked as quickly as she could. Finally, she found what she was looking for. "Hey y/n! Runa asked me to come and get you."

Y/n looked the girl up and down. She was suspicious, and she had every reason to be. But she gave in anyways and made her way to the Student Council room.

"You wanted to see me?"

Runa glared at her, "No?"

"Oh. Well, should I stay anyways?"

"Yes, but be quiet. I'm almost at the checkpoint."

Y/n quietly walked over and sat next to the small girl. She didn't want to upset her and make her lose. So she stayed as still and as quiet as possible.

When Runa was finally done, she tapped her shoulder. "You didn't ask for me?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?" Y/n frowned.

"Don't give me that face."

"What face?" She pouted some more.

"That face."

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