💖YUMEMI: Afar💖

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"Ugh, Saori! Why do I feel like this?"

"I-I'm not sure. Why don't you go and introduce-"

"No!" Yumemi picked up her cup and threw it at the wall. All of her cups are now made with materials that don't break. "Are you stupid? I can't just walk up to her! She's supposed to walk up to me! She's supposed to be drooling over me! Why doesn't she love me like everyone else does?!"

For reference, Yumemi had bumped into this girl, y/n, the other week. Usually when Yumemi bumped into people, they would grovel and fan girl at her feet. But y/n didn't. She simply apologized and kept walking. At first, Yumemi thought that the girl did secretly love her, and just wanted to hide it so she wouldn't be seen as weird. But over time Yumemi realized that the girl genuinely didn't care about her idol status!

Apparently she had never been to one of the concerts, never heard one of her songs, and didn't even know her name at first!

"Saori, I need you to find her and bring her here. Now!"

The girl frantically nodded and left the room, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire once Yumemi found more things to throw.

She ran threw the halls, only having a vague description of what this girl even looked like. And she saw someone who seemed to match the description, smiling and laughing with Midari and Runa.

"Excuse me, y/n?"

Y/n looked up with a smile. "That's me. What can I do you for?"

"Miss Yumemite has requested your presence."

"The dancing girl?"

Midari and Runa laughed at her question.

"Yeah, the one who wears bows and frilly dresses and is a kiss up to all her fans." Midari said, laughing and reaching to get a high five from Runa. Although she was left hanging.

Saori tried to hide her rolling eyes.

"Tell the frissy bitch I say hey." Runa waved.

Y/n stood up and followed Saori down the hall. "Am I in trouble? Is this about the time I drew on one of her posters? If it is then I'm sorry. If it's not then I'm not sorry, it was hella funny."

"That was you?" Saori whisper screamed.

"Yep. Good times."

Saori sighed and knocked on the door. "You're not in trouble. At least I don't think you are."

"Come in!" Yumemi yelled.

The two of them went inside and it was a complete mess. Yumemi shooed Saori out of the room and stared at the bored looking y/n.

"Runa says hey." Y/n said, breaking the silence and trying to get rid of the awkward tension.

"I don't care about Runa."

"Uhm...okay. So can I go now or?"

"No! Not until you answer my questions."

Y/n walked closer, slowly, and then stopped when they were an appropriate distance away from each other.

"Russian Roulette of love? That ring a bell?"


Yumemi stomped her foot and got closer to y/n. "What's your deal? Are you trying to get under my skin? I'm famous, okay! Everyone trips on air when I walk by. How can you be in my presence and not be freaking out?"

"I-I don't like that kind of music."

"How?! Everyone does!"

Y/n slowly grabbed Yumemi's hand and kissed it, causing the idol to blush. "Is this what you wanted? Can I go now?"

"You need to do that every time you see me. At least pretend you care about my existence."

So the girl did as she was told, not wanting to be in that awkward situation again. Every time she saw Yumemi in the hallway, she would kiss her hand.

At first she did it because she was told, but then she would actually enjoy it. She'd kiss her hand, compliment her, wink at her, the whole flirting package. And of course Yumemi couldn't complain because she loved the attention.

"H-hey, y/n!"

"Hello, beautiful."

Yumemi blushed some more, making sure to keep the envelope she was holding behind her back hidden from y/n's sight.

"I have something for you."

"Awesome, what is it?"

Just as the idol was about to reveal the letter, she got swarmed by fans. "Yumemi!"

"Sign my shirt!"

"Sign my poster!"

"Sign my forehead!"

"Hey, hey. Leave the girl alone. Let her breathe." Y/n said, fanning everyone away.

"Get away from our Yumemi! You're going to contaminate her with your weirdness!"

"Alright, that's enough, sweaty. Scram!" Y/n started hitting the wall, and the crazed fanboys started leaving.

"Thanks." Yumemi mumbled, accepting y/n's extended hand to help her up.

Yumemi was all sweaty and uncomfortable now. She was contemplating going to her dressing room and changing before giving it to the girl. But no. It was now or never.

Although when she tried to give it to her, it was gone! She looked down the hallway and saw it on the floor, all trampled over.

"Fuck." She sighed and ran to grab it.

"I hope it's still legible. If you need me I'll be in my dressing room."

Yumemi ran off, leaving y/n alone to read the note.

"Dear y/n,

I know that I asked you to pay me attention every time I saw you. I thought it would help me to finally forget about you. So that I could stop stressing about how you never noticed me. But it just made me think about you more. Every time I see you I get excited, and my heart skips a beat. Basically, I love you, y/n. And even if you don't feel the same, I hope that you will at least give me a chance and go on a date with me, and we can get to know each other better. I'm tired of hiding my feelings. So please accept them.

~ Yumemite Yumemi"

Y/n was shocked. She never thought that a girl like Yumemi would love a girl like her. And the truth is, she was glad that she was wrong. Because y/n felt the same way.

She looked around, but Yumemi was already gone. So she ran to her dressing room, hoping she would be in there.

Without knocking, she ran in and saw Yumemi fixing her hair.

"Y/n, what are-"

She was cut off by a kiss.

"You big dummy! You were supposed to let me finish getting pretty." Yumemi huffed.

Y/n just laughed and caressed the idols cheek. "You're pretty cute when you're mad."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Dummy."

[1101 words] still not requested because nobody is putting in requests 😪 (put in some requests guys)
yumemi isn't my absolute favorite but i still enjoyed writing this one

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