💛MARY: You're Mine💛

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slight nsfw
all characters are 18+

Yumeko ran over to you and immediately threw her arms around you. "Did you watch it?"

"Yeah, it was alright."

She had asked you to watch some horror movie the night before. Since she knew you were into that kinda stuff.

"What did you eat this morning?"

"Cereal, like always."

"Ugh. I told you to come over for breakfast! You need to stop eating cereal every morning. That's not healthy. And it's just weird."

"You're weird. Who has the time for a fully cooked meal every morning? Not me."

"Then wake up earlier. Simple solution."

"Yeah, whatever. I had to do some last minute homework last night. And that's why."

"Mhm. Sure."

The two of you continued talking and laughing, like usual. You guys have been friends for a while, and you honestly see her as nothing more than a little sister.

She's a bit touchy sometimes, but you didn't mind. Yumeko was just like that. But there was someone who didn't like it.

And speaking of the devil, here she comes.

"Hi Saotome!" Yumeko chirped, still hanging onto your arm.


Mary always made sure to make it obvious that she was your girlfriend. But Yumeko never seemed to get it. Or she just didn't care.

So she kissed your cheek and twirled your hair on her fingers. Yumeko still wouldn't budge.

"You didn't call me this morning. You made me walk to school by myself." Her face turned into a scowl.

"Sorry, princess. I woke up kinda late, so I just assumed you were already here."

"Well, I wasn't."

"Don't be mad at her! She was up late watching a movie with me." Yumeko chimed in.

"What? Watching a movie with you?"

"I wasn't watching it with her. I was just watching a movie that she told me to watch."

"Yeah, whatever. Jabami, you should probably go. Suzui is looking for you."

Yumeko gave you a big smile and walked off. Leaving the two of you alone in the hallway.

Once Yumeko was out of sight, she immediately kissed you. You didn't complain, and kissed back. "Eager today, aren't we?"

"Why do you let her be all on you like that?"

"Well why do you let it get under your skin?"

"Because! I swear, one of these days I'm going to just find you two making out or something."

"Not true. You know there's only room in my heart for one clingy gambler."

"So you'd cheat on me with someone who isn't clingy?"

"You know that's not what I meant. What I mean is that I want you, and only you."

Mary scoffed and started to walk away, but you grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "Drop the attitude." She held eye contact with you for a second, before nodding. You gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and let her go. "Good job. I'll see you later."

The rest of the day went by as it usually did. Mary participated in some gambles, with you watching on the sidelines. Yumeko and Mary ate lunch with you, both of them all over you. And you walked home with both of them as well.

Mary would hold your hand tightly, and occasionally play with your hair or kiss your cheek. Anything to get Yumeko to back off.

"Bye, (Y/N)!! Bye Saotome."

Yumeko waved and turned the corner, since her house was down that way yet your house was further straight. And Mary always went home with you. Not only because her house is annoying as hell with her little siblings running around, but because she really enjoyed spending alone time with you. And your mother was never home when you got out of school, so it was the perfect chance to hang out with Mary.

When the two of you got inside, Mary immediately ran to your room after taking her shoes off. You followed her, but you walked, not being in any sort of rush.

You saw her in your bed, laying face down and mumbling into a pillow.

"Care to explain the mood?"

She peeked up at you and sighed. "I just can't stop thinking about you and Yumeko. She obviously wants to be more than just your friend. And she doesn't care about the fact that I exist and that I am dating you. It feels like everyday I have to fight for you, because you don't even try to stop her."

You sat down next to her and took out her ponytails. "I'm sorry that I make you feel that way. That's not my intention. It's just that Yumeko is my friend, and she's a good friend. But I'll always love you. Not her."

"You don't mean that." She sat up.

"Yes I do."

slightly nsfw here

You leaned towards her and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Without breaking the kiss, you moved your hands up to her chest to unbutton her blazer. The kiss was broken for a moment, but only so that you two could catch your breath and you could fully remove her blazer.

"Mark me."


"You heard what I said."

"But I thought you didn't like that? You said 'it's embarrassing' so don't do it anymore."

"Stop complaining and just do it." She pouted. For some reason, that little pout always made you giggle.

You complied and kissed her neck, causing her to move her head back in pleasure. She gripped your hair and whimpered with each mark you left. You sucked and bit at her skin as hard as you could, trying to make the darkest hickies possible.

"There. Now anyone who sees you will know that you're mine."

[943 words]
requested by @just-lesbian

i know the request asks for smut, but i did not really feel like making it completely smut

i'm still trying to get comfortable with the idea of publishing smut, so until then all you guys get is this :)

i'm still trying to get comfortable with the idea of publishing smut, so until then all you guys get is this :)

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