💙KIRARI: Baby💙

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All the council members got up and left after the meeting ended. Well, all of them but Kirari and y/n.

Nobody knew of Kirari and y/n's relationship, as Kirari didn't want to put y/n in harms way. She knew that there were people out there who would try to take y/n to use her as leverage against the leader of The Momobami Clan. And y/n didn't mind. She was happy just being with Kirari.

"Lock the door please, y/n." Kirari said, standing up. She didn't want to engage in any sort of PDA until she knew the coast was clear.

Y/n went to close the door and then walked over to her girlfriend who was examining the fish tank.

"Long day?" Y/n asked, hugging Kirari from behind.

"Very long. Lots of paperwork and debts to sort out. I'm tired." Kirari smiled as y/n kissed her cheek. "But I feel better now that I can be alone with you."

"C'mon, I'll meet you outside I just have to get my stuff out my locker." Y/n kissed Kirari's forehead before going out of the student council room.

Once y/n got her things and Kirari got everything out her office, they met each other at the front gates.

Usually they have to hide the fact that they are going home together, but this time they didn't have to worry because mostly everyone was inside watching a gamble.

They got into the Momobami limo and rode to Kirari's house.

"Come on." Kirari whined, pulling y/n all the way upstairs to her room.


"Change first." y/n laughed at the sight of Kirari pouting.

If anyone ever found out that Kirari was a huge baby in private, their jaw would literally fall to the floor. The leader of The Momobami Clan is very tough and scary and everyone is intimidated by her. But when she's alone with y/n? She's a huge softie. She's very cuddly and clingy. But as soon as someone walks in, she's back to her cold, Momobami self.

In fact, the only person who knows about their relationship is Ririka, since she is Kirari's sister and because she knows that Kirari isn't messing around when she says don't tell anyone else. But not even Ririka knows about what they are like behind closed doors.

Y/n took off her school uniform and put on some leggings and a tank top. "Where's my hoodie?" She started searching the room. She usually leaves clothes at Kirari's house since she is there all the time, but now her hoodie was missing.

Kirari giggled, making y/n turn around and smile. "It's a little big, but you still look super cute." She walked over to her girlfriend, who was wearing her hoodie, and picked her up.

Kirari was quite small compared to y/n. As y/n was 5'8 and Kirari was only 5'5. And Kirari was light, so she could be picked up with ease.

"Stop, that tickles!" Kirari giggled as y/n attacked her with kisses.

Y/n just smirked, watching Kirari calm down from her laughing fit. "You big dork." Kirari stuck her tongue out at the taller girl.

"Yeah, yeah. You love my dorkiness."

"I sure do."

Y/n sat Kirari down on the bed and then got in the other side, spooning her. "Here, let me take these out." They both sat up some, allowing y/n to take out Kirari's braids.

"Thank you, they were pretty tight."

"Your hair is so soft. I could just play with it all day." Y/n sighed happily while massaging Kirari's scalp. If Kirari was a cat, she definitely would be purring.

"Ah, that feels good." Y/n stopped, and Kirari turned around to hug her. "Lay down please."

She did as she was told, making it so that Kirari could lay on her chest. "Your heart beat is gonna make me...sleepy." Kirari yawned before finishing her sentence.

"It beats only for you, baby."

"So you die every time I'm not around?"


Y/n reached over and turned off the lamp. Then she pulled the blanket over the both of them.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, sweetheart."

"God, I love you so much."

"I love you even more than that."

[722 words] This one wasn't requested, I just wanted to write some Kirari fluff 😁 (not me posting twice in one day)

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