💖Yumemi: Competition💖

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(S/N) = Stage Name

"Did you hear?"

"Yes!! Is it true??"

"I think so! I can't believe it! I'm definitely going to get her to sign my shirt! And my poster. And my CDs. What if she could sign my arm with a permanent marker!!"

"What's going on boys? You said you wanted something signed?" Yumemi smiled. She was walking through the halls, fixing her hair, when she had stumbled upon the three boys gushing over someone. She immediately thought they were talking about her, since all three of them were prominent members of her fan club.

"Yumemi! Perfect! We heard rumors about the (S/N) coming to attend this school! Is it true?"

Ugh. She hated talking about other celebrities. "Oh. I'm not sure! I'll look into it. Now, what did you want me to sign?"

"What? Nothing? We were just talking about how we wanted (S/N) to sign some of our merchandise!"

"But why? She makes death metal doesn't she? You don't seem like the type of boys to like that."

"She doesn't make death metal, she makes regular pop music. But her lyrics are so deep and meaningful and relatable. And she's so hot! She's my all time favorite. Maybe you guys can collaborate on a song!"

"That's a great idea! I'll keep that in mind."

She smiled and quickly walked away to her den. And then her smile immediately vanished. She heard of a new student coming, but she didn't think it would be you!

She hated you, but you were also her celebrity crush. She just hated how you were way more famous than her. Only the people at Hyakkao really knew Yumemi like that. But everyone in Japan knew you. Actually, everyone everywhere has at least heard your name or seen your face once. You have collaborated with other really big singers and bands, which just gave you more fame.

But despite all of that, Yumemi also found you very attractive. Your voice was so good. You could hit the highest of high notes, yet also the lowest of low notes. It was so smooth and fit well with any song genre. You were impeccable at guitar. Mainly electric guitar, but you could play any guitar handed to you. Your face was structured so perfectly. And your hair seemed so shiny and soft. It was her dream to touch it. And you were so kind too. You weren't fake nice, like how Yumemi was.

She desperately wanted to either be you, or be with you.

It made her want to scream just thinking about the possibility of being in the same building as you. Because she knew if she met you that she would be a complete fangirl, but you would end up taking her entire fan base, no doubt.

So she immediately had to find out if the rumors were true or not.

"Oh, yes. It's true."

"How is she going to balance school and her career?"

"She said she's not going to be going on any tours any time soon, but she will still be writing and releasing music during her stay. Why are you so interested?"

"N-no reason. Thanks, president."

Yumemi sighed and left the student council room. At this point she could just kiss her future goodbye. She worked so hard to gather up those fans, and now she would lose them. For real this time.

Speaking of, there was a huge commotion coming from the cafeteria, so she made her way over there.

When she got there, her jaw absolutely dropped.

It was you. (S/N).

You were even more attractive in real life. Your hair looked ten times softer. And your smile seemed ten times brighter.

Everyone was crowding you, asking you to sign things and trying to be your friend and talk to you. As much as Yumemi wanted to get an autograph too, she had to come up with something quickly to get the attention back on her.

She went up to the balcony thing and clapped as hard as she could, hoping to get everyone's attention. She just wasn't expecting you to be the first one to look. When you looked, you gave her a little smile.

She ignored it, because she did not want to show any interest in you in public.

"Listen! Everyone! This Friday, I'm going to have a concert! And this concert will be free for anyone who wants to come! So make sure I see all of your amazing faces on Friday~!!"

Everyone just looked around confused, and just clapped softly. It made Yumemi want to yell at all of them. She was letting all those filthy idiots see her perform live for free and none of them even cared!

She was about to storm off, upset at the lack of attention, when suddenly the clapping got louder. She looked back down and saw you, with the widest smile ever, clapping like there was no tomorrow. And because of you, everyone else started to clap louder too.

Soon the whole cafeteria was filled with claps and cheers for Yumemi. All thanks to you. And she almost smiled at you, but she couldn't.

She knew what you were doing. Trying to seem all friendly and excited, when really, you just wanted to check out the competition! That's it. You wanted to make sure Yumemi wasn't a threat. And she was going to do everything in her power to show you that she absolutely is your biggest threat.

Friday came quickly, and by then you were very acquainted with the school and it's rules. You were fitting in nicely, and had even gotten on the student councils good side already. Now you were ready to get on Yumemi's good side.

No matter how many times you tried to start a conversation with the idol, she always ignored you or would cut you off and walk away. She was very rude to you, but you wanted to meet her. You had listened to some of her songs and just wanted to help her grow as an artist. And she wasn't going to get anywhere with that attitude.

Everyone assembled in the auditorium. Everyone. It seemed like the entire school was there! Nobody was going to miss out on seeing Yumemi live for free. And nobody would miss out on an opportunity to potentially meet you.

"Thank you everyone for coming! I decided that for today, I would give everyone a chance to be here! It's really the opportunity of a lifetime to be able to attend a free concert, isn't it?"

Everyone clapped and cheered.

Yumemi went through great lengths to make this her greatest concert ever, and it showed. Everyone cheered for her, and everyone was having a good time. Including you. She wanted you to see her as a threat. But you only saw her as potential.

After the concert, once everything died down, you managed to sneak your way back stage. Where Yumemi was talking with her manager.

"Hi! Yumemi, is it? Great show, loved it. Wanna shake hands? Yeah, let's shake hands. Do you have security? If you do, please don't call them on me. If you don't, you should probably get some. The worlds a scary place for people like us. Everyone wants to touch you. And I just realized I'm still holding your hand. And I'm talking a lot. Sorry. I just talk a lot when I'm excited! So, hi! Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N)."

Yumemi was stuck. You! The (S/N) just complimented her AND touched her! She thought she would pass out. It was too hard to seem unphased. She smiled like a kid in a candy store.

"Meet me at the front gates in 15 minutes. That way you can get some time to process this. Okay?"

You smiled and winked at her before running off.

Saori had to catch her when she fainted.

[1324 words]
not requested

i actually kinda enjoyed this one, although i didn't really know how to end it

anyways, i started this one a while back and just finished today, and i'm posting it since i don't have any requests done yet :(

also we are close to 4k reads!!! tysm for that <3

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