🖤SAYAKA: Just A Friend 🖤

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"Yes, of course president!" Sayaka smiled.

You hated seeing her smile so wide at the president. Sayaka was usually a serious and focused girl, and only really smiled and let loose around her girlfriend, which was you.

But before you two got together there were a lot of rumors about the president and her secretary. Some people said that they were a couple. Others said it was unrequited. A few would even say they were friends with benefits. Of course nobody knew the truth. Not even you did. Whenever you would ask, Sayaka would say they had always just been acquaintances. Although the other council members had to disagree.

All of them agree that Sayaka definitely had it bad for the president. But you were new to the council, and therefore didn't know as much as the other members.

Seeing Sayaka and Kirari interact just made your blood boil. But you knew that with one wrong move, Kirari would make your life hell.

After the meeting, Sayaka stayed behind. Usually at the end of the day, you would walk Sayaka home. Sometimes she had a few things to do but you never had to wait longer than 15 minutes.

It's been an hour.

You looked at your phone, sighing. It was on 10% and Sayaka still hadn't come out of the school. She hadn't answered any of your calls or texts.

But before you gave up, you decided to call one last time. She heard giggling.

"Hello?" Sayaka sounded like she was just laughing up a storm.

"Where are you? I've been waiting on you for like, an hour."

"I'm...stop! I-It's (Y/N).."

"Are you moaning?!"

"No! Kirari was just tickling me. Anyways, I went to her house. We had some work to finish and didn't want to stay at the school for too long."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me? Or at least answer the fucking phone?! I called you like, 15 times."

"I'm sorry! I was just busy and wasn't thinking."

"Yeah, busy laughing and getting tickled by the president."

"It's not like that, honey."

"Oh, don't 'honey' me."

"I'm sorry. I love y-"

You hung up and threw your phone at the nearest bush. Good thing you had a protective case on it. Sometimes you'd just throw whatever was in your hand when you got angry, so you've been through a good amount of phones.

The next few days you noticed that Sayaka and Kirari got even more friendly with each other. You knew that Kirari didn't completely like you but you never thought she'd stoop as low as trying to steal your girlfriend! And she never thought that Sayaka would even fall for that stuff!

"(Y/N)! Hi!"


"What's up? You seem like you're mad at me."

"Wow. I wonder why." You scowled.

"Is this about Kirari? I told you we're-"

"Just friends."

"Exactly! So calm down, okay? I love you, and only you."

Sayaka hugged you and you resisted.

"I'll see you later." You mumbled before ultimately walking away.

You didn't want to break up with the girl without having solid evidence that she was cheating on her with Kirari. So you decided to perform a couple experiments.

The next day, you asked Sayaka if she wanted to go on a date that Saturday, to which the secretary replied yes.

Came Saturday and lo and behold, Sayaka bailed at the last minute.

"I-I'm sorry. Some council stuff came up so we are going to have to do it another time."

"No worries." You replied through clenched teeth, and then hung up.

Then it was time to move onto the next phase. PDA.

Whenever you and Sayaka held hands, Sayaka would let go when she saw Kirari. You rarely kissed in public anymore too.

You were roaming the halls before you had to get to class. You turned into a hallway that was empty, except for Sayaka and Kirari. So you decided to hide and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Sayaka, I can't wait any longer."

"Kirari! Someone could be watching."

"I don't care. I need you. Now."

Then they both went into the bathroom.

Having nothing better to do, you decided to lean against the wall and wait for them. It beat walking in on your girlfriend having intercourse with another girl.

Ten minutes went by and then the bell rang. You knew that Sayaka was never late to class.

And as you predicted, the two walked out. Sayakas ponytail was undone, as she was trying to fix it while walking out. And Kirari's lipstick was smeared.

"Have fun?" You asked, standing up from your place on the floor.

The two jumped.

"It's not what it looks like!" Sayaka panicked.

Kirari only laughed. "Yes it is."

"Shut up for two seconds, Momobami." You snapped.

"I'm so so sorry!" Sayaka pleaded.

Kirari had walked off, not wanting to be involved.

"What was the point? If you didn't want to be with me all you had to do was fucking say so. There was no need to try and hide this shit behind my back. I knew your 'just a friend' talk was bullshit!"

"Please, give me another chance! It's just that I missed her. I'll tell you the truth. I was madly in love with Kirari before. And then I met you and you reminded me so much of her, so I thought being with you would help be get over her. It didn't. I just longed for her more. And I didn't have the heart to tell you. I'm sorry."

You raised your hand as if you were going to knock Sayaka straight out. But then you sighed and put it down.

"Yeah, whatever. I hope you burn in fucking hell. We're done."

[980 words] ooh that was a bit of a cliffhanger huh?
not really, but if y'all do want more then let me know and i can make a part 2!

i wrote this chapter a while (like a month or even longer) ago but i just came back to it and did some editing

going forward, y/n will be written as (Y/N) idk it just looks more professional lmao

and the stories will be in 2nd person rather than 3rd

also just wanna say this wasn't requested, i came up with this prompt on my own!

posting twice today to hopefully make up for that long ass break

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