🧡RUNA: Top🧡

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all characters are 18+
slight nsfw


The short girl shot up and looked around, confused. She had dozed off in the middle of a meeting.

"Pay attention." Kirari snapped.

"Sorry. I was up pretty late last night."

"You need to stop playing all those video games so late." Yuriko put in her two cents.

"Video games? Really? It's obvious y/n went to pound town on her." Midari laughed, causing Runa to blush ever so slightly.

"You're disgusting." Kaede sighed, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Can we go back to the meeting?" Runa groaned. Although she liked to tease others, she hated being the one teased

"Don't try and hide the fact you're a bottom."

"Shut up, Midari. I'm obviously a top."

There was a moment of silence. Then everyone burst out laughing, even Kaede and the Vice President, who never really laugh.

"It's not funny!"

"Oh, Runa. You have to admit that it is a little funny." Kirari said, trying to hide her laughter with her hand.

Runa groaned and hid her face in her sleeves out of embarrassment.

The meeting went on, with an occasional comment about Runa's sex life. Making the girl hide even more.

After the meeting ended, Runa was the first to leave. She was too embarrassed to stay any longer than she had to.

She went to the cafeteria, where she knew a gamble was to take place. When she went in, the gamble was already halfway through. But she didn't come to watch the gamble, she came to pick something up.

"Hi Rune~"

"Come on, I wanna go home."

"But I wanted to watch the gamble."

"There will be more gambles. Now come on."

y/n sighed and followed her girlfriend out of the cafeteria. They kept walking towards the front exit, but they were stopped by the infamous beautification officer.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect to see my favorite bottom here." Midari smiled and pat Runa's head.

"I hate you so much."

"I love you too little munchkin." Midari pinched the short girls cheeks.

Y/n giggled, earning a glare from Runa as she swatted away Midari's hands.

"If you don't mind, we were just leaving." Runa huffed and pulled y/n by the hand.

Midari waved goodbye and the couple left.

They went to Runa's house and got settled into her room.

"What's wrong? You seemed kinda mad earlier." Y/n asked, sitting on the bed.

"Nothing. Just Midari getting on nerves as always."

Runa sat down on y/n's lap and started playing on her game console.

They sat in silence for a little bit. Midari would always tease Runa, making the short girl upset and leaving y/n to deal with it later in the day. And she found that the best way to deal with it is to let the girl have some quiet time to take out her anger on her video games.

"Die, you fucking bitch."

"Runa. Language."

"Language." Runa mocked.

Y/n laughed and kissed the top of her head. "Go make me a snack."

"Would a please kill you?"

"Please." Runa mumbled.

Her girlfriend did as she was told and went downstairs to make her a snack. She cut up some fruit and got some juice, doing her best to please Runa.


"Yes, you eat too much junk food. That's probably why you're so tiny."

"What did I tell you? Never mock my height."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

It was silent for a little while longer, until Runa threw her game at the bed, nearly hitting y/n in the face.

"Shit. I'm sorry, babe."

"It's okay. It didn't hit me."

Runa climbed in the bed next to y/n and cuddled up next to her. She fit perfectly in y/n's lap, making for the best cuddles.

"You wanna tell me why you were upset?"

The smaller girl groaned and looked up at her girlfriend. "Midari was teasing me at the meeting. Calling me a bottom and saying we were up doing...y'know."

"Well, we w-"

"I know that!"

"Well don't let it get to you. I mean, I'm not trying to mock you, but people probably would assume you're a bottom. You're tiny."

Runa frowned and crossed her arms, making y/n giggle. "You're so cute when you're mad." She tapped Runa on the nose.

"You're just like Midari."


"You guys treat me like I'm a child."

"I'm sorry. But you have to admit, you do look and act like one."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

Runa stood up and glared at the girl with a seemingly sinister smirk. Y/n sat straight and smiled, knowing what was to come.

"Alright, you know the drill."

[790 words]
ugh i need to start making these longer😪 i'm doing my best and i hope this is good enough for you guys!

requested by: @AnneEstrada527

requested by: @AnneEstrada527

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