im back fr this time

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y'all i just finished a request and uploaded it for the first time in years!!! if you haven't already go check it out, it is the chapter right above this. and if you didn't see, at the end i put a little note but i wanted to make another one and this is gonna be a bit long so scroll to the end for a TLDR.

i know ive said it so many times now but im genuinely so sorry to leave yall hanging like that. i just had a lot going on with hs and now i'm in college so im even more busy. but i still want to create content for yall! i've been writing on wattpad since i was like...13 probably. i'm not going to reveal my age for privacy but all you need to know is im old enough to go to college.

i genuinely love writing and reading and i always have a lot of ideas for stories i just have a hard time translating those ideas into words which is why i haven't been updating because i get busy and even when i have time then i get writers block  and it just sucks. but i love being able to share my work with yall and i love that yall enjoy it and want more. honestly i probably wouldn't come back if i didn't still have people to this day reading my work and commenting and saving it and etc. it makes my heart so happy.

i will admit, i haven't watched kakegurui in years, i don't even really watch anime any more like that tbh😭. but i will still continue this book! idk when ill end it, maybe whenever i eventually forget everything that happened in the series. i've forgotten some things but i remember enough to keep going but just please forgive me if anything going forward is ooc or doesn't align with the plot or whatever.

with that being said, i want to continue this book and finish these requests (and if yall have any more please lmk because i still want to take new requests), but i also want to start another book!

idk yet if i want to make another one shot book or if i want to make a whole ass story but most like a one shot book since that will take less time and work. but idk what i would write about yet. if yall have any suggestions for shows/movies/etc to watch so i can write about them then i will gladly accept them and check them out! but some things im interested in are:

kpop (mainly ggs, my favs being twice, gidle, itzy, and nmixx but i could do more), the walking dead, kdramas (mainly mystery, horror, drama, but also some comedies and the occasional romance), marvel, dc, the dragon prince, she-ra, carmen sandiego, saiki k, tomb raider, monster high/eah, and others that im probably forgetting 😭

so if yall want to see any of that lmk, but if you want to recommend something for me to watch or a fandom for me to get into, then the genres i like are mystery, horror, drama, sci-fi, and fantasy. but im open to others.

ive also considered creating an original story with original characters but that would take some time and if i did do that it probably wouldn't come out for months. however though if yall are interested about that lmk and i can start working on it soon and keep yall updated on the creative planning process and even include yall in some of the world building and character creation! it would most likely be fantasy bc i just love fantasy stuff so much but it would incorporate other genres as well.

anyway, enough of me yapping. if you read all this then tysm and even if you didn't im still thankful that you're here and if you've been here since the beginning thank you so much for your patience and continued support! i'm sorry for making yall wait so long but im back now so let's make the most of it! ily byeeeeee <3

TLDR: sorry for taking so long to update, im going to try to finish all the old requests but feel free to leave new ones. i want to make more one shot books or maybe even a full story so lmk if yall have any ideas or suggestions. thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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