💜MIDARI: Obsession💜

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Midari scrolled through her phone, laughing maniacally. She was looking at pictures she had secretly taken of a certain girl who caught her interest.

Y/n had agreed to gamble the girl, not knowing she was going to create a monster.

Ever since that gamble, Midari has been obsessed with the girl. Taking pictures of her, thinking of her day and night, and thinking of her every time she tried to shoot herself.

Getting off of the floor, Midari went into the nearest bathroom.

"I'll catch up with you guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Y/n said, waving goodbye to her friends.

She went into the bathroom and walked over to the sink. All she wanted was to wash her hands and fix her hair before class. But she was disrupted by an unsettling sound.


Either there was another person named y/n, or they were referring to her. The person must not have heard her come in. Or maybe they did and decided they didn't care.

"Fuck. Another god damn blank."

It was Midari. Y/n was frozen in shock and disgust. She knew she had to run out before Midari caught her. Or at least before she could hear her moaning again.

She saw a gun slide on the floor, coming from the stall Midari was in.

The door opened and y/n only had a split second to make a decision, so she just left the bathroom. She stood in the hallway, trying to figure out what she just witnessed.

Then a minute later Midari came out, smiling at the sight of y/n.

"Y/n! Hi!" She started chasing her down the hallways, blushing and smiling.

"I have to get to class Midari. Can we do this another time?"

"No! I want to talk to you, now."

"Okay...then talk."

Midari was quiet.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd want me to talk. Uhm what did you think about the weather this morning?"

"Really? I don't have time for this."

Y/n turned to walk away and Midari grabbed her wrist. For the first time, y/n was genuinely scared of her.

"Don't!" Midari growled. She stammered and fixed her expression. "I-I mean...please don't walk away from me."

"You're hurting me..." Y/n mumbled, glaring at her wrist. Midari was cutting off her circulation.

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry. I just get kinda nervous sometimes and...uhm...do you wanna gamble again?"

"If it will get you to stop trying to kill my wrists." Y/n chuckled lightly, causing Midari to laugh. She kept laughing. It was unnerving.

In reality, Midari wasn't trying to be unsettling. She didn't want to make y/n uncomfortable. All she wanted was for the girl to like her. Love her even. Was that too much to ask?

The end of the day came and Midari found her prey. "Hey! Can we gamble now! I'm free if you're free!" She yelled, running down the hallway to meet up with y/n.

Y/n thought about running, but it was too late. Midari had caught her. "S-sure."

The two went down the hallway and entered Midari's den. "We will play a game of chance. We each have a gun, and we have to roll a die to see how many bullets we need to put in. And then we roll again to see how many times we need to fire it."

"How will we know when the game ends?"

"When one of us needs medical attention." Midari grinned.

Y/n swallowed her fear and grabbed her gun and a die. "Funny. It's called a die. Which is probably what one of us is going to do." Y/n laughed, trying to get her mind off of her impending doom.

She rolled a 3 and placed three bullets in. Then she rolled a two.

"Aim anywhere!" Midari drooled. It was gross.

She aimed at both of her extended hands, and luckily they were both blanks.

Midari rolled a 4 and a 5. Y/n didn't like her chances.

"Let's see...what part of you would look the best covered in blood?"

With that said, she shot at her stomach, and it was a blank. She aimed at her head, it was a blank. She aimed at her leg, and missed.

"Shit!" Y/n yelled. Even though it didn't hit her, she was still pretty scared.

Midari shot twice more, missing each time. "Okay, okay. I don't think I want to play anymore."

"What?! Why? We are only just now getting started!"

"I could've lost my leg you psycho! I wanted to give you a chance, since everybody always calls you a freak and a weirdo, but now I can see why."

She growled and rolled the die again. "What are you doing?! You already went and I said I don't want to play anymore."

The die landed on six and she put all six bullets in. Then she rolled it again and it landed on three.

"Here." She handed y/n the gun.

"I'm not going to-"

"Do it!"

Y/n closed her eyes and pulled the trigger three times.

When she opened them, she saw Midari standing there, completely fine.

"That was...awesome!" Midari crawled onto the table and pulled y/n's shirt collar so that both of their faces were close together. "I love the way you make me feel. You make my blood rush. I want to feel like that every day."

"Midari, I-"

"Don't talk." She grabbed the gun from y/n's hands, spun the chamber, and shot herself in the forehead. Although it was a blank.

"Damn it."

[946 words] okay this is a chapter i wrote a while back (not requested) but i'm going to publish it since i don't have much else to post

i'm working on a part 2 that was requested so that will be next!

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