🤍RIRIKA: Hanahaki Disease🤍

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a/n please read: i just wrote this whole thing and went back to the request and realized i misread it. in this one i gave the reader the disease although i'm now realizing the request said for ririka to have it. i'm publishing this anyways but to the person who requested, let me know if you want another chapter where i do it the right way! my apologies

"H-hey, Ririka."

"Hi, y/n. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm-" The girl coughed in the middle of her sentence, "I'm fine. I think I just ate something bad."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be working then."

"No, it's fine. My dad is out of town and my moms currently delivering an order. So it's up to me to watch the store for the day." She laughed weakly.

"Why don't you go sit down, and I can watch the store for a little? You don't even have to pay me, I just want you to be okay."

Y/n smiled, but as soon as she did, her stomach rumbled loudly and she felt the strong urge to burp.

"O-okay. Just for a second. I'm gonna go get some water, thanks."

Ririka smiled and pat y/n's shoulder, and then took her place at the counter.

The two girls had been friends for a while, and y/n's parents taught Ririka how to use the register and everything, for when she came to help out. Y/n's parents own a flower shop, and she works there after school and on weekends. Ririka always comes to visit her.

Lately, y/n has realized that she considered Ririka to be more than a friend. Or at least, that's what she wanted. She was in love. And all she wanted was to tell her and get rid of the pain she felt from bottling up her feelings.

Over time, her pain became stronger and stronger. First it was just her heart would ache, then her stomach would hurt, and now she's starting coughing a lot lately. Even burping sometimes.

And the pain worsened whenever she was around Ririka or whenever she thought about her. Sometimes she would be able to avoid her for a day or two, but it didn't help. The pain didn't go away.

Y/n didn't know what was happening to her, and she was afraid to tell anyone. She obviously didn't want to tell Ririka. And she felt as though her parents would just dismiss it as a fever.

But that's all it was. Right?


Y/n was pulled out from her trance and saw Ririka holding out a glass of water. "I noticed that you never went and got yourself any so I got you some."

"Thank you." Y/n smiled lovingly. "Gosh, you're so amazing."

She blushed and hid her face in her hands.

"D-did I say that out loud?!"

Ririka slowly nodded. "Oh my god I'm so so sorry I didn't mean it- I mean I did mean it I just didn't mean to say it. There's no coming back from this, is there?"

"Nope. But it's okay. I appreciate it."

She smiled and y/n hiccuped. "Are you okay?" She placed her hand on y/n's shoulder. Which only made her hiccups worsen.

"I-I'm gonna...bucket...now!"

Ririka ran and got an empty flower pot, and y/n threw up in it. She was surprised to see white petals in there, as she certainly had not eaten a flower. Good thing Ririka didn't look.

"You definitely need to get home. Wait here, drink your water. I'll go get some napkins and a real bucket."

She ran off and left y/n sitting there alone. There were so many things going through her mind. Like what was happening to her? And why did Ririka being around make her feel worse?

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