❤️YUMEKO: Jealous❤️

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"Hii y/n-san~!"

"Uh, hey Yumemi."

Y/n sat down her water bottle and looked around, confused.

"Where's my towel?"

Yumemi giggled and pulled it out from behind her back. "You know it's sweaty, right?"

Not even that fact could wipe the grin off of the idols face. Y/n was uncomfortable at all the staring and smiling. She was used to girls being attracted to her, as she is very beautiful and fit, being a volleyball player and all. But Yumemi just made her uncomfortable.

"Y/n! Yumemi."

Yumemi's grin immediately turned into a scowl when she saw none other than the volleyball players girlfriend walking up to them. Jabami Yumeko.

People already didn't like Yumeko because of her crazy gambling style. And now she has even more 'enemies' dating the schools female heartthrob.

Her number one enemy was the schools idol. Both girls have had their eyes on y/n for some time, and Yumeko just happened to get lucky.

"You did great today. I can already tell you guys are going to win these weekend!" Yumeko clapped and smiled.

Y/n kissed her girlfriends cheek and ruffled her hair. "Thanks. And you did a good job cheering us on."

"Well I'm gonna go. Not because I feel left out. Just because I am a busy person." Yumemi faked a smile.

"That would be lovely. Bye bye, now." Yumeko gave her a small little wave and she left.

Y/n collected her things and the couple left the gym. Yumeko doesn't like when her girlfriend uses the school showers, so she always showers at Yumeko's house.

They walked through the halls, hand in hand, making their way to the lockers to collect their things before going home.

Yumeko seemed to be lost in thought.

"Yumeko. Yumeko? Yumeko!"


"You're hurting me."

She looked down and realized she was squeezing her hand too hard.

"Sorry. Those girls were staring at you again."

Y/n looked over and saw a group of girls giggling and waving at her, so she waved back.

"Don't encourage them!"

"What? It's rude to not wave back."


The couple continued walking.

Y/n and Yumeko have been dating for about a month. But even though Yumeko does her best to make it clear that y/n is taken, people still stare at her and flirt.

"H-hey, y/n! You look like you've been working hard."

"Thank you. You know I gotta stay in shape for championships coming up."

The girl smiled and ran off.

"What was that? Are you flirting right in front of my face?"

"No. I'm being polite. And besides, why would I flirt with anyone else when our arms are intertwined? You need to not worry so much."

"Well when we first met you were just being polite to me. How do I know you won't leave me for one of those fan girls who never leave you alone?"

"Because I like you, not them. I asked you out for a reason, you know."

"What was the reason?"



"That's the fifth time you've asked me."

"Well, whatever. I don't care."

"Yes you do."

Yumeko let go and walked away, trying her best to look mad. She went to her locker by herself, ignoring the girls going to talk to y/n.

As usual, y/n was waiting at the front gate to walk home with Yumeko. It's what they do every day.

"I'm not talking to you." Yumeko huffed while walking past her.

"Okay. Then we won't talk." Y/n followed the girl in silence.

"You didn't follow me."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"When I walked away from you earlier. You didn't follow me."

All y/n did was laugh.

"It's not funny."

"Look, I'm not going to chase you every time you walk away from me. Sometimes I have to just give you space to think about stuff and live your life and sometimes you have to give me space to think about stuff and live my life. If you were actually upset, I would've followed you. But you were just trying to be petty."

Yumeko smiled and turned around to hug her girlfriend. They hugged for a moment before letting go.

"You get me."

"Of course I do. That's why I asked you out. Because-"

"We understand each other." They said in unison.

They both smiled and gave each other a small kiss.

"Does this mean you're going to stop talking to other girls?"

"Here we go again."

[755 words] I apologize for this chapter being a little short, kinda lost motivation a little bit but i'm happy with it and i hope you guys like it too!

requested by: @Yuircsey

requested by: @Yuircsey

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