ace degenerate

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you woke up due to the noise of two people talking outside your apartment. you had fallen asleep last night in the living room of your two bedroom apartment that you lived in with your mom. you guys weren't poor, but you weren't rich. you were comfortable, you had money. considering it was only you and your mom, you basically got everything you ever wanted and needed. your mom worked at the local hospital, she was one of the leading nurses there.

you groaned at being woken up so early. you reluctantly threw on your hoodie that you had taken off last night due to being too hot. you made your way to the front door and slung it open. "...oh, bottles go in the blue bin!" A tan skinned boy yelled out. you realized he was talking, well more like bothering, your neighbor, Johnny. the blonde man didn't really talk to anyone in the apartment complex. you had spoken to him a few times, but it was normally the same question "is your water working today?"

"hey! can you guys keep it down. you do realize there are other people living in this apartment, correct?"
the tan boy turned around and looked back at you, along with Johnny. "oh! i'm sorry, i'm Miguel. i just moved into apartment 109 across from you!" he said with a smile. "it's nice to meet you, Miguel. now please, keep it down a bit." and with that, you slammed your door. you could hear the faint voice of Johnny say, "don't worry about her she's always grouchy." you rolled your eyes at that, "you're one to talk, johnny." you thought.

later that night you made your way to the corner store down the street. you went there daily to get your favorite candy bar every night. you went so much, the guy at the store saved the candy bars behind the counter for you because he always knew you'd come to buy one.

after buying your candy bar, you waved a good-bye to the store clerk and made your way outside. "oh! you're apartment 113!" A voice yelled. your head shot up out of surprise. "yeah, that's me." you responded back after noticing it was the same tan boy from this morning, Miguel. you turned around and walked back into the store after you noticed you forgot to get an Arizona iced tea. Miguel followed suit. "i just realized i never got your name, apartment 113." you let out a sigh as you went all the way to the back of the store near the freezers. "that's because i never told you my name." you grabbed a blue Arizona and made your way back to the register.

at the register you noticed johnny buying a stale pizza from the store clerk. you and miguel made your way to the line, behind johnny. miguel and johnny awkwardly stood next to each other, eyeing each other up, while you just waited for johnny to be finished so you could walk back home. "my grandma's not feeling well..." miguel stated. johnny looked at the boy then looked back to the store clerk. "didn't ask." johnny rolled his eyes. "c'mon, what's spanish for "just give me my damn slice?" you let out an annoyed sigh and reached between the two boys and put the Arizona on the counter. "how much will this be?" you asked, clearly irritated at the hold up. "$2.15." the store clerk responded. you put the money on the counter, not even counting it, and walked out.

johnny followed behind right after you. he sat down on the curb with his stale pizza and started eating, while some homeless lady chatted him up. right as you were turning the corner to make your way to your apartment, you heard Miguel let out a scream. sharply turning your head, you walked back to the scene to see what was going on. when you turned the corner back to the store, you saw Kyler and his gang yelling at Miguel. "hey!" you let out a loud yell before your mind could react. you immediately regretted it. this wasn't your business, nor your problem. "what was that?" Kyler turned to you. you let out a sigh, "just leave him alone Kyler, alright?" Kyler then walked towards you, along with his gang. "this isn't your business. just go home before you get yourself hurt." Kyler chuckled. "yeah, that's not happening" you said. "alright then, i guess this is your problem too." Kyler said, almost mockingly. Kyler then gave you a light shove, but it wasn't a friendly one.

you and the asian boy went to the same high school, you shared some classes but that was all. although he was a bully, he never gave you any problems. you had seen him pick on other kids, some being your friends. you didn't like that. you were a firm believer of sticking up for your friends and the people you cared about.

"you shouldn't have done that kyler." you let out a mutter. and with that you punched the boy square in the jaw. shocked by what you just did, you let out a gasp before one of his friends grabbed you and held you by the waist. turning around, you grabbed the boy's neck and dragged it down, making it collide with your knee.

"HEY!" johnny yelled out. "watch the car, man!" you hadn't noticed that one of kyler's friends had threw Miguel into johnny's car. "who's this dude?" one of kyler's friends muttered to the other. "leave the dorks alone." johnny continued. kyler and his friends had luckily let you and Miguel go, turning their full attention to johnny. you grabbed Miguel and pulled him into you, backing up.

out of no where, johnny kicked kyler in the face. you and miguel let out gasps of surprise. you knew johnny used to do karate but it was still a surprise considering that you've never seen him do any karate moves. the asian boy's friends stepped back a bit in fear but then one of them yelled "let's get him!" after that was said all hell broke loose.

all of kyler's friends attacked johnny but he handled it pretty well, throwing punches and kicks left and right. the fight went on for another five minutes, before the cops got called. when the cops arrived they thought it was all johnny's fault, a weird homeless man beating up a bunch of kids. you and miguel tried to inform the cops that it wasn't his fault but they didn't listen. they ended up knocking him out and throwing him into the back of a cop car.

afterwards, you and miguel walked back to the apartment together. "well, this is me, apartment 113." you said dryly. miguel raised his eyebrows knowingly. "of course! i'll see you tomorrow, maybe?" he asked. "yeah, maybe." you responded. but before walking into your apartment you called out to miguel. "my name's y/n by the way." you told the boy. miguel repeated your name and told you goodnight. you walked into your apartment, to your room to get ready for bed. you hoped everything was alright with johnny, you didn't know him well but he was nice enough to you. you told yourself to check by his apartment to make sure everything was alright in the morning. you showered and went into your room before texting your mom goodnight and telling her you were going to sleep. she responded saying goodnight back and that she should be home when you woke up. and with that, you went to sleep.

okay wow! hi!!! so this is my first wattpad story and recently i've been reading a lot of hawk fanfics because i'm very much in love with him. but most of them have been missing that badass main character female. so i'm here to give that to others who might also being feeling the same way! feel free to let me know what you're thinking about this first chapter and vote! i'm open to criticism, it's my first book so i'm very new to this. but please be kind! i'm going to asking questions about how you guys want things to go down so you guys can also have a say!

stay cool guys -

eli's lover <3

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