the right path

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"never underestimate your enemy. even if you think they're weaker than you, you always have to stay one step ahead of them. that's the only way to guarantee a victory." kreese spoke to his students.

everyone stood in a circle around the dojo's mat, a tall pole with a tree resting on top of it in the middle.

"now let's see if you truly understood the lesson. i want you to kick this tree off the top. red, you start." kreese spoke, circling around the tree.

big red stepped forward and got in a fighting stance. the ginger then lifted his leg only to fall to the ground. a sharp tearing sound could be heard from the fall, making you grimace.

"pathetic." kreese muttered out, before calling doug to the center to knock down the tree.

doug attempted a spin kick, but only fell to the ground with a loud thud. the boy let out a loud groan, before getting up and slowly walking back to his spot.

you tilted your head, you looking at the tree, then back at the long pole before stepping forward. you walked up to the pole, sharply kicking it and knocking down the tree.

you looked at kreese, who had a smile on his face. "not bad. not bad at all." he praised.

you didn't really care what kreese thought, you just wanted to be the best.

"but she cheated!" doug protested making you chuckle.

"no, she didn't. unlike you, she did exactly what i asked." kreese defended.

"if your mind is agile, so are you. that's the best way to beat your enemy. not just with brute strength. but you have to fight smart. do that, and you'll always come out on top." he finished, looking at you.


big red recorded hawk as he bounced the soccer ball on his knees, until it eventually fell.

"twenty-two in a row! new record." hawk gloated.

the red haired boy glanced over to his ex-best friend's table, getting an idea.

"watch." hawk told his friends, before throwing the ball at demetri's lego model.

the ball hit the model, making it explode into tiny bits and pieces. "aw, i'm sorry, man. looks like my ball just got away from me." hawk spoke, insincerely, while you walked up behind your boyfriend and laughed.

"that took me three weeks to build." demetri spoke through gritted teeth. "eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy." hawk told demetri with a smirk, before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and going back to the lunch table.

"another week, another pissing contest. though i shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." the pale boy defended, walking up to you and hawk.

"you landed a few punches. you got lucky." hawk scoffed.

"better back off, or you won't be lucky." sam spoke, walking up to the altercation.

"yeah, okay." you told the girl sarcastically. "like you'll start anything, princess." you told the girl once you saw councilor blatt walk into the cafeteria. luckily, hawk caught onto your plan and went along. "yeah, why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart." hawk told sam causing her to push him.

"what's going on here, miss larusso? you know our new guidelines against physical contact." councilor blatt spoke, walking up to the group.

"yeah, sam, i think you should really focus on keeping your hands to yourself." you told the girl, innocently. blatt nodded her head in agreement, before speaking again.

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