cobra kai never dies

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after the miguel incident, you or miguel hadn't heard from johnny in days. you and miguel had been talking outside of his apartment when johnny walked out. both of you jumped up at the sight of your sensei. "hey, sensei, my mom says i cant train with you anymore, but we had this idea that maybe if we went to the dojo before-" miguel tried to reason, while you walked beside him. "you don't get it, kids. there is no dojo." johnny said, almost yelling. "i'm closing it up" the blonde finished. "so that's just it? you're quitting? just like that?" you scoffed. "what about us, sensei? we need you." miguel, said almost heartbroken. "sorry, kids." johnny replied before looking at the both of us. and with that, he walked away. leaving you and miguel heart broken and confused. after you johnny left, you stormed away from miguel, upset. how could he just quit like that?


you, miguel, demitri, and eli were sitting in the library during study hall. eli was helping you study for an exam you had next period and miguel and demitri were just talking.

"so, that's it? no more karate?" demetri questioned you and the tan boy. you shook your head and miguel said, "i guess so." the sarcastic boy winced knowingly, "it was probably for the best. it was starting to boost your confidence." he said, speaking more specifically to miguel. "isn't that a good thing?" the hispanic boy questioned. "no." the boy replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "what has confidence ever got anyone except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash." the boy continued, speaking from past experiences. "are you ever not negative?" you questioned, looking up from eli's book. "i'm not being negative, i'm looking out for a friend." the boy scoffed. "let me ask you, what's the best superpower anyone could have?" the boy questioned. "mind reading" you responded while miguel said super strength.

"wrong! invisibility. a distant second could be super speed to run away fast." demetri spoke like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"run away from who?" kyler approached, placing a hand on your's and eli's shoulder. you quickly removed his hand from your body and eli's. "whom." brucks corrected. "it's the object of preposition. remember english class?" he continued. "we were just leaving" miguel hurried. all three boys began to gather their things rather quickly, while you followed. before you could leave, kyler grabbed eli. "hey, where you going? oh, look at this freak. oh shit!" kyler taunted, while brucks laughed. "what kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" kyler laughed. "i would." you replied, before pushing kyler off of eli. the boy with the scar looked at you worried. "just leave them alone, kyler." miguel spoke up. kyler shoved passed you lightly before going up to miguel. "what'd you say?" miguel only stayed silent, already regretting speaking up. "look, kyler we were just leaving." you spoke up, grabbing eli by the hand and miguel by the hoodie. you prayed that demetri would get the gist and walk away too.

before you fully walked away, brucks gave eli a quick shove causing you to let go of the boys and turn around. before you could get back, eli grabbed you and pulled you with him, wanting this moment to be over. before fully leaving you saw sam peeking behind the bookcase. "some boyfriend you got there, samantha." you told her and scoffed. she only looked down, and you left the library with the two boys and demetri following behind with a yogurt-covered backpack.

at last, the school day was over and you were on your way home, eli in the passenger seat. the car ride was silent, due to what happened during study hall. "eli, i'm-" you started but the boy interrupted you, "yeah, i know it's fine." he spoke out. "no, eli! it's not fine. this happens almost every day. you have to start sticking up for yourself. " you basically yelled out. "one day, i'm not gonna be with you to defend you." you told the boy, pulling in his drive way. "i can take care of myself y/n/n." you didn't believe him. you gave him a look that showed you didn't believe him. "i really can! i promise." the boy promised. "i just want you to be safe, eli. that's all i want." you looked over at the boy, frustrated. "i know, angel." you gave eli a soft smile before he told you he had to go inside. "okay, i love you. text me!" you yelled out. he gave you a nod and his usual shy smile and turned around, walking to the front door. you waited until he got inside, something you always did when you dropped him off.

you were just hanging out at your apartment when there was a knock at your front door. you were confused as to who it is considering you weren't expecting any company.

when you opened the door it was johnny and miguel. "yes?" you replied more snappy than you intended. you were upset. upset at the fact that johnny gave up so quickly and left you and miguel stranded without even speaking to you guys. over the past weeks, johnny taught you both to never quit. but that's exactly what he did, he quit. "look, i know i left you and miguel stranded..." he began looking back at miguel who had his head down. "yes, i'm aware." you told him. "...but you two were the only people who haven't given up on me. you two were the ones who gave me a chance to feel like i have a purpose. and that i could start over. and i don't want to give up on you guys. i know that i messed up big time with not being there for miguel and quitting when you two needed me the most. but if we can all start over, i won't fail you both again." he finished. you looked at johnny and then back at miguel, before you took a step towards johnny who looked nervous. as you stepped towards him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, giving him a tight hug. johnny slowly wrapped his arms around your back, hugging back. "i'm willing to start over, again." you stepped back. "good, that's good." johnny smiled at you, then miguel.


the next day, you and miguel walked into the dojo. "i hope we're still keeping the dojo, sensei." you told johnny with a smile, as he walked out. "yeah, we are. for now. but i need to know if you guys are ready to take things to the next level. " johnny told both you and miguel.

"yes, sensei. we are." miguel responded, looking at you then back at johnny. "yeah, sensei. we're ready." you told johnny, with a small smirk.

"you got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defense. so, i'm gonna teach you the best defense that you can know. and the best defense..." johnny then stood in front of you and miguel and raised his fist, acting as if he was going to hit you. neither of you flinched. " more offense." johnny finished.

i know there isn't much eli, but i wanted to show the relationship that johnny, miguel, and you have because it'll make sense in season 3!!!

when eli becomes hawk he'll be in the story WAY more. just please be patient with me :)

stay safe homies

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