the moment of truth

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you woke up to the sound of the shower running and the spot next to you empty. getting up, you walked into the bathroom where the shower was running. "eli?" you called out. "yeah, i'm here!" he responded over the water. "when did you wake up and why didn't you wake me up? we have to leave in like an hour." you told the boy, walking up to the shower curtain. the boy only poked his head out of the shower, his hair a blue and wet mess. "i don't know. i was gonna wake you after." he told you, grabbing the back of your head to pull you closer and kiss your forehead.

you gave the boy a soft smile before pulling away and walking to the sink to brush your teeth. hawk got out of the shower a few minutes after you brushed your teeth and you both got dressed.

"hey, we gotta get miguel." you told him, walking out of your apartment. you sent miguel a quick text telling him to come outside and he came out in less then five minutes. after miguel got into the car you all drove to practice.


you were at practice, sitting down with miguel while kreese told aisha and hawk stories.

"my team and i were charged with cleaning the whole place up." kreese told the two. "how many warlords did you kill?" hawk asked, amazed at the older man's stories. "you keep track of every ant you stomp out?" kreese gloated. miguel let out a scoff and rolled his eyes causing you to chuckle at him.

"they were outgunned, we were outmanned. i tell you, rwanda was no joke." kreese spoke. miguel looked confused and stood up causing you to do the same. "don't you mean somalia? mogadishu is in somalia, rwanda's a whole different country." miguel corrected. kreese turned around and you snickered.

"of course, somalia." kreese chuckled, nervously. "i've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?" kreese responded, cleaning his story up.

"listen up! i see we've got some new recruits. everybody, fall in!" johnny yelled, walking to the front of the dojo. "let's see what you're made of." the older man spoke, walking around the dojo.

johnny was walking around the dojo when a voice startled you. "i am here to kick some ass, sir!" you heard someone yell. turning around, you saw a middle aged man in a blue shirt. "do i know you from somewhere?" johnny asked the man. "oh yeah! i sold you the mirror! we kind of bonded over rock bands." the man said. johnny then told him that he was too old for the class, but the man insisted and gave johnny money, which he gladly took.

"i thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. but if you do what i tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. but to do that you gotta fight. so, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?" johnny asked after his speech, referring to you. you turned around to look at the class, but no one even met your gaze except for hawk, who only smirked.

"i'll do it!" a voice spoke. your eyes met a girl with bleached ends and green eyes. "oh, you will, huh?" johnny asked in surprise. "i saw your little demo at valley fest. you guys can put on a show. but can you actually fight?" the girl teased. you raised your eyebrows at her cockiness. "that sounds like a challenge." johnny stated. "i like a challenge." the girl retorted.

"y/n! show little miss hot shot here what cobra kai is all about." johnny instructed. everyone moved away from the mat leaving only you and the girl. you gave her a smile, which she returned, before kicking her in the stomach. the girl stumbled back, but regained her balance. she then started swinging in all directions, before trying to kick you in the stomach, but you moved out of the way, grabbing her foot and sending her to the ground. the girl ended up pulling you down with her. she landed on top of you, elbowing you in the chest. after she elbowed you, you threw the girl over you making her fall on her back and you stood up. you picked the girl up before elbowing her in the jaw, sending her to the ground again.

the girl then grabbed your ankle sending you to the ground with her. she got on top of you before you could make any moves, straddling you and placing your hands above your head. "my name's tory. with a "y"." she told you. you then flipped over, so you were on top, straddling her. "y/n. just y/n." you told her with a smile, getting off her. you put your hand out to help her up and she gladly took it. "i can tell that we're going to be friends." you told the girl, smiling.

kreese and johnny looked at each other with impressed looks before looking back at tory. "i think it's safe to say you're in." you told the girl with a smirk.


this is literally less than 1,000 words but i just don't have the motivation to write the rest tbh

pls forgive me🙏🙏

thank you for 3k views!! we were just at 2k yesterday, literally LOL!

longer chapter tomorrow!!! with more hawk and demetri scenes!!!

alr i love yall! be safe homies!

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