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you were currently in the dojo, training with johnny and miguel. you two were doing push-ups on your knuckles while johnny walked around, observing.

next, johnny had you and miguel stand in front of a ball launcher, while trying to fight the balls off. "ow!" you yelled as a ball striked you right in the face. you quickly got up, yelling out an "i'm okay!"

johnny had been working you and miguel out to the max. but you had to admit it was making not only you, but miguel stronger too. soon, within two weeks you and miguel had learned to slither, use combos, and run miles after miles. sometimes johnny even let you and miguel go against each other. you won most of the time, but miguel got you sometimes.

one day, you and miguel had been training when a familiar face walked into the dojo, aisha.

"what the hell." johnny spoke to himself, confused as to why another girl was in the dojo. "no yoga til five! no matter how bad you need it." he spoke sizing the girl up.

"um, i'm actually here for karate..." aisha spoke up, shyly. "i saw your website. it said that there was supposed to be a session today." you smiled at her bravery. "i appreciate you coming in, but there aren't any other girls in cobra kai" johnny told aisha. you and miguel both looked at johnny, confused as to why he wouldn't let aisha in when the dojo needed more students.

you gave miguel a look telling him to talk to johnny while you stayed with aisha. thankfully, he got the hint. "uh, sensei, i need to talk to you in your office." miguel said, leading johnny into the office.

you and aisha made small talk before johnny and miguel came back, "okay, take off your shoes, step on the mat." johnny instructed. aisha did so, stepping on the mat.

"okay after further review, i've decided to teach other female students. but if you want to be in cobra kai you can't act like a girl. " johnny told the short haired girl. you rolled your eyes and sighed, "sensei, what? how do girls act?" you questioned. "oh, don't give me that, y/n/n. you know, all emotional, loud, complain-y, never let you finish a sentence. " he told you. aisha interjected, "but i know a few guys who act just like-"

"quiet!" johnny yelled, startling aisha. "my student tells me, you're being harassed at school." aisha nodded her head, knowingly. "yeah...but mostly online. i get mean texts, telling me i'm fat and i should kill myself." you put your head down, feeling guilty that there was nothing you could do for her. "who sends you these messages?" johnny questioned. "they're mostly anonymous." aisha replied, looking down. "oh my god...what a punch of pussies!" johnny exclaimed. "back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face!"

miguel and aisha were standing on the mat, while you were next to johnny. "okay, let's see what you got, ms. robinson. face me. bow." the two did as instructed. "face each other. bow." the two students faced each other and bowed. "mr. diaz, show her everything you've learned." you and miguel turned to sensei concerned. "wait wait, sensei, i don't think this is right." miguel told johnny. "you don't think what's right?" the older man questioned. "she's a girl. i'm not gonna..."

"and? i thought you said women were equal to men." you put your hands in your head, embarrassed that johnny just said that. "we did say that, but we didn't mean it like that, we meant-" you spoke up before bing cut off by johnny. "then show her women are equal, and give her everything i taught you guys." the blonde interrupted.

"wait, i just want to remind you guys that this is my first day." aisha spoke softly. "your enemies don't care what day it is! they prey on weakness. if you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face-first into the fire." johnny finished. "are you ready ms. robinson?" aisha said she was ready and miguel looked at her mumbling a quick apology, before kicking the girl in the stomach. your hand flew up to your mouth at the sudden action.

aisha let out a grunt, while miguel let out a string of apologies. aisha then tackled the boy- sending him to the ground. after the tan boy hit the ground, the girl then kneed him in the stomach with her whole body.

you let out a gasp and ran to go help the boy up. "the girl's a natural cobra." johnny muttered, to himself. while you were helping miguel up, walked out of the dojo after hearing yelling. "y/n, you're in charge." he yelled out to you.


you, miguel, eli, and demetri were walking into the lunch room when you saw sam arguing with kyler.

"...hey, guys! you know that billboard with a big ass dick on it? i guess sam takes after her dad." you let out a laugh at that. you felt no remorse for sam after what she let her boyfriend do to you and your friends. but your laughter died down when miguel looked back at you.

"hey, kyler!" miguel yelled out to the asian boy. "oh my god, what's he doing?" you asked eli and demetri, but they just shrugged their shoulders.

"why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole!" miguel told the boy. "want another beat down 'rhea?" the boy shoved miguel. "i'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." he gave the boy another shove. "it's not lame ass karate..." kyler went to punch the boy but miguel blocked and twisted his arm back. "it's cobra kai." the tan boy continued.

and with that, a fight broke out between miguel and the five bullies. miguel took each and every one of the boys down with punches and kicks left and right. you had never been more proud of him. just then, one of kyler's friends recognized you from the first fight, he was the guy you kneed in the face. the boy ran up to you and punched you in the face before you could react. your head whipped to the side from the impact. feeling blood on your lip, you looked up at the boy, giving him a smirk. "alright bitch, come on!" you yelled at him, furious that he made you bleed. when he came back to hit you again, you blocked him and kicked him straight in the stomach causing him to fall back into the lunch tables, with a groan. 

the whole cafeteria erupted in cheers and almost everyone was recording.

that one boy was the only one to come after you, so you got let off pretty easily. but miguel's fight finally ended by the time the boy hit the tables.

you let a squeal of excitement and hopped on the table, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek and ruffling his hair. "i knew you could do it, noodle arms!" miguel only smiled at you before you hopped off the table and made your way to eli.

"c'mon eli!" you walked past the boy, who quickly followed behind you.

"where are they going?" miguel asked demetri, out of breath. "probably to go make-out." he told the hispanic boy, in all honesty. just then, counselor blast came in yelling at miguel to get off the table. afterwards, she took him to the office.


later, you and miguel were at the dojo, explaining how miguel took down all five bullies and how you got that one guy back. "it all just came together so fast. i was blocking, i anticipated, i slithered." you smiled at miguel, proudly. "your mom's gonna kill all of us now" sensei told the hispanic boy, while you laughed. miguel then told sensei how his mom didn't know because his yaya answered the phone.

johnny then stood up and asked you both to follow him. you and miguel both walked to johnny's car, before stopping at the trunk. johnny then opened up the trunk revealing two cobra kai gi's. "i wore these when i was training for my first tournament back in '81." johnny spoke. i want you both to have these." you and miguel both looked at johnny astonished and grateful. johnny pulled you both into a tight hug.  while you were hugging johnny and miguel, you saw a boy on a skateboard watching you guys but when you met his eye he walked away. you assumed he just took a wrong turn so you shrugged it off.

we meet hawk next chapter and i'm so excited!! it'll either be posted late tonight or tomorrow!
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i know you aren't doing much fighting but i promise we will get there!

"stay salty, my friend"

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