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you were standing in a group with miguel, hawk, and two other cobra kais. the boys were stretching while you were talking to hawk. all of a sudden, miguel tapped your arm and pointed at johnny, who had just walked into the building and you both made your way over to him.

"hey, sensei, i'm sorry about your loss." miguel told the man. "yeah, if you ever need anything, we're here for you." you told johnny, with a warm smile. johnny replied with a "thanks" before miguel asked how the funeral was. "as good as any funeral can be." johnny replied. "so, how'd it go around here while i was gone?" he asked you both. "great. i mean, sensei kreese is tough-" miguel started. "but he knows what it takes to win." you finished.

johnny then left you both and went into the office. he only stayed in for a couple minutes before coming out.

"everybody, get your gis on. training starts in five minutes." johnny ordered, but everyone just looked around confused before you spoke up. "i thought we were doing a special training in the woods today." you told johnny, confused. "what's happening in the woods?" johnny asked while looking back at kreese. "well, i thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys." kreese answered. "and the girls too, i suppose." he added on, looking at you, aisha, and tory.

johnny only looked at the older man confused, before kreese muttered something about coyote creek. "i'm not sure they're ready for that." johnny told kreese, making the older man scoff. "we're ready, sensei. we wanna prove ourselves." hawk insisted.

johnny only looked at his students, contemplating if this was the right choice. eventually, the blond man approved. "alright, let's go. what are you waiting for?" johnny told everyone, making the boys do silent celebrations. a few kids got in your car and others got in another kids car, but you all made it to the woods.

kreese had you split up into two teams: the black team and the red team. you were on the red team with hawk, while tory was on the black team with miguel.

"gentlemen, ladies, welcome to coyote creek. you've been split into two teams. red and black." kreese told everyone and explained the rules. "today, the people across from you are not your friends." kreese continued. you looked at tory, who was standing across from you and shot her a wink and in return, she smirked.

"they're not your brothers." kreese spoke, making hawk and miguel look at each other. kreese told you to get the headbands by any means possible and that there were no rules.

"hey, guys! sorry i'm late. traffic on the 118 was a real bitch. put coyote creek into the nav. nothing came up" chubs spoke, walking up to the group. he was dressed differently and had a twisted beard. "what have you done to yourself?" johnny asked, eyeing the man up.

"yeah, you know what, i just decided to flip the script, hawk-style. respect." chubs told johnny, pointing at hawk. you shoved hawk's shoulder teasingly and let out a giggle. "aw, you've got an admirer." you told your boyfriend, who looked at chubs confused.

"heretofore, you can refer to me as "stingray"." the man told everyone, stroking his twisted beard. "yeah, alright, chubs. he's on your team." johnny told kreese, making the older man sigh in disappointment. and with that, you were all sent into the woods.

you and hawk stuck together, taking anyone who came near you two, down. "what if it's just the two of us left? there can only be one winner." you reminded the boy. "well, someone has to take the other person's headband." he told you, with a shrug.

a twig branch snapped, making you and hawk turn around. when the boy saw it was you and hawk, he let out a sigh of defeat, knowing he was about to get his ass kicked. nonetheless, the boy got in a fighting position. you and hawk chuckled at the boy. you and hawk, separate, were great fighters, but together you were basically unstoppable.

the boy came at you first with a kick that you blocked. he then swung at your head, but you ducked and punched him in the side then kicked the boy in the stomach, sending him to hawk. your boyfriend laughed at the boy getting kicked in the face, before walking forward.

"my turn." hawk declared. he then grabbed the boy by the shirt and punched him in the face. afterwards, hawk kicked the boy in the stomach, sending him back to you. the boy came back to you, hunched over, his eyes begging for mercy. you only laughed in his face, before kicking him in the face again and taking his black headband. "thank you." you told the boy with a smile, before taking hawk's hand and walking off.

as you and hawk walked around the woods more, you spotted mitch. you and your boyfriend looked at each other before you yelled, "mine!". you ran to mitch with hawk right behind you, trying to get to mitch first. when you got up to the boy, you used a tree as a running start before jumping up and punching the boy in the face. mitch fell to the ground in pain and you took his headband, handing it to hawk. "what the hell, dude!" mitch exclaimed, looking at you terrified. "suck it up. maybe you should be better next time and you won't get your ass kicked." you told the boy with a scoff. hawk laughed in response and reached into his shirt, pulling out the medal of honor. "guess we earned our medal of honor." hawk told the boy, smirking. he then wrapped his arm around you, leading you away.

hawk stopped walking all of a sudden making you turn to look at him. without giving you time to speak, he smashed his lips on yours. you were so wrapped up in the kiss that you didn't notice he took your headband. you quickly pushed him off with a gasp. "fuck you, moskowitz!" you yelled at the boy, giving him another shove. he only laughed in response before running away. "sorry, angel! it had to be done!" he yelled to you before fully turning his back to you. you laughed to yourself before making your way to the front of the woods. you'd rather say you lost to hawk rather than anyone else.

but on your way, you spotted miguel. "you and hawk took the medal of honor?" the boy asked, disappointedly. you quickly shook your head in response. "hawk took it, he and some of his goons trashed the dojo. i didn't find out until the next day." you explained. miguel opened his mouth to say something or to probably yell at you for keeping that a secret, but he closed it. understanding why you did it, he would do the same if he loved someone that much.

you had finally made it to where tory and aisha were standing. "they got you out too?" tory asked when she saw you walking up. you let out a sigh before responding, "yeah, if it weren't for hawk i probably would've won." you told the girl, with a laugh. "he caught me off guard." you explained to the girls, before you heard yelling.

everyone turned around, confused at the sudden commotion. your head snapped up in realization. "hawk and miguel." you spoke out loud, before running into the woods, everyone behind you.

you were first to get there, so you were the only one who saw miguel take the medal of honor from hawk's neck, leaving him furious.

miguel then walked to the group, holding up hawk's red headband in triumph. "finish him." kreese told miguel. you gave miguel a look telling him not to do it. he only looked to the ground before turning to hawk and kicking him in the face.

you and johnny took a step forward at the same time, but johnny stayed back while you went to hawk to help him up.

miguel was conversing with the black team when stingray showed up and took him in a headlock. "you know, the thing about stingrays is, they lie and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike!" stingray told miguel, in a creepy way before ripping his headband off.

"the red team just won!" stingray announced proudly.



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