back in black

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"what do you think? shithead one and shithead two?" hawk asked you, aisha, and bert. you tilted your head in a thinking manor. "hm, i don't know. i think they need something better." you told your boyfriend. "i was thinking more mary-kate and asshat." aisha spoke up. you, hawk, and bert let out laughs.

"well, i'm chris-" one of the boys told you, looking down in a shy manor. from anyone else's point of view it looked like he had a crush on you. "well, hello chris-" you started, smiling, but hawk cut you off. looking at chris, "did i say you could speak to her?!" he yelled out. you let out a soft chuckle at your boyfriend. "he's joking." you told chris. "probably." you finished. "yeah, they're just messing with you." miguel told the two boys, walking up. the boys let out a sigh of relief, before muttering a "thanks".

"besides, everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag." miguel finished, while everyone laughed.

everyone was talking until someone new came into the dojo, but it wasn't a student. it was an old man. "who's that?" miguel asked you, but you only shrugged your shoulders in response. "hey, can i help you?" you asked the man, with miguel and hawk following behind you. "no, but maybe i can help you." you glanced at miguel and hawk, confused. "uh, sensei..." miguel called out as johnny walked up.

the two men talked, but you couldn't hear or understand what it was about. johnny looked pissed though.

standing in front of the dojo, johnny introduced the man. "this is mr. kreese. he's just an observer. pretend like he's not even here." he told the class. johnny then made miguel warm up the class, but that didn't end well because everyone kept goofing off the whole time.

"5 am, tomorrow morning. corner of fulton and reymer. you don't show and you're off the team." johnny told the whole dojo. once he left, you turned to miguel and hawk and flicked them upside the head. "i love you both with all my heart, but you two are the biggest idiots i've ever met." you told them, walking away.


the next day, johnny had you all mixing cement. hawk and miguel worked together while you worked with bert.

while you were all mixing the cement you all heard a horn. just then, a cement truck pulled up in front of you guys. miguel and hawk turned to look at you, confused as to why there was a big cement truck in front of you. but you honestly didn't know either.

"you think winning the all-valley gives you the right to goof off? well i got news for you. winning one championship don't mean squat. a true champion never stops training. you gotta keep moving forward, or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. it's like the cement in this truck. that drum doesn't start turning, the cement inside will harden and get stuck. is that what you want to happen to you?" johnny spoke out, pacing.

"no, sensei!" you all said.

"good. then climb up, get inside, and make it spin." he instructed.

you looked at him like he was crazy. everyone muttered to each other, confused on if he was serious. "sensei, we're sorry for messing around." aisha told johnny. "we learned our lesson." hawk spoke after her.

johnny only pulled the latter in response and said "get in". "sensei, i'm all for danger and fun, but this seems really dangerous. i mean, the fumes alone-" you started. "quiet!" mr. kreese interrupted you. "this man led you to the mountaintop, and you question him? look at you. look at all of you. i cant believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the all-valley. and let alone won." mr. kreese spoke. you took immediate offense to what he was saying. you were the one who won the all-valley and you definitely weren't a pussy. you gave johnny a look saying, are you just gonna let him talk to us like that? but johnny only looked away to the ground.

"it's an absolute miracle. and who's responsible for that miracle? johnny lawrence." he spoke, answering his own question. "the best student in the history of cobra kai. my student." kreese finished.

"you were sensei's sensei?" hawk asked, almost impressed by the man which made you uneasy. "you better believe it, kid." kreese answered hawk.

kreese continued his speech about johnny and how much of a great student he was. when kreese finally finished, miguel spoke up. "i'll do it, sensei." he said, stepping forward. hawk followed behind him, before both boys turned to look at you, expecting you to follow. "oh no. getting dirty isn't for me." you told them both. hawk only walked up to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you up the latter with him. a couple of other cobra kais followed behind you guys.

walking into the truck, you all kept slipping. hawk was behind you, so he would grab your waist to steady you when you slipped.

"move!" johnny told you all once you were settled. you let out a sigh before walking up to the truck's wall. you all began pushing the wall, but the wall didn't budge. johnny continued yelling at you from outside of the truck and that only made you all push harder. soon enough, the truck was moving. you were all messy, but the truck was finally moving full speed. you could also hear johnny and everyone else cheering from outside the truck.

once you were all done, johnny lined everyone up to hose you all. "you should be proud of yourselves. i know i'm proud. your parents would be proud, too. if you told them what we did here today, which we won't. you pushed forward like champions. never stopping. never being satisfied. never giving up. and if you keep pushing and keep moving forward, you're gonna go to places you never even dreamed of." he told you, but he was mostly looking at you and miguel.

once he hosed you all down, you stood there shivering while talking to miguel and hawk. your boyfriend noticed your cold state and wrapped his arms around you tightly. you gave him a grateful smile and he kissed your forehead in return.

finally, sensei dismissed practice and you were all able to go home. you made your way into your car with miguel and hawk following behind. "i call shotgun!" hawk yelled to miguel, who let out a groan in defeat. you got into the driver's seat, while hawk got in the front and miguel got into the back.

"are you coming home with me or your house?" you asked your boyfriend, looking over. "i can't tonight. my mom wants me home." he told you, sadly. you gave him a fake pout and he reached over to caress your cheek softly, matching your fake pout. "i'm sorry, angel." he told you. "no, it's okay! you know i'll see you tomorrow." you told the boy with a soft smile, while pulling into his driveway. he gave you a kiss and you said your good-bye's before he got out of the car. you waited for him to walk inside his house before driving off and miguel climbed into the front seat. "what did i tell you about climbing through my car? just get out and walk to the front, you dumbass." you told miguel but he only laughed.

once you got back to the apartment complex, miguel told you he had to drop some food off at johnny's, so you just went home. once you got home, you showered and did all your nightly routines, before getting a text from miguel. "something important i have to tell you and hawk about sensei" the text read. you simply told him to tell you tomorrow, before you went to bed.


there's a really bad storm in texas right now and everyone's power is out so if i don't write as much that's why. i'm so sorry for the inconvenience, but this is something important that's going on where i live. the roads are frozen, there's no store open, and food is going bad. we got a generator so hopefully that helps!

if you're in texas also, please stay safe and off the roads! texas isn't used to this weather so we don't have the resources most states have! so please be safe!

but y'all know a snow storm isn't gonna stop a bad b like me😜

as usual, stay safe homies!

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