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"you've trained hard." johnny spoke out to everyone. everyone was currently in a junkyard, confused. "you've gotten stronger, tougher, and faster. you've done your best. you're ready for this tournament, am i right?"

"yes sensei" everyone yelled back.

"wrong." johnny said, throwing his beer at the ground near your feet causing hawk to grab your waist and pull you back.

"your best ain't shit! if you wanna win the all valley under-18 karate tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. do you understand?" johnny told his students.

"yes, sensei!" everyone responded.

"are you losers?" johnny asked.

"no, sensei!" everyone responded.

"are you nerds?" johnny asked.

"no, sensei!" the dojo responded

"are you sure?" johnny questioned.

"no, sensei" everyone responded, but you.

you put your head in your hands, disappointed at the answer everyone else gave.

in the junkyard, johnny made everyone do various activities including, jumping through tires, destroying cars, and walking on planks with trash
underneath us.

"you guys hungry?" he told the class, offering some kind of meat but you declined.

"good, because so are they!" he spoke, and then blew a whistle. confused, everyone looked around before spotting several big dogs. without even thinking, you ran to a car, climbing on top. hawk was right behind you, so you helped him up. the dog tried to climb on top of the car you sat on but you kicked it, sending it to the ground. hawk let out a sigh of relief as you laid back, out of breath.


you and miguel were at the dojo alone with johnny. he called you two in for "special training".

"okay that's enough!" he yelled at you, to stop you from beating the dummy. "save some for the tournament" miguel said, snickering. "why are we the only ones here, sensei?" you asked, out of breath. "cause let's face it, you guys are the only chance i have at winning this thing." johnny spoke. "so what? we're you're best students?" you asked with a smile, fist bumping miguel. "don't flatter yourselves. have you seen the others?" your sensei spoke.

you and miguel went to your bags to grab your phones and get water. when miguel picked up his phone he started laughing, making sensei question him. "what's so funny?" the blonde man asked. "oh, it's nothing. just this funny picture my girlfriend posted." he responded, showing you and johnny the pictures of sam.

"wait a second. you're dating a larusso?" johnny spoke, almost upset. "yeah, why? is something wrong?" miguel spoke nervously. johnny then looked back at you and miguel and said, "we need to talk."

you and miguel changed into your regular clothes before meeting johnny outside. "it was the summer of '82.." johnny began, telling you the whole story of how he met sam's dad. honestly, the guy sounded like a dick the way johnny told the story. you knew there were two sides to every story, but you were always going to be on johnny's side. no matter what.

"wow, what a dick!" you and miguel said in unison. "the only reason i'm telling guys this is because you gotta watch out for larussos." he told you both, looking serious.

"you won't have to worry about me, sensei, i'm not dating a larusso." you told him, laughing. johnny then turned to you with raised eyebrows, "oh yeah! that's right, you're dating the kid with the scar, hawk." he reminded himself. you nodded your head in response.


aisha thought it would be a good idea to take miguel to a movie to get his mind off of sam. she asked if you and hawk wanted to come and you both agreed.

you weren't really sure what movie you were watching you but it didn't matter too much, you just enjoyed being in the company of your friends.

you were sitting in the middle of hawk and aisha, while miguel was on the other side of aisha. "hey, what's wrong?" aisha asked her friend. "i cant stop thinking about what sensei told me about sam's dad." miguel told her.

you let out a groan before being shushed by the people in front of you, but when they turned around you just flicked them off. "please miguel, enough about sam! you're at the movies with your best friends and you're worried about a girl?" you told your best friend. miguel didn't answer he just looked down and finished talking to aisha about sam.

hawk was throwing food at the girls a couple rows in front of you. you gave him a shove, "what are you doing? why are you trying to get other girls' attention?" you asked him. the boy with the mohawk turned to look at you, "it's funny..." he started, turning back to throw more food. "...besides, i like making you jealous." he turned to you, smirking.

when the girl had finally turned around, she noticed it was hawk throwing the food at her. her angry glare dropped to a flirty smile and she turned back around giggling to her friend, who then turned around to look at hawk. the girl continued to turn around at hawk, who wasn't pay attention because he was focused on hitting a man one row below the girls.

when the girl had turned around again, you leaned forward to her with a smile. "he's so hot, right?" you asked the girl who kept looking back at your boyfriend. "definitely." the girl responded, thinking hawk was just a friend of yours. you gave her smirk, before your face fell completely. you then pulled back to your seat and tapped hawk's shoulder. hawk stopped throwing popcorn and turned to you, and when he did, you kissed him. he immediately kissed back, intensifying the kiss. eventually, you pulled away from hawk who wanted more and turned back to the girl, "yeah, i think he has a girlfriend but i don't know." you told the girl. she just scoffed at you and turned around.

hawk was still looking at you with a smirk when you pulled back into your seat. "she was irritating me." you told him with a shrug. he only shook his head with a smile and went back to throwing popcorn.

" by the transitive property, sam's dad is gonna hate me." miguel told aisha. making you and hawk look over. "jesus christ, you're such a nerd." hawk told miguel. you gave him a shove, "weren't you a nerd too, eli?" you asked him. the boy only rolled his eyes and went back to throwing popcorn.

"dude, just go over there. it's the alpha move." hawk smirked. "please don't listen to him. just talk to sam, miguel. communication is key." you told him, knowingly.

hawk accidentally hit a scary man in the head making you gasp when he got up. so you did the only logical thing you could think of, you pointed at hawk. 


why so jealous y/n?

okay that's all! bye!!!

also thank you guys so so so much for 200 reads! that's so cool!

also, happy black history month!

alr stay safe homies & wear ur masks!!!

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