all in

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hawk sat on the tattoo parlor chair thinking about the boy he used to be. the boy who came home crying to his mom because kids made fun of the scar on his lip. the boy who was too shy to even speak, but hawk didn't want to be that person anymore. and he planned on showing everyone he wasn't that person anymore.

"there you go, brother." the tattoo artist told hawk, signaling he was done with the tattoo. hawk sat up and turned to rico, thanking him.

when you noticed the boy getting up you got up also, making your way over to him. when he was in front of you, you noticed a small angel tattoo on his chest. you let out a small gasp before looking up at the boy with a smile. "is that for me?" you asked the boy, with a teasing smile. "of course." hawk replied, smirking down at you.

you pulled the boy in for a quick kiss before pulling away. "i like the red hair better." you told hawk, smiling. "i knew you would like it." he told you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

"hey, asshole twins. grab my bag. we're out." hawk ordered, making you laugh. "please." you told them, looking back. the two boys quickly grabbed hawk's bag, following you two out of the tattoo parlor.

you all walked to your car, hawk sitting in the front and the boys sitting in the back. the boys didn't talk much though because hawk told them to "just be quiet and enjoy the ride." you told them that he was joking, but they still didn't talk. finally, you had arrived at chris' house to drop both of the boys off.

"bye, asshole twins!" you yelled out, jokingly causing hawk to laugh.


after karate practice, everyone went to the mall for lunch and just to hang out.

you were currently sitting at a booth with aisha and tory, eating. "oh my god. yasmine has the same bikini as me." you told both of the girls while scrolling through instagram. "tell her she can stay in france." aisha muttered making you laugh.

you turned to face tory, noticing she wasn't talking much. but that was because she was staring at miguel. "if you like him just say something. miguel's a pretty simple guy, just talk to him." you told the girl, giving her a nudge. "easy for you to say. you could get any person you want with a bat of an eye." she told you, jokingly. you let out a soft laugh and looked down at your food.

tory grabbed an ice cube out of her cup and threw it at miguel causing the boy to look up from his laptop. "hey." the boy said in response. "oops. must've slipped out of my hand." she told him, jokingly. but the boy payed no attention to her, going back to his laptop. "what are you even doing over there?" she asked the boy, curious.

"going all in." miguel responded, remaining focused.  tory looked at you confused and you could only shrug back, not knowing what he meant by that.

your attention was soon brought to your boyfriend walking by your table. "oh! let me out." you told tory, quickly. your friend laughed at your excited state, before getting up and allowing you to catch up with your boyfriend.

your boyfriend walked up to the table where other cobra kai students were sitting, taking chris' mozzarella stick. hawk took a bite of the food, before you snatched it out of his hand and took a bite for yourself. "that was my last mozzarella stick." chris told you both, sadly.

hawk wrapped his arm around you before responding to the boy. "gotta pay the vig, pledge." hawk scoffed. "tasted like shit anyway." you told chris, putting the mozzarella stick back on his tray.

"what's the matter with you?" hawk asked mitch, who was looking down at his phone, upset. you turned to the boy with a questioning glance. "there's something you guys should see." he told you both, handing hawk the phone.

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