no mercy

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it had been about two weeks since the "break up" with hawk and honestly, you were at an all time low. the word spread fast about the break up and everyone constantly asked how you were doing and you told them some bullshit answer. luckily, using your charm, everyone believed you. you also managed to lie to yourself and convince yourself you were fine, but that only held up when you were at parties or when you were drinking. as soon as you sobered up, you remembered. you remembered the way hawk walked away from you and the way he looked at you with teary eyes.


the music was loud and there were clouds of smoke in the air. you had been leaned against the wall talking to some girl. you didn't know her name, but you had seen her around a few times. she kept talking about how she'd give up anything to be in your shoes and be as "cool" as you were.

you let out a dry chuckle at that. "you don't wanna be like me. it's not as fun as it looks." you told her with a small smile before taking the bottle she had in her hands and chugging it. "you have it so easy. everyone either wants to be you or be with you." she told you as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "you don't want to get this way." you told her in a joking manor, but you were serious. you haven't felt like yourself since the break up. it made you embarrassed how much you felt like you needed hawk to fully be yourself.

your eyes lingered around the room of the party, landing on a particular boy. the boy with the mohawk locked eyes with you, his eyes trailing over your body then back up to your eyes. the girl he was with spotted you then scoffed. she brought her hand up to hawk's cheek turning his head to kiss her. the blond girl he was with then began trailing kisses down the boy's neck. hawk kept his eye contact with you, smirking as the blond kissed his neck.

you only brought the bottle up to your lips with a smirk before turning back to the girl next to you. "you wanna be me or be with me?" you asked her, reaching up to touch the ends of her hair in a flirty manor. the girl's breath hitched and her breathing shallowed as you got closer to her.

"be with you." she spoke just above a whisper. you smirked at her response and turned back to hawk, sending him a wink causing him to look away in anger, knowing what you were about to do.

you turned back to the girl and smashed your lips onto hers. she was startled at first, but she kissed back. you brought your hands up to her waist, gripping tightly. you slipped your tongue into the girls mouth and she let out a small moan. once you had enough of her, you pushed her off of you and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

you turned to hawk, who had his hands balled into fists. he roughly pushed the blond off of him and stormed out of the room. you felt satisfied, but you'd much rather be kissing hawk.

you left the girl and followed behind hawk, leaving the big room the party was in. you made your way around the corner, when someone grabbed your arm and pulled you into them. you looked up and met blue eyes. hawk didn't say anything, he just pulled you closer and placed his lips on yours. you kissed back, your hands going to his shirt and his hands gripping your waist roughly. the kiss was intense and rough, but neither of you cared. neither of you could admit it, but you missed each other.

you pulled away from him and lead him out of the party and to your car. you quickly drove to your apartment and invited the boy inside.


you woke up feeling weight next to you, the memories of last night flooding back to you as you looked at the shirtless boy in your bed. you shook the boy next to you, waking him up. this had become a frequent thing; waking up next to hawk and telling him to leave before anyone sees him.

"we've got to get ready for school. it's the first day." you reminded the boy and he quickly got up from your bed. hawk put on his clothes from last night and raced to his own home, before his parents could notice he was missing. you got ready yourself and made your way to the school.

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