Chapter 25- Suspected Taco.

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Wednesday 9th June 2021- Chapter 25

Gaty's POV:-

"I WIN!" Taco shouted.

"Aw man, who would know Taco is really good at these type of games." I sigh for disappointment. Thats me lost for a 3rd time in a row. I'm so bad at Tick-Tac-Toe.

"It's alright Gaty, don't think about it that why. You will win soon, I promise! This game is only to see how smart you are, not how good you are."

"Are you telling me Taco. That. Your calling Gaty dumb, despite the fact, she's already lost 3 times in a row.." Lollipop point it out. It went silent and we all looked at her.


"What.. I was just saying.."

"It's fine Lolli, I mean. I guess TTT isn't my true game after all. Does anyone want to play against with me?" I said sarcastically.

Maybe I was being dumb after all. But hey, at least I told 4 to use it's indoor voice right? I was proud of saying that. No wonder why they scream so loud to get everyone attention about battling for another prize. Weird.

Anywho I would normally go to bed, but I need to win a match just one match!

"Hmm.. Can I play? I haven't been myself recently..." A random voice came right at the corner.


Oh yeah, she does miss Ice Cube after all she went to the TLC not me.

But should I trust her? I mean, I haven't fully trust her just yet. Even if a challenge was a bit weird to me to talk to her about some nonsense, of course I still don't have the time to fully talk to her yet.


"C'mon Gaty. We don't have all day, just give Book a chance please? Remember, we just came back from the campsite and lost a challenge. We don't want 4 worrying about us!" Taco said. "Wait.. how do you- Taco.. can I talk to you for a sec?" I said while getting up. Book sighed and looked at Saw who was scratching her back.

"Uh.. sure? Lollipop save my paper will you?"


Taco's POV:-

I wonder where Gaty is taking me. What is going on? Does she hate Book or something? I feel really bad about her.

"Alright Taco. We're here." She said. "G-Gaty? I'm so lost right now. Why did you actually brought me here? Is there something wrong, we can talk about this." The sharp edge girl didn't say a word. I feels so greedy about everything. Why did God choose me to be the clueless person in the Object world? I'm so sick and tired of doing that after I found out the truth about the Announcer and why did he stole the show from 4.

Ugh. What's worst is that 4 turned into the ground and never except who he was until now. But why is he still acting very mean towards us?

Unless it has to do with 2 contestants then I understand.

"It's about Book isn't?" I said. Change the subject as fast as I could before I would forget about Gaty bringing me here. "Yes. Gaty, no need to ack like nothing has happened but can't you-"

"I can't Taco. Your a great friend. She just wanted to abounded you, so that we can't have a strong leader like you.. if that make sense?"

"Wait a strong leader.. but I never did act like one?" I thought to myself.

"Yeah.. but.. I never act like the leader anyways. I only started when Loser got eliminated and then I got out right after him."

"Since when did Loser got eliminated? Didn't he rejoin.." oh yeah. That right, she wasn't in BFB can't blame on her like that. "Uh.. the split. I only act as the leader ever since Blocky and Woody had an whole mess thing, until I was out. All thanks to me for making them friends now. I still don't get any credit for that.." I bite my gum with my teeth after finishing my words. Gaty nodded slowly so I guess I was in good terms?

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