Chapter 9- We Need to Talk

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Saturday 7th March 2020- Chapter 9

This is part 2 of chapter 8 ;) (8b)

Bell's POV:-

It's really cold in here. I'm not doubting it. Man I really miss my team so much... especially one person that was a good caring for out the years.


I can't believe that he's going to deal with his one for himself. I look at the gloomy gray room that me, Liy and David are in. It was kinda boring when David was around. I thought it would he for girls in this room. Guess we're stuck with one guy.

Liy was walking to David while I was staring at the gray wall of sadness. Then I question her

"Uh- Liy? Where are you going." She looks paranoid at me she was positive

"I'm going to talk to David. " She was felling joy about David?

"Liy, David can't talk remember... the only word he says is "Aw, Seriously!" She outplayed towards me. David stood still and Liy walked up to him.

"Look, David, DONT be mad. You have me and Bell to-" I cut her off


She look at me and I look like an devil. She looks really furious with me.

"What?!" She wines about me

"I told already that he can't talk!" She was getting paranoid. I was losing my mind over her

"Aw, Seriously!" Liy looked at David frankly

"I told you!" I look like an dog to her face. She rolled her eyes

"Whatever.." she was putting her hands up in the air, like she doesn't really care.

"Listen LIY, I have no idea what you're on about. But you really need to stop acting like this, just because you're "TEAMMATES" voted for you out first!" I was trying to remain calm but it didn't work like that.

"This has NOTHING to do with my teammates Belly!" She was getting even angrier then before.

"THEN WHAT IS IT!?" I outcry

"N-N Nothing!"

"I'll speak to you once I feel like I'm ready to talk to you." She walked away harshly. Their was no way to get of here. It's an TLC, and it's pretty cold down here.

David's POV:-

Honestly, what's up with girls these days?! Im still mad about being out by that stupid rock thing.

I watch as the box was getting colder as I see some mist coming out of the box we were in. Only if 4 was here instead being sick. That will be an great opportunity for us to feel better again.

It went silent and I wasn't saying anything like I would never do. Well except for "Aw, Seriously!" Because THATS my pick up line.

It was kinda getting awkward... I still remember that Liy and Bell were talking to eachother about something which I can't explain why. But they were talking about something, something a bit different than before...

What can it be?


What can I say... should I talk to them.. I have no idea, that why they call me "Non- Objection" since I look like a stick man or whatever that word is...


I blink, and went over to them. They where both looking at different directions. No even looking at face to face. Liy look at me, while she looked a bit confused

"David why are you-" I cut her off

It time to show myself out.

"I'm fine Liy.." before I added more words into my sentence Liy and Bell mouth open wide. I look confused

"Yeah... I'm okay" I was walking myself backwards one 2 steps away from them. Their mouth are still wide

Why are they doing this?

"David YOU CAN TALK?!" Bell was swinging so slowly like it was in slow motion.

"Yeah? And..." I commented back

"Am I dreaming?! ARE YOU LYING TO US!" Bell kept making a big mouth face and Liy comment back to me

"No..." I shake my head to an no

"Shut up" Liy told me to shut up.

"Wait.... what?" I question Liy

"No I said "Shut up" because Teardrop haven't spoken an word just yet. And now when I'm looking at her (well maybe not) she hasn't said an single word yet!" I blinked my eyes and I didn't know what to say.

"Uh, has he?" Bell stop with the face and starts being herself again

"No." Liy misplace the words "Yes" to an "No"

"Well, I have, and I didn't really want to tell anyone about my speaking skills. Besides, I already spoken last night as I was just eliminated by a rock thing." Bell and Liy look really confused I'm not doubting it.

"Wait you guys did rocks?" Bell questions It seems that they won't get it as theirs no TV in here.

"Yeah, 4 end up being sick so of course X had to do the hole hosting thing. He decided to do Rocks because he never get the chance to until now." Liy look at me so deeply And goes.

"What was the Challenge, and how did you guys Lose?"

"The challenge was to, collect the boxes at one of the sides and then replace them to make it into a bridge. Then you're "Team Leader" will have to run to the start and then, grab the key to open the gate to be free. Little did I know, we lost because, Taco made an stupid prank on us." I looked a bit mad. I also notice that I was getting better at talking. Well maybe not.

"Uh- Please don't remind me of her, I would rather made you're team win instead of hers." Bell nudge

"Aw, Seriously! You could have done that." I said to Bell. She nodded as she was still hurtful about Taco.

"Well, it doesn't matter Bell, whatever happen just get over with it. It was all in the past." Liy look at Bell so frankly.

"Yeah sure..." she looked away from us.

Wow Zemb short chapter:0
Soz, I lost motivation for this one... -~-
I promise that I'll make it longer for chapter 10 :}

Idk why I said, "can't wait for chapter 9 (8b) even if I made it a short chapter lol. Besides there's only 3 people in the tlc which sounds really dumb.


Soz lmaooo poor Liy David and Bell thO.

I felt bad ngl ;)

Tune in next time cya


Chapter 9
"We Need to Talk"

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