Chapter 20b- Object BEE

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Saturday 3rd October 2020- Chapter 20B

Last time on SAVER—- (rip my hands)

This is part 2 not a new chapter lol

Oh btw this is one of the lazy and STUPIDEST chapter ever I made so far.. bare in mind w the grammar which u guys can already tell by now also, bare with any stupid spelling mistakes too. [THIS ONE THE STUPIDEST CHAPTER EVER AND LIKE I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE REEE]

but seriously don't enjoy this!

When everyone finally came back, took a long rest: Gelatin open his birthday gift box as Barf Bag told him to open it once they get safety. Some time after that, 4 announced that there'll will be no wasting time in this show as a result of wasting everyone's time! After he said his speech he pranked the object about the voting. Contestants are still voting..

Some time after that Free Food came with an idea so they can win. Fries never like the idea at first until; Stapy told him that it was his idea all along. This also means they came 1st because of Puffballs hacks.

Moving on to Better Namers: TV was unceremoniously about Golfball that why isn't she competing until TV said the word "Goose" Golfball got mad and decided not to listen to anyone at ALL! (Well, she did end up looking at Tennisball in the eye lol)

With Iance: Pencil as herself being lazy and didn't want to do the work everyone in her team got mad. Match was also lazy and decided to join with Pencil while Ruby and Fanny were the doing the challenge and found a Yellow Gem in one of bushes.

Here comes Bleh who were trying to find a Gem, as Taco and Saw we're talking together. Dora was being useful and help the team out leading them a Green Gem they found. After the half left it was up to Saw and Taco mysterious talk. After Saw left Taco, Taco found something that was in the bushes saying

"Rest Everyone So Can U Eight, He Is Mighty"

She didn't know what it means, but she wanted to ask Book. But Book went to go to the Tripod with Lollipop.

With Death P.A.C.T; Tree seems the only lonely guys in the tripod ever, until Pillow showed up telling him that he should attend Online Classes. Tree didn't like the whole online thing, but decided to change the subject to Pen as he was holding a Blue Gem. Before Pen placed the Gem, he went a bit Flirty to someone. Until he flirted with Tree.

Up with the Losers, Clock tell them to stop Dancing (even though they weren't) and come up with a plan to win this. Coiny suggest they should split up into 2's. Since Needle was out of the game.. Coiny came up to Firey to asked if he wanted to participate. Firey said he didn't felt like it, while he was still injured. Coiny insisted Firey to stay and tells him that everything will be okay!

In the meantime with Team IceCubes, Bracelety screams out of nowhere, as she thought they placed last place. Gelatin on the other hand was fixing his Machine try to resolve it, but being mean to his teammates. Donut came forward and said to him that was rude of you to say that: Spongy came over and said that they need to stop arguing. Firey JR. was upset because they didn't know what place they were. Until no reason at all Gelatin decisions came over and started to flirt with Donut. And he found out that his crush might possibly be Donut, and should tell Book about this after the challenge!

And finally we have BEEP, we're you can see that Nickel and Cloudy were chosen to find the Gems; the other 5 remain behind. Balloony told his teammates if they have seen the birds (aka Nickel and Cloudy) Woody spilt Juice over Leafy and Balloony, while saying sorry because he hasn't seen them for awhile. Sooner after that Leafy wanted to talk to Balloony in private so they did, at first Balloony was confused, until Leafy said her name. "Lollipop". Leafy explains why has Balloony been so Crewl to her ever since Lollipop rostered her. Balloony explains why and more depressing stuff happened. Leafy end up tearing up after Balloony won over her, how weak she was.. until Balloony said that there is one person out there who will be supporting you. Leafy yelled at him saying there's no one out there to support her ever since she changed a lot, and how much she wanted Firey back. Balloony wanted to know why, Leafy refuses to say so. Until she had enough and before she told him what happened. Everyone had 15 minutes to complete there task. Balloony suggest they should talk about it later. Leafy agrees and ran to her team leading them in 6th Places.

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