Chapter 18- Don't Go!

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Friday 12th July 2020- Chapter 18


Also this my first time ever that this chapter end up getting too 10000+ words QwQ

Sorry if the chapter is too long.

Anyways don't enjoy!

Pen's POV:-

18 Hours Later...

I woke up so late, and almost everyone was awake. I got up and rub my eyes as I was leaning on a tree. My eyes were so tired, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Was this season enough for me..


No, it isn't.

I haven't gave up on anything just yet! I still want to win this; and I'll prove to my Mummy and Daddy that I can! I, I just need to be more careful and brave next time.

I couldn't see anything since I was kinda blurry, but I saw a Pink square that was in front of me..


"Dude you good? Come, you must be starving; but first wash your face, you have some leaves sticking on your face just at the moment. I continue to be tired as my eyes were too weak to open, I'm still kinda blurry. I felt something on my hand, and I think it was Eraser, who grab my hand so I can stand up.

I got up and rub my eyes. I could see a bit but my eyelids weren't making a lot of power for me too see.

"Hey.. buddy.. were we going?" I couldn't speak I'm just too tried, my words were not making any sense at all just like last time. "We're going to the Bathroom; lucky there is Soap, Toothpaste, WC, Toothbrush clean once though., Dryers and Gel. You don't need to worry the bathroom looks 100% clean." He seems really positive. I'm glad he's finally speaking now, even if one of his teammates got eliminated, he is still doing this to her right? He better not be..

"Here wash you're face." I'm assuming we're here already? That was fast. I open the tap and started to rinse water of my face.

Ah at last! I can see now. I took a toothbrush and uses it with toothpaste just like everyone would do, I do the opposite. Instead of having to brush your teeth, I just go and have breakfast first, then brush. But I'll just act like I don't do that.

Wait is it just Eraser? Where the other one?

"Where's Blocky?" I said as I continue to brush my teeth. Eraser look at me, while crossing his arms up. "I haven't seen him, might be with his new girlfriend-"

"Wait.. Girlfriend?"

"Hm!" He smiled positively.

I looked at him with an open mouth. Since when did Blockco had a 'Girlfriend'?

"When.. did.. he?"

"Uhh. This week?" Wait what. No way.. "Eraser."

"Are you being sarcastic OR are you telling the truth?!" I said. To be honest, okay yeah. Blocky seem the perfect guy to have a girl at the moment but NO RIGHT NOW?! WHAT- "I'm telling you the truth! He might forgotten to say it too you."

"T-then who is IT?!"

"It's Bubs."

"... WAIT BUBBLE- NO, NO. ERASER NOW THAT IS JUST WRONG!" Eraser looked at me embarrassing himself in-front if me. Ew why would Blocky go on a date with Bubble. EW EW EW JUST EW!

"Dude, I was just joking. Obviously those two aren't getting along with eachother. Chill.." I look so mad at him. If Blocky was here he would slap him thousands of times while making me laugh on the ground.

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