Chapter 16- It's Quiet.

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Wednesday 3rd June 2020- Chapter 16

2 Hours later

Naily's POV:-

Because Clock couldn't walk anymore, Pillow and Bottle help him up. I was walking really slow I want to be safe. I didn't want to be out so early, and you know don't get lost?

I was walking with Woody and Cake, I felt a bit safe.. I was also wondering what's up with Cake all this sudden.. I know that Needle got eliminated by X, but what else is happening with him.

"Cake?" I said, he look at me so confused, as he was looking at the ground. Everyone was kinda silent some of us were tired, some of us were scared. I was tired and scared.

"Are you okay, you don't seem to be yourself again.." I added more words. He looks stressed a lot. He was also having a bad day today, well all of us were technically.

Cake sigh and kept looking at the ground this time.. was he going to say something?

"Uh. I know, but... I'm still confused.." I raised a brow, what does he mean by confused? I look way confused than him.

"Huh.. What do you mean?" I said as I was slightly getting worried about him, Woody look at us, as I was at them middle walking with them.

"I mean.. there no point for us just to run away for our shelters if Loser found out there was something behind these bushes.. and OH MY LORD Clock is already injured..." I looked at Clock who was half asleep while Pillow was holding him still, Bottle let go and concentrate on walking instead of dying. I was even worried that I thought I was going to be.

"And now, I'm in a different team without Loser.. who am I going to talk to now if Needle's out..." Cake outcry. Poor thing, I really felt bad, I was with him in TPOT anyways, he's been Needle pals for ages and now this happened... Why did X voted for her..

"Naily..?" I heard Cake my name softly. We were still walking in the unknown place, but I'm just going to call it the woods. I look at him surprising.

"Y-Yeah.." I stuttered a little, I thought he was going to attack me or something.

"Will you promised me one thing.. You too Woody!" Me and Woody look at eachother confusion, that small slice of Chocolate Cake plus a whole Strawberry cake, looks so upset, me and Woody look at Cake once again.

We both nodded our heads slowly as we still concentrated on walking, as 4 told us too. Cake sigh and starts looking at us probably.

"Well.. I know, we meet in BFB 14 where the lava apocalypse happened and end up being in Golfball's underground factory; with Coiny. But I was thinking, that what if we started an Alliance together? Just the three of us?" I have been friends with Cake in the past, but I didn't expect forming an Alliance together with him would be expectable.. Me and Woody looked at eachother.

Should I be honest with him?

"Cake..." Woody started to talk now, he's been officially quiet lately. Cake looks at him confused as we where still walking.

"I.. Love too form an Alliance with you. I mean, my team well "previous team" we're supporting everyone this time, so I don't seem to have a problem forming an Alliance with you." Cake weak smile at Woody as he was smiling back. "What about you. Naily?" Woody question me. I look at him shocked. "Uhh- Me?" I said shakily. Cake and Woody looked at eachother confused. I didn't like forming a Alliance because there's obviously gonna be a argument which I don't like at all but I'll just go for it. "Hmm.. I suppose.. It will be fun.." I lied. Cake and Woody were both happy about it. I weak smile of course.

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