Chapter 13- The Other Way

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Thursday 16th April 2020- Chapter 13

this chapter contains Violence (For the next chapter not this chapter lol)

And yes this chapter will have a different setting. Hope ya'll understand.


Pillow's POV:-

As we where walking are way to the Tribe, Remote was still holding her Immunity Token for safety after doing the challenge today. She looks really worried. It's twice that we been up for elimination and I already can tell that when Liy got out first. I didn't know what to do. Whatever I think it's better to talk about once I'm in my bed.

"Hey, Bottle... how are you feeling about being up for elimination twice now?." Pen wasn't feeling like himself again as I was questioning Bottle about being up for elimination again.

"Actually giving the right choice, I totally not looking forward with this Elimination." Bottle didn't even looked at me she kept looking up focusing on walking and trying avoid tripping in the creepy forest we where walking on.

"Um... does anyone know where X is?" Tree was questionable enough. Didn't he forgotten already that X was with us... or was he not with us...

"Yeah... where is he?" Pen stop walking while taking the lead. We all stopped walking.

"Well, I mean he could be somewhere around this gloomy forest Right guys?" Black hole was scared a little. But that didn't pull him aside

I found some mist on the floor which was a bit weird to see. Bottle was holding on me tightly. She was scared... so was I, but that wasn't going to stop us for Preventing Death.

"Guys... We shouldn't be that scared... it's our job to keep everyone safe, not there jobs..." Pie wasn't scared. She wanted us to have a good life. Tree wasn't in a good mood.

"Did we even say, it's our job to keep others safe?" Tree look at Pie so suspiciously. Pie rolled her eyes and said something back to him.

"Well, it is our job anyways.... Or should I say; you didn't want to be in this team...." Tree look so bad with Pie. Pie crossed her arms as Pen was looking for X where the hell is he. Pie and Tree started to argue a little.

Pen took 3 steps away from us and tried to find X in the Gloomy Forest. Then he heard something to his Right. As Pie and Tree was still arguing about the Team.

"Yo, Guys. Shut up... I heard something..."  Pen came back and told Pie and Tree to shut up. They did anyways. Bottle was still holding on me. I didn't mind at all.

It went silent and then I witnessed something. A Yellow Canadian Leaf. We live in United States Of America... how the heck did a Canadian Leaf came over to our place? "Guys theirs a Leaf!" I shouted and all look at the Leaf as I pointed at the bright Yellow Canadian Leaf. We all just stood there frozen nothing to do. And if X was here, he probably know what to do... unless it's not a "Trap" or anything.

Pen decided to pick up the Canadian Leaf that was lying on the dark cold floor. He takes a look at it.... it had nothing on it... Strange am I right..?

"Pen! Don't even think about it! What if it's a Trap?" Pie could be smart. But does she know if it was a Trap...

"Stop overreacting Pie! You just said to us, that it's our job to keep everyone safe!" Remote Look at Pie so Rudely. Pie nearly exploded.

"Uh... Useless Leaf..." Pen throw the Leaf behind his back. While it land it to Bottles hole..

"Hehe... That Tickles..." Bottle was being here usual self as always, but something was up with her. She never give it a good expression.

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