Chapter 15- Opitions

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Wednesday 27th May 2020- Chapter 15

Flower's POV:-

I was happy that we where switching teams again, like in BFB! I felt happy then ever. I also wanted to be on the same team as Loser again.. also Maybe Firey and Blocky too! If I can find them. Snowball didn't do that much, but whatever.

"Wanna go to Tree team Bubs?" Ruby was telling Bubble that if she wanted to go to Tree's team even if he hasn't made a decision yet. Bubble was starring at the sky, how dark it was gloomy.. and sad it was.

"No thanks..." As Bubble was still looking at the Sky. She looks at the Sky for about 2 minutes as I was trying to find the people I want. Oh Yes! I found Firey who was talking Eggy... wait Talking more like auguring.. wait let me ear strop, while hiding in the bush.

I quickly go into a bush and heard what Firey and Eggy where talking about.

"I told you already, I already hated you once, now it looks like I hate you twice." Firey was holding his left hand as it was still covered in bandage. Eggy rolled her eyes and told Firey something else.

"When did you said that you hated me hmm?" Eggy looked at Firey so supremely upset. I was just listening to there conversation. I really want to know more.

"The day that you told me that, why I was standing outside for.. when you curious about Me and Leafy. You told me that why am I acting like this." Firey looks away then looks back at Eggy. Eggy just stood there like an Egg. I was blinking a lot. I wanna here more.

"Firey~ You never said you hated me. You only said to me that, "Why should you be interested on others people's feelings" that really hurt me deep down inside when you said that. Also, I have been noticing about you lately..." Huh? What's Eggy talking about, all I remember was Firey and Leafy stopped talking to eachother after Leafy started by someone that it was a dear... but looking that back in BFB they where friends ish..

"You do? I didn't know that you been stalking me 24/7" I was still silent when Firey was talking to Eggy about how well does she know about Firey's attitude.

"Come on Firey, be real. I have been." Eggy looks even more strict than ever. Firey rolled his eyes that he doesn't care at all. I was making a unusual face.

"I have been spotting you're marks ever since this season has started. I have finally come to a end and realised that you're attitude has just got insane, then before... I have always question myself that "Why does Firey act like this all the time" but then I have figured out that, it's something important that I shouldn't have talk about because of Leafy. Firey, you don't need to keep as this as a secret... I know for the fact you like her and I know that my heart will swear to god, that it won't be telling anyone." Firey went a bit red, as Eggy just stood there. Did I just witness again? I have been here for about 2 minutes and this conversation makes me want to listen even more.

"Uh- what are you talking about..." as Firey looked a bit terrified. Eggy, could've had slap herself but she's doesn't have arms. I heard people talking about what team should go as I was hiding in the bushes.. kinda hurts though...

"Firey, look, lies don't work in this world. And if you keep lying to me, then there will be a serious consequences. Just you wait until you die for real." Life goes on and on Eggy. I bet Firey already knew about this...

"Look, I was thinking that, since our friendship isn't that strong enough, maybe we can be in the same teams together again... and you know try to fix things out with Leafy... and let her to be on our team if that's possible. And even if I hate her after you told me she stole "Dream Island" I think it's best to start over again." Okay, I have to be on his team... but where did the other two go? I think it would been easier if I just be on there team instead? I mean, I do wanna here more. Beside 4 said, "We have plenty of time to choose our teammates." So what can go wrong.

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