Chapter 20- Let's Battle AGAIN!

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Monday 7th September 2020- Chapter 20

Bomby's POV:-


Ugh... is.. that the sun.. shinning at my face again like all the time? I.. I don't wanna wake up, I miss my bed!


5 more minutes!

5 minutes later (10:41am)

"B-BOMBY! Wake Up WAKE UP!" I was sleeping until I felt a jump on my bed. Wha- who's on my bed? "Wha- I" "DUDE WAKE UP! GELATIN IS GOING TO OPEN HIS PRESENT!" Is that Bracelety speaking too me? I don't feel like speaking.. "just.. give me 17 more hours to sleep."

"Well, if you don't want to wake up that's fine. Me and Donut were thinking we should..

Sell you're Bananas and Cakes away.?" I woke up instantly when Bracelety said that. THERE IS NO WAY THEY ARE TAKING AWAY MY CAKE! M..must get up quickly! "OH MY GOSH MY BANANACAKE!" I sprint to the bathroom really quickly and took a shower real quick and brush my teeth. Then I went downstairs to find the Icy's pals. I'm happy that we didn't need to leave are team behind.

"GUYS, GELATIN IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?!" I quickly managed to get downstairs while everyone including Bracelety- wait how did she manage to make it down here before I did..?

Everyone was sitting beside the glass table were Gelatin was going to open his presents that Barf Bag gave it to him. "Uh, Bomby.. everyone is perfectly fine.. what's up with you..?" Donut... was sitting next to Firey JR. Who was mentally confused. I was confused.. what was going on? Didn't Bracelety said;
"Well, if you don't want to wake up that's fine. Me and Donut were thinking we should.. Sell you're Bananas and Cakes away.?"


"Uh, nothing.. just, well.. you know tired for all of that walking. Running away from our shelters and now we have finally got back to our shelters.." everyone in this room agreed. At least what I said was true. Absolutely true. "Yeah, well. Look at the bright side Bomby, we got back home safely, and we had the two Firey's too help us out of the dark!" Naily seems very positive today. And I feel great to see my teammates like this. "Okay, Okay, let's stop talking about sadness and focuses on something like I'm going to open my Box!" We all looked at Gelatin who was going to open his box. I have to say, that Plushie I got for him was a wonderful idea. I was proud of getting that.

Gelatin slowly opens the light green box and looks at it inside. Me, Barf Bag and Donut were happy that we made this gift for him while the other 3 Spongy, Firey JR., and Bracelety gave us the idea. This was a great idea!

"Oh my god! FORKS?! Are YOU KIDDING ME F-FORKS?! AH YEAH!" Gelatin grab the Forks out and starts playing with them. "Nice idea Guys!" Barf Bag was happy to announce that we all did a pretty good job on the Box. "Uh, Gelatin remember this.. if you want to play with these forks, then you must be really careful with them. Especially that one that you're holding. This one was a gift to one of the gift shoppers: they only said that this one is one and for all the last one at of all of these others forks that you have inside of the box. If you break this fork, or give it too someone else like Lollipop" before Donut said the next part Barf Bag stick her tongue out. Wow enemy's.. "you'll be giving a warning. If you do it again, you'll be giving a second warning and if you do it for the third time you'll-"

"Yeah, yeah.. Donut, I'm not a baby around here. Besides, it said it in the Box anyways.." Donut looks furious. I chuckled softly so did Barf Bag. "G-G GELATIN I WAS EXPLAINING YOU THE TRUE STORY!"

"Yeah but it literally said it in the Box, j-just come and take a peek." Donut came to Gelatin and read what was inside of the box. "Oh.." said Donut. Me, Bracelety looked at eachother, while Barf Bag, Firey Jr., Naily and Spongy we're confused.

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