Chapter 3- We Win You Lose

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Friday 24th January 2020- Chapter 3

Leafy's POV:-

We all pick who should go up to the pole and personally, I didn't want to go to the pole, here's a thing, nobody likes me anymore which was said by Firey. I don't know if he really means it... But, I have been acting weird lately and I feel like I'm being or pretending to be Teardrop who doesn't talk. I have to stay strong. My team trust me now, we'll maybe not Balloony, but I need to win this for my team. I just need to stay focus, try not to talk to anyone except for my real friends like Bubble. As I walking my self up to the pole, it was really dark so we couldn't climb up to the top where there were ladders at the side of the pole, 4 made an excellent idea to put the spotlight on the floor with our team colour. It was the most beautiful thing I never have glimpsed. Well here goes nothing.

"Okay Pin, you got this, Needle can go up and do it for you. What do you say." Clock wanted to make sure that Pin was okay if she can handle the Pole.

"Clock I got this and if we lose, that doesn't mean we should give up, us Losers has the power to make a big difference between the 7 teams. So I'll do it." Pin was staying strong and Coiny was giving her a smile saying "Goodluck" to her. Pin smiled back and started to climb up to the pole.

"Alright, Leafy, this is the first challenge of BFB... A.. B.. C.. UGH! I DON'T KNOW, so, I believe you can do this for us. Just ignore what people are saying to you I'll be watching you gladly." Wow, Cloudy seem really happy about me doing the Challenge. I'm hoping he isn't lying. Whatever...

"Thanks.." I gave Cloudy a wave and started to climb up to the pole but then I saw something... Oh, no... It can't be "Him" I have to focus and get him the hell out of my brain. I almost fell down the ladder but I quickly grab it back and gave a little sigh of relief and start climbing again. Once I got to the top. I was Flower sitting on top of the pole like the half of them are doing. She looks at me but I gave a little awkward smile to her. I got up to the pole top and waited for the others to get up and 4 saying "Go!" to us.

"Just don't mess this up Flower, every time you do the challenge you completely mess it up.." Snowball was given a point to his team

"SB I KNOW WHAT IM DOING DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!" Flower was shouting as loud as she could. While the 7 of us at the top cover our ears as she was screaming to Snowball

"Yeah right," Snowball rolled his eyes.

"Ba-haha" Fanny gave a little laugh at Snowball

"Ready Taco, Blocky, Marker, Firey JR., Flower, Leafy, Pen, and Pin?!" 4 was putting its arms to its hips making a smirk face.


X squeezed the horn. "GO!"

(Music plays)

Cloudy's POV:-

Oh, my dear friend of ours, but I'm so worried that what if Leafy make this team lose. I was flying still as the challenge has already begun. And I'm already losing patience already. I'm just hoping one of the team loses instead of ours.

Flower Fell

"Woah" Flower already slipped and Snowball facepalm himself

"Wow Flower I have failed you" Blocky was looking down while Flower was already one down.

Pen Fell


"Pen, there is a significant amount of time before you fall." Pie was giving him advice.

"I know" Pen was focus on the game.

Taco Fell
Firey JR. Fell

"NO" Taco and Firey JR. Said it at the same

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