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Hola everyone it's me Zembzooi!

Yes, if you have read my announcement then you know my time is up.

I have officially left the BFB community now.

And I am so sorry 😭.

Here what I wrote:

Hola everyone!

So on the 27th September I've made an announcement that I haven't thought of making of an idea for SAVER and stuff.

Well I hate to say this but unfortunately for me.. I have officially left the BFB community. Not because I can't THINK of any ideas but the toxicity is going on too much and since BFB 30 has ended (yes Ik I keep saying this over and over again) I've been demotivated on making SAVER + toxic fans asking for TPOT 2 which really got me out of the community because of the boredom/toxicology. 

I'm also planning on leaving wattpad..

I am SO sorry again if you guys are upset about my decision, but I decided to make up my mind and just to move on. I highly don't think it's gonna get better cause of new subscribers/haters.

Also JNJ videos has become a little bit boring now since now new episodes and stuff.. but I am still going to respect them and wishing ALL the best of luck in the future :)

And you maybe thinking about SAVER.. well since I couldn't get the Chapter done... I don't think SAVER will be continuing, which means SAVER is now cancelled. (I am so sorry again guys! I know you enjoy since 2020, but I can't think of any ideas and I have been so demotivated to make more)

Again sorry for a HUGE delay from me, I should have announced this months ago, but I was busy so I didn't get the time to do so.

But just to let you all know that, even if I'm gone. I'm still going to miss you all! That's not going to change,ilysm and thank you for being there for me ;)

Well I guess it's a goodbye :( but good luck with everything you got!

You can unfollow me if you like I wouldn't mind since I'm quitting lol. ❤️

Honestly guys, I wish I was joking but I'm not and I can't deal with the toxic. It's gone to far ever since BFB ended and No TPOT vids.

I understand that some of you guys will be mad of me quitting when I promise to make another chapter. But I can't. No ideas has been popping in my head recently and ofc it's my final year of high school. I don't want to mess things up.

And like I said, you can unfollow me. I am quitting anyways lol.

It was such a journey to come to wattpad to see how many love and support I was getting! Like I can't- thank you guys so much for all the love! Ilygsm honestly I do! It felt like I wanted to make more chapters but I have failed to do that task. It really hurts me so much that you guys have been waiting for so long that I couldn't think of anything at all.

All the drama is too much for me and other people that have left the community recently. I don't like it when it comes to toxic stuff. I tried to ignore the toxic that's been happening but I can't- I go so angry that I have decided to quit cuz of those stupid people who just want a new episode of BFB/TPOT- like boi. They been working on the show of 11 years, give them a break.

Bc of that, BFDI is going a downhill. It not the fun like it used to be, and I haven't watch the new plushies yet. I have no clue what's in it, all I know it's 4 and X.

Then again, I don't think I might be back, but just to let you know that you can do whatever you want. Don't have to quit just like I did or others. DECIDED if you wanna quit as ur decision before quitting!

You guys are like my family! I really am going to miss you guys so much and tysm for everyone who has supported/loved/followed me and help me to created more story's about SAVER. That's unfortunate getting cancelled after I leave.

I love you guys for infinity. And I hope everything goes back to normal as it was!

-Zembzooi (04/01/20 - 18/12/21)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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