Chapter 12- Don't Worry, I'm Okay

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Wednesday 1st April 2020- Chapter 12

Snowball's POV:-

Tomorrow Monday, I better go inside. I slowly walked to the Shelter and found Flower standing outside in her chill pose bored.

Why is she outside? I better go ask her.

"Flower, what the Flake are you standing outside for? Aren't you cold?" She inhaled and ignore me for about 15 seconds, then she looks at me and goes.

"First, I am cold, second, I needed some fresh air, and finally, I had a feeling that we'll might lose tomorrow challenge." She kinda look a bit mad while speaking to me. I just stood there, nothing to do. As the wind was dragging us by and my red scarf.

"Well, isn't obvious, that we lost the first challenge of BFB, Not SAVER, we're actually going really strong now. Well maybe not the first challenge, you did kinda mess it up." She got up of her chill pose and looks at me.

"WELL AT LEAST PEN AND LEAFY MADE IT TO THE BOTTOM AND YOU KNOW, PEN LOST!" She was going angrier at me. I tried to calm her down. It didn't work.

"Alright, got it, take a chill pill." I step 2 feet away from her.

"Aren't you coming inside instead of walking away for me?" She was questionable all the time.

"Yeah..." Flower open the door, as we both enter to our shelters. She closed the bright pink door.

"Hey guys~ what took you so long to get here it's almost 12.AM" Lightning flew to us as we both have him a brown.

"You can finally talk?" Flower has been noticed that Lightning hasn't been speaking to us for ages. He started to rub his arm softly.

"Sorry, it's just that I haven't been speaking to anyone lately this season." He said it in his quite tone. I blinked two times as he was being a gentlemen.

"Ruby hasn't either, so has Fanny and Match..." The moment Flower said Match. I look at my red scarf that I was wearing for the past few challenges. I realised that I didn't want to talk anymore.

"Uh guys... it's getting late, I'm going off to bed." I lied of course. I wasn't felling tired or anything. I was getting a bit worried about my team. Lightning and Flower waves at me and I wave them back as I went to my bedroom. It was filled with Black and Grey and the floor was Dark Blue just like the Ocean as the moon starts to rises.

I sat on my comfy bed and think about what should I do in the next morning.... I have no idea...

I really don't know what to do know.

Bracelety's POV:-

It was the next day. Monday. I do like Mondays but something felt a bit off. I got up really quickly and head outside while using sanitizer on my hand.

I open the door using my elbow to Ovid the germs. Because I just found out that Pin end up being sick as the Losers were up for elimination last night. Needle was eliminated.

I got outside and sat on the breezy cold grassy. It was alright. To be honest, I wasn't that cold. I was kinda getting a bit bored now as 4 isn't here just yet. He probably still sick...

"I'm bored...." I was talking to myself as all of my teammates where still sleeping it was only 8 A.M everyone doesn't get up until 9. That's where we all start to talk until 12 PM. I looked at my right and saw X sitting there focusing on the challenge what we are going to do next. I got up and start walking to him.

"Hello X!" I was being polite to him, he look at me in his positive smile.

"Oh hey Bracelety, what bring you here?" I wanted to question him will 4 ever come back to host again, but that will make him upset even more. I question him about the challenge what we were going to do.

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